Shedding :-\


New Member
Shedding :-\\

It seems like my hair is shedding more than "usual" lately and I don't know why
... I'm doing the bun challenge with the baggie method and not manipulating at all except when I do a bi-weekly conditioner wash (I did one yesterday) and the normal wash weekly. It's not breakage because there's a bulb at the end of the strands, but it's like whenever I comb (wide tooth or finger), the hair just won't stop coming out
. It's not coming out in clumps or anything, though. Any thoughts???
Re: Shedding :-\\

Hi PrincessM,

Your hair sheds every day. That's normal. If you manipulated it everyday, you might see about 50-100 hairs give or take come out. But you don't manipulate it. Meaning all the hairs that are shed in all those days when you don't comb your hair just get caught in your style. So when you eventually comb, you see what seems to be a lot of hair being shed. Only you're not seeing one day's shedding but shedding from more than one day, hence the volume. Make sense?
Re: Shedding :-\\

yeah, I wouldnt worry too much. it would be different if you combed daily and got the same hairloss. I sometimes don't comb my hair for a day or two and then wash it. I panic when I see the drain but then force myself to remember its a couple of days worth.
Re: Shedding :-\\

I know about the 100 hairs per day, but even after I washed my hair & got a chance to comb it I would think it would let up, but I hasn't...
Re: Shedding :-\\

Again I can't say enough about Nutrine Garlic Shampoo and conditioner. It cut my shedding by 70% after just the first wash. I follow up with a moisturizing conditioner as the poo is drying to my hair. It was the best $3.99 I have ever spent on my hair.
Re: Shedding :-\\

MSM has also been known to reduce shedding when taken internally. If you are NOT allergic to sulphur maybe you should consider trying it.

Also, remember that many people experience seasonal shedding and this may be your season. There was a post not too long ago re this. Try doing a search for "seasonal shedding." HTH
Re: Shedding :-\\

I'm thinking that there might be a correlation between the flakes and the (excess) shedding. My wash yesterday didn't have as much shedding and my dandruff is 95% gone.
I'm at the moment considering the nutrine garlic shampoo or the surge but the one I'll use will depend on what I find when I go product hunting. Good luck!