Hair loss while detangling?


Instagram: adaybyjay

Throughout the week, I lose minimal hair to breakage, a few strands max, if that, and that's because I'm being careless or rushing. I finger comb daily.

I feel that I lose a good bit of hair during the detangling step...ETA this refers to detangling on wash day when the hair is wet...I typically experience zero breakage when detangling on dry hair. I know the increased hair loss on wash day can be attributed to a low manipulation regi (combing on wash day only to detangle) but I'm unable to tell if it's shedding or breakage because the hair is wet and I don't stop to inspect every hair. I do a random check and normally it's a shed hair which is okay.

I know that losing hair - be it shed or breakage - is just a part of doing hair. I get that and totally embrace that but for those that are concerned with the amount of hair lost, how do you ensure it's shedding and not breakage?

I've watched yt vids and read threads that indicated some lose just a few strands while detangling. For those that fall into this category, what technique do you use or what's the secret to not losing hair while detangling because I've always lost a good bit of hair even when my regi included daily combing. ETA: I ensure my hair is very saturated and I use a wide tooth comb and a detangling product such as Mane & Tail Detangler.

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Bumping for you.....I finger comb in the week too and have recently found that even less hair is in the comb during detangling if I add Aloe vera juice and silk amino acids before my leave ins. For me it's all breakage so I'm still trying to figure that one out while doing what I want to, blowdrying and flat ironing..yes, I'm hanging my head in shame:(
I have a paper towel nearby that I store all hairs on and then inspect them after...
@Divachyk: Girl didn't we discuss something like this in another thread LOL. Here goes:

You look like your hair is closer to bonelaxed, because of this your strands have less elasticiy while wet. I would suggest sectioning your hair off in 4 quads and allowing your hair to dry diffrently in each section, detangle your hair in each section and see which one you prefer. Put the towel on after washing and allow it to sit for 5-15 min to get rid of extra drippies, then start detangling the first section and put the lost hair to the side, then go to the next section and repeat the same process of detangling. When you are done you will have 4 piles of hair and from there you will see how much your wet your hair should be while detangling. You might find that allowing your hair to be dryer and with less product will allow you to lose less hair.

When I first started relaxing again, I noticed the straighter sections of my hair could not tolerate being manipulated while wet. I remember I tried detangling my hair being 90% wet and I lost a chunk of hair. From then on I waited until my hair was almost dry and then I detangled. I air dry and as I am drying I am fluffing my hair to assist in the unsticking the strands that are stuck together. I only use -cones when wearing my hair out so I dont have anything to assist in keeping my strands seperated. Through trial and error I figured out what my hair needed. I only lost mainly shed hair and I was happy. I dont apply any leave-ins because it would make my straighter hair clump together and it would be hell to comb. I wait until I am done detangling to moisturize. My texlaxed hair can tolerate being much wetter while detangling, I am in the process of transitioning to texlaxed because I find it easier to handle (and IMO it looks better).
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@Divachyk: Girl didn't we discuss something like this in another thread LOL.
Lol, I think I was just called out. :lachen: We chatted about something similar I'm sure. I would say I'm more like bonelaxed.

My process entails:
Finger comb and put hair in 4 braids
Unbraid, apply DC and secure the 4 sections with duckbill clips
Final Rinse each section separately
Tshirt dry for about 5mins
Apply detangler spray
Wet detangle each section separately
Apply leave-ins, air dry or roller set

Great idea about placing lost hair in 4 piles. So far I've been tossing all the lost hair aside in one big clump.

Damp vs Wet -- My hair dries very quickly if no leave in product is applied -- I'm around 95% dry if I tshirt dry for a measly 5 mins. My hair doesn't do very well damp. It clumps together and the ends fuzz out. I find that my hair does better when its dripping wet but the downside is that the drying time slows tremendously!!! Applying leave-ins give me more slip for detangling.

About 2 weeks ago I tried a new poo proces -- never again -- my hair tangled so badly that I couldn't get a comb through it. I moisturized/sealed as best as I could and pulled it back into a pony. I let it air dry until was 100% dry then detangled. This actually went well and I lost very little hair but is not the ideal method because I like having my hair nice and layed/slicked down to scarf dry for a sleek look.

*diva exits quietly and promises not to post any more dramatic threads regarding this matter** :lol:
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@divachyk:Hey, hey its not a problem I just remembered the conversation. We are all here to learn you tried something it did not work for you and now you are back.

You said that you tried something new before and it was a disaster and you say your hair dries very quickly. What is sounds like is your hair has some porosity issues, take a look at this article by one of our fellow cousins (Sistaslick):

When my hair is wet it clumps together but so do many others, however as it is drying the ends start to seperate. When it is fully dry then strands are about 95% seperated.I know when I am having a problem because the very tips of my hair when dry "catch" each other and look puffy (I have heard the term they look "weathered'') and its time for a trim (this recently happened so I went in for a cut on Friday). Every so often I take my finger and run it down a strand of my hair to feel for cuticle loss, if it is fairly smooth I know I am doing okay If too many strands have many cuticles gaps I need to re-evaluate my process (mainly combing my hair).

You may not be able to do the cuticle test because you bonelaxed. Bonelaxed hair has been broken down tremendously so it is difficult to tell if the cuticles are chipped. Give it a try though, the water test might be a better gauge.

I have done the porosity test and my hair has spotty porosity which according to the article is okay. When the hair is high porosity or low porosity (right now we are dealing with chemically treated hair not natural hair) then it can be a problem.

Here is part 2 in the event you find you are having porosity problems:

If you use no lye relaxers this can also contribute to porosity problems One thing that she did not mention was the use of no lye relaxers (that do not say conditioning on the package). No lye relaxers can leave calcium deposits on the hair. This product can help with that

Here are threads I have found on porosity:


detangling hair:
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@divachyk:Hey, hey its not a problem I just remembered the conversation. We are all here to learn you tried something it did not work for you and now you are back.
(((HUGS))) for the information. I think it was you that suggested the porosity strand test when I first joined. I tried it but my hair just floated and floated and floated. I left it in the cup for about 2 days and it never sank to the bottom. This was a clean strand of hair that I lost during the poo process. I even tried to use a lost strand on a day that I didn't poo...I cleansed it with detergent and still, the same results -- it floated forever. I haven't had a trim since July so I may be due but even after I'm trimmed, I still get the same effects when drying. I think they are magnified right now because I'm about 10 weeks post. I only go to the stylist for touch ups/trims and even my stylist indicated my hair dries super fast. She uses Design Essentials Sensitive Scalp but not sure if that lye, low-lye or no-lye. I'll take the next few days to read through the articles and threads before my next poo day...again I thank you.
I lose less hair when I detangle in braids/sections. I also no longer use a comb unless really necessary, I fingercomb! And its fall this is the time for shedding hair. This happens to me every fall season. These just a few things I've read and experienced which really helped.

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I lose less hair when I detangle in braids/sections. I also no longer use a comb unless really necessary, I fingercomb! And its fall this is the time for shedding hair. This happens to me every fall season. These just a few things I've read and experienced which really helped.

thank you for the input.

How about posting a pic of your hair wet and going through the stages of drying.
You know, I was just thinking the same thing. I will do that either this Sunday or next Sunday the dh will be home and can take better photos of it.