shedding woes...

That is great progress you've made Adrienne. I can't wait to see updated pics again. I actually showed my hubby your whole album the other. Trying to justify my obsession
. He was like
Like joyous, I too swear by garlic shampoo and I only learned of it last Sunday -- after shedding for years. It's so easy to simply go out and buy a bottle and wash your hair. There is absolutely no need to suffer!
Armyqt said:
I actually showed my hubby your whole album the other. Trying to justify my obsession

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My two cousins in high school worship Adrienne and her hair! Their mom tells them, "Get Adrienne to buy you a bone comb (or Monoi Oil or Keracare...)!"

@ Adrienne: They've had some setbacks. They went to a new stylist who combed the relaxer through to the ends and they have been battling dryness and breakage ever since.

I have never counted the amount of hairs that come out of my scalp. I just grap it and toss it into the waste basket.
shinyblackhair, i actually had less shedding with the Yasmin BC pill that Ortho-Tricyclen. check that one out before other stuff. it's supposed to be a different formulation than most. the depo provera shot is known to cause TONS of shedding, and it did for me! avoid that at all cost. i'm not sure about other stuff like the patch...

skeegees, when you do the math that way, it doesn't seem so bad. thanks for that!!

joyous and debyjay, yall are trying to tempt me with that dern garlic shampoo. i think i'm gonna break down and order some this weekend.

armyqt, did your tactic work? i mean did your PJ budget increase or anything?

sassygirl, tell my girls i'm sorry to hear about their setback, and give them big hugs for me!! also tell them to try the V-challenge for a while and see if that helps.
You loose about 50-100 a day, thats normal. And you said that you hadn't combed your hair in a week. So you might just be seeing the hair that you were suppose you shed throughout the week.
phia, i had detangled my hair prior to washing. so i already lost a big wad of hair before getting in the shower. that's why i panicked after seeing even more hair. i think i'm better now though...
adrienne0914 said:
- perfectpeace, thanks for that info!!! i've never heard of Florisene. i believe this is something that i have to address internally first. so i'm definitely going to get some!! how long have you been taking it, and what are your results thusfar? and where do you put the ProCream? on your scalp?

p.s. one good thing that i noticed when i washed yesterday is that my hair soaking wet was about 1/2" from my waist!!

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Adrienne, I started Florisene a little over a month ago. I take one tab. in the morning and two at night. The results? I used to just touch my hair and strands would just fallout. After a combout, hair would be all over the floor. I do believe that I now have a "normal" amount of shedding (10 strands a day at the most/20 on wash day). Adrienne, I am so pleased with the results!!!!

Now for the Pro Creme. This product is to be placed on the thinnest areas of your skin. So the wrists, arms, thighs, stomach will do. The Progest. is absorbed right into the skin. Women who have a family history of breast cancer should rub the cream on their chest. Its a wonderful product for women with PMS or Menopause syptoms. I am a much calmer person because of it and I believe it has also helped with the shedding.

I am so pleased to hear that you are almost waist length. Im really happy for you. Congrats!!!!
armyqt, did your tactic work? i mean did your PJ budget increase or anything?

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Girl I blessed to have one of those husbands who let me indulge myself as much as possible
. (Until he sees all the online spending I've done this month

I'm glad you feel better about things...I do think the amount is normal based on what the other ladies have said!
I can feel your pain, Adrienne. Last Saturday I got a touchup at home, and my friend helped put it in. I lost so much hair in the process, I was practically traumatized the whole day. Not only did I lose a lot when she combed through to detangle before the relaxer, but when I got in the shower to rinse I almost got sick to my stomach when I saw a few clumps fall to the drain. I bet I lost 500 hairs (maybe more) that day.

My friend said I shouldn't make a big deal of it at all because my hair is pretty thick (of course I'm sitting there thinking it would be even thicker had I not lost all that hair), and I hadn't been combing through my hair since the wash prior to the relaxer. For me, I think the problem was that I waited entirely too long for a touchup. I'm just not having much luck with stretching my relaxer times out. Also, the whole airdry thing for the wash prior to my relaxer isn't working out. Even with a comb through after that wash, the texture means there are still too many tangles. It wasn't like I over processed because my new growth still has wave to it.

To deal with it, I went out and bought the garlic shampoo for my next wash, and there was hardly any hair loss. I'm going to keep using it. The other things I'm going to do is go back to relaxing at 8 weeks - probably at the salon and not at home, and for the wash before the relaxer, I'm either going to blow dry or flatiron my hair straight so the tangle factor doesn't contribute to hair loss. In the meantime, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that I, nor anyone else on this board, don't go through that again.

Good luck to you!
adrienne0914 said:
shinyblackhair, i actually had less shedding with the Yasmin BC pill that Ortho-Tricyclen. check that one out before other stuff. it's supposed to be a different formulation than most.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've been taking the Yasmin for about a year now and I love it!
It hasn't seemed to affect my hair (amt. of shedding) at all, and the best thing is that it doesn't make you gain weight like the other pills do!! It can actually help you lose weight. I don't think I'll ever use anything else.

Adrienne, So sorry about your shedding issues. I also hate when I get more hair coming out in the comb than I feel is normal!! I guess we all go through this at times... I think that as long as your hair is not looking thin, you're fine!!
It looks like a few long strands. I agree with Allandra. Your hair is thick and beautiful. Don't worry.
Andrienne I'm so sorry u r going thru this

your official hair stalker
adrienne0914 said:
i think i've mentioned quite a bit how i've been shedding for no good reason really. this morning it was especially bad.

i detangled my hair well before washing. since i hadn't combed it in over a week, i lost the usual amount while combing. i combed it really well so i thought it would be a breeze to comb after washing. actually it was. my hair wasn't tangled at all because i wash and condition in one direction, and i don't really manipulate the hair itself much. BUT still i lost a bunch of hair. i took a pic of it:


as you can see, there is at least 200 hairs there. i'm really at my wit's end with this
... i stopped taking BC pills. i've been taking my vitamins consistently for ages. i know how to be light handed with my hair. i really don't know what else to do at this point...

any suggestions?

Hi Adrienne,

I just wanted to follow up and see if you have found a way to stop your shedding. I am having the same problem and it's driving me crazy. How is it going for you?
try zinc it worked for me, but it takes about 2 weeks before it stops the shedding.
You may also want to try silica or a supplement called Biosil. This has helped to lessen my seasonal shedding this fall.
I feel your pain, you should keep an eye on it but don't obsees, there's another shedding phase it's that your hair sheds at certain ages 16, 26, 36, 56 then it's clear sailing :lol: Just keep positive don't start worrying too much cause that causes shedding too. You could try eqyss or minoval
The bright side is your closer to waist. hth

click on minoval--there website has a contact number to order by phone too.
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I was just bumming out about my increased shedding. Every year like clockwork, September rolls around and out comes my hard-earned hair :mad: I'm hoping the MTG will decrease it somewhat, but every Sept. and Dec. I tend to lose a lot of hair, I guess it's seasonal
BLESSED1 said:
I was just bumming out about my increased shedding. Every year like clockwork, September rolls around and out comes my hard-earned hair :mad: I'm hoping the MTG will decrease it somewhat, but every Sept. and Dec. I tend to lose a lot of hair, I guess it's seasonal

That's exactly it... just rest and know that there's nothing you can do about it...but just wait for it to pass.
BLESSED1 said:
I was just bumming out about my increased shedding. Every year like clockwork, September rolls around and out comes my hard-earned hair :mad: I'm hoping the MTG will decrease it somewhat, but every Sept. and Dec. I tend to lose a lot of hair, I guess it's seasonal
Hi blessed1
I'm no expert, and I've had my share of bad hair days, etc....still have them, but my shedding stopped since using MTG and Mane 'n Tail strengthening spray, shampoo/conditioner. Don't know if it will get you on the subway, but there's my 2 cents and experience.
High Priestess said:
Hi blessed1
I'm no expert, and I've had my share of bad hair days, etc....still have them, but my shedding stopped since using MTG and Mane 'n Tail strengthening spray, shampoo/conditioner. Don't know if it will get you on the subway, but there's my 2 cents and experience.

really? now are you just using MTG on your scalp or on the length of your hair? I just use it on my scalp, sometimes I use it in my baggie when I remember to do the baggie method. I'm not sure if that's helping though, I'm picking up more and more hair off me darn bathroom floor everyday :( I'm going to look for the regular Mane & tail products that you mentioned, I may do an Emergencee treatment this weekend too even though I just did one 2 or 3 weeks ago. Thanks for the tips!
Adrienne please let us know what works for you. So many of us are going thru shedding woes.

I've been taking the zinc and it really cut down on the shedding.

I hope your hair is doing better.