9 Year Shea Anniversary: Started Dec 16th, 2016!
So my Shea is Bae. I mean I was making these amazing flower bars tonight and my son said what are you making, looks good! I looked at him straight in his face and said, I'm making delicious Sheabea Henna bars with honey, it' for my hair!!! He stared at me blankly for at least a full minute. I stared back and did not blink. LolHe just kept staring as he slowly walked away...careful not to look at my bars to much. I made the announcement that this was not a game.
Now that I'm done with that... Tonight I put one of my Shea and Chebe bars on each one of my twist. I mean I coated them well. I only added grinded flaxseed in the silky mix (won' do that again, it was almost like nutty peanut butter). Now once I got it all on (and shook out the nuts) I realized that my extremely fine strands were thick, full and heavy. I mean I now know why all you thick haired ladies be Shea-whipping your hair
. I mean I was upset that I never knew that your hair would make you have a disrespectful attitude. I almost got Shea-whiplash... I have never in my fine haired life experience that feeling. My twist were long and down my back
. I can't keep my hands out of it. I had to put on my scarf and have a glass of wine
. All I'm saying is one of ya'll thick haired, heavy haired, full maned ladies could have told me about this amazing feeling.
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