Shea Growth And Retention Regimen 2018

Has Shea Butter 'got you'?

  • Let me look over my investment portfolio and see if I have room for shea related stocks.

    Votes: 21 12.8%
  • I've got 8 pounds in the house, I need to order me some more because I don't want to run out.

    Votes: 29 17.7%
  • 1 Day without sealing my ends is just unthinkable.

    Votes: 12 7.3%
  • It works for me for now.

    Votes: 45 27.4%
  • Nah, I can take it or leave it.

    Votes: 12 7.3%
  • Meh, I'm here for the posts.

    Votes: 28 17.1%
  • That stuff just weighs down my hair. No thanks!

    Votes: 17 10.4%

  • Total voters
Today I was on the bus stop and this gentleman said,"You've got something white all through your hair. " I smiled with a sheepish grin and said, "That's just Shea butter!" He was African so I assumed there was no need to provide additional details. He knew because he nodded his head knowingly and smiled back at me.

On the bus ride back this little boy, who was sitting in front of me, tapped his mother about 100 times to get her attention. They both turned around and sniffed me! Then she said, "Thank you. You smell so good!" Then at their stop, the mother got up to get off and she paused by my seat and took one more long whiff. I just smiled. I wear a natural perfume. I like the way it smells too! I guess if I had to choose, I'd rather be smelling fresh than funky!
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Just popping in to say that I'm still getting good results from my shea butter. I don't use a lot of it nor do I use it everyday but it's still working for me. It helps a lot with tangles and knots which I have to fight with constantly.

I have had ongoing scalp issues that have lead to bald spots and/or breakage. Definitely not the shea butter's fault. I have been connecting the dots for the past few months and I strongly suspect it's hormonal. But that's another story.

I had big dreams of buying 55 lb blocks of shea butter and slathering it in my hair but 1. I can't afford it. 2. I don't like greasy hair. So I'm still using the the 2 lbs I bought several months ago and I'm learning a lot about my limits and my preferences lol.
:look: I want to do this *right now*.....sounds awesome!

You want tighter skin on your body:
Use Shea butter!
(Get Summer Skin Ready in Winter)

Skip to around 7 minutes. Her process is :

  1. to do dry skin brushing
  2. to apply a clay mask to dry on body and
    • Mix with clean water
    • Use a wooden spoon (no metal)
    • Use a glass bowl (no metal)
  3. to use Shea butter or castor oil last. [But we all know you can just mix both Shea butter and castor oil and get the benefits of both of them!]

I've heard that shea mixed with coconut oil is excellent for eczema. Please keep us updated!

Eczema season has begun. I got my first herald patch in the last couple of years, meaning one of my violent break outs is about to start. I've rubbed myself down with unrefined African Shea Butter - I'll be doing this twice daily.

Every few years, these break outs are like chicken pox and leave me with awful scars. I have scars from my very first major break out that happened when I was twelve. I can't even explain the misery I feel when I see a large patch that tells me a break out is going to begin. I'm hoping shea can at least help in prevent scarring. I have tried things like cetaphil, steriod creams, etc, and in the end there is no cure for one of these outbreaks, you just have to wait it out. When I was 15, I had one the lasted the entire summer. I didn't want to go outside because I looked diseased with all of my splotches.

I'll definitely update if it makes things easier for me, especially if it can help anyone else who suffers breakouts. (hope I'm not derailing the thread, it's more of a random thought but there was shea butter in there too so..... lol).
So I did a thing.... and last week I dyed my hair (for the first time ever in life ) professionally at a salon. I’m actually super excited about it but I was nervous I already washed my hair haha it was surprisingly soft she said she used opalex to prevent damage. I wore it in a twist out all weekend.

Of course my hair dried out so this week I worked in 6 sections: spritz with tea n aloe vera juice, Ayurvedic oil to scalp massage and heavy seal w my Shea butter mix (thanks to whoever posted 22nd century natural). Wore my hair in 3 jumbo flat twists pinned to protect my ends. I’ll prob rock a twist out for the weekend then back back in oily twists.

I’ll be trying to stick to this routine to help retain length and encourage growth. I’m counting on queen Shea to protect and prevent any damage as well as preserve my color.
So I did a thing.... and last week I dyed my hair (for the first time ever in life ) professionally at a salon. I’m actually super excited about it but I was nervous I already washed my hair haha it was surprisingly soft she said she used opalex to prevent damage. I wore it in a twist out all weekend.

Of course my hair dried out so this week I worked in 6 sections: spritz with tea n aloe vera juice, Ayurvedic oil to scalp massage and heavy seal w my Shea butter mix (thanks to whoever posted 22nd century natural). Wore my hair in 3 jumbo flat twists pinned to protect my ends. I’ll prob rock a twist out for the weekend then back back in oily twists.

I’ll be trying to stick to this routine to help retain length and encourage growth. I’m counting on queen Shea to protect and prevent any damage as well as preserve my color.

Where are the pictures? How are you going to tease us and lead us around with that cupcake of information and not provide us with some pictures?

I've been wearing a baggie with my Shea-ed braids. I posted about it September 25th, 2018, which was about three (3) weeks ago. I believe I had been doing it for about a week prior to my post. So, that would put me at the 30 day or 1 month mark, since I revisited and started doing the baggie method again.

It is working and paying dividends!

My ends are no longer knotting and tangling. They are staying moist and smooth. I hope to do this until the beginning of August, 2019!
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Hey Ladies!

So, I am absolutely in love with my SB mix! I don't have a need for a comb on a daily basis and my hair as a beautiful shine!

The only problem I seem to have, is that I had a clog, that travels between two of my bathrooms. I just realized that it is probably my shea butter residue! I should have headed the warning to conduct preventive maintenance after washing my hair!

Lesson learned.
Hey Ladies!

So, I am absolutely in love with my SB mix! I don't have a need for a comb on a daily basis and my hair as a beautiful shine!

The only problem I seem to have, is that I had a clog, that travels between two of my bathrooms. I just realized that it is probably my shea butter residue! I should have headed the warning to conduct preventive maintenance after washing my hair!

Lesson learned.

Awww! Sorry to hear about that Shea clog. Did you see the process on how to get rid of it that is in post #1?

And so glad to hear that Shea butter is working for you hair! Are you still having problems with it on your scalp?
Okay, I just had to unclog my pipes today, too. Most times, in my place the things that get backed up are the kitchen sink, the bathroom sink and my floor drain shower.


I got blue lines where the plugs tend to happen at my place. If Shea butter is part of your issue, these areas are probably likely where you might get clogs, too. (Kitchen sink connection not shown!)
There is no floor drain shower or kitchen sink shown but this is as close as I could get to my personal set up.

Since my toilet doesn't get blocked at the same time as EVERYTHING else, I figured it's somehow 'separate'. And, I watched somebody come help me out and unclog my plumbing before.

CAUTION: DO NOT plunge if you have put a caustic substance down your pipes. If it it still in the water you can plunge it back up to your eyes, face and body.

Step 1: Try to identify where the clog is. Most times it's in my shower floor drain.

Step 2: Create a vacuum! Plug up all the other drains except upon the one you want to focus.

  • Plug up the kitchen sink. Put hot water in it about 1/8 of the way. Do not fill the sink up. Just put in enough water to cover over the plug.
  • Add vinegar and baking soda to that hot water. Put something heavy over the plug, like a pot of hot water to weight it down.
  • Repeat for the bathroom sink
  • This creates pressure and a vacuum.
Step 3: Using elbow grease and a 3 dollar plunger, I place the plunger over the shower thing and start to plunge. Put something on your feet just in case gross stuff comes up and out the drain.

Step 4: I plunge until the gross stops stop coming up, or until the water starts to come clear (meaning the plug has been unclogged)

Step 5: I may unplug my bathroom sink and and kitchen sink and plunge those for a few minutes. Sometimes stuff comes up and sometimes it doesn't.

Step 6: When you unplug, your hot water with vinegar and baking soda go down the drain to help cleanse the pipes a bit.

Step 7: You may have to rotate plunging the different, connected drains.

Step 8: Put a natural cleanser down your pipes weekly.
Awww! Sorry to hear about that Shea clog. Did you see the process on how to get rid of it that is in post #1?

And so glad to hear that Shea butter is working for you hair! Are you still having problems with it on your scalp?

Yes! I was using just water for my L since that worked best with the TGIN moisturizer previously. I now use aloe vera juice for my L, then my DIY oil (olive oil, Jojoba oil and lavender oil), then my shea mix and all is well.


I almost forgot to mention that I did not put coconut oil in my shea butter because I ran out. While talking to other naturals at work, it seems like coconut oil can make the scalp seem dryer or make it itch. So I decided to whip up another batch of my DIY oil, but this time I left out the coconut oil, and that along with the aloe vera juice seems to have done the trick.

I am thinking it must be a ph balance thing because I am not allergic to coconut oil. I need to buy some ph testers for hair products and see what happens.
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Okay, I just had to unclog my pipes today, too. Most times, in my place the things that get backed up are the kitchen sink, the bathroom sink and my floor drain shower.

So I wrote that post at work, and when I went home, my husband told me that he cleared the clog. Apparently he had been using it as body lotion and after his last shower the clog immediately surfaced. We only use the baking soda and vinegar method so that worked out well. I just need to buy more ACV before my next wash day.

I also need to make him his own lotion so he can stay out of my mix! LOL

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I got blue lines where the plugs tend to happen at my place. If Shea butter is part of your issue, these areas are probably likely where you might get clogs, too. (Kitchen sink connection not shown!)
There is no floor drain shower or kitchen sink shown but this is as close as I could get to my personal set up.

Since my toilet doesn't get blocked at the same time as EVERYTHING else, I figured it's somehow 'separate'. And, I watched somebody come help me out and unclog my plumbing before.

CAUTION: DO NOT plunge if you have put a caustic substance down your pipes. If it it still in the water you can plunge it back up to your eyes, face and body.

Step 1: Try to identify where the clog is. Most times it's in my shower floor drain.

Step 2: Create a vacuum! Plug up all the other drains except upon the one you want to focus.

  • Plug up the kitchen sink. Put hot water in it about 1/8 of the way. Do not fill the sink up. Just put in enough water to cover over the plug.
  • Add vinegar and baking soda to that hot water. Put something heavy over the plug, like a pot of hot water to weight it down.
  • Repeat for the bathroom sink
  • This creates pressure and a vacuum.
Step 3: Using elbow grease and a 3 dollar plunger, I place the plunger over the shower thing and start to plunge. Put something on your feet just in case gross stuff comes up and out the drain.

Step 4: I plunge until the gross stops stop coming up, or until the water starts to come clear (meaning the plug has been unclogged)

Step 5: I may unplug my bathroom sink and and kitchen sink and plunge those for a few minutes. Sometimes stuff comes up and sometimes it doesn't.

Step 6: When you unplug, your hot water with vinegar and baking soda go down the drain to help cleanse the pipes a bit.

Step 7: You may have to rotate plunging the different, connected drains.

Step 8: Put a natural cleanser down your pipes weekly.
Where are the pictures? How are you going to tease us and lead us around with that cupcake of information and not provide us with some pictures?


Facts lol please see attached. No bleach was involved we just toned (whatever that means) lighter. I was going for a reddish brown but not orange lol it’s not like crazy or nothin but I’ve never put any color (besides henna) in my hair before so it feels real different to me. I was super shocked Day 1 but it’s growing on me and I think it’ll look cute as it grows out — I’m definitely going to be counting on queen Shea to help me maintain and grow healthy hair


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I finally got a hand blender! I whipped up just a test batch of shea butter and sunflower oil, nothing else. I didn't do any measurements, but it came out frosting-like, to where if I sat in in the palm of my hand, it would melt. My skin loved it, and I used it on my wet hair without any other leave in before putting it in braids. It's very, very shiny and soft when I took out one of the braids, but I can't tell if the hair is dry yet or not because of how moisturized it feels. My hair always feels crispy after drying. They'll be dry for sure tomorrow so I'll see how it feels then. I love it far more than the elongtress whipped shea I had, which was not worth $20 IMO, especially since I prefer fragrance free.

Such a cheap, golden product. I have a big bottle of sunflower oil at home, so I'll probably end up getting some large pails of shea butter too. It beats anything else I've ever used, and I love simplicity so it's perfect. I'm very happy. :)
Facts lol please see attached. No bleach was involved we just toned (whatever that means) lighter. I was going for a reddish brown but not orange lol it’s not like crazy or nothin but I’ve never put any color (besides henna) in my hair before so it feels real different to me. I was super shocked Day 1 but it’s growing on me and I think it’ll look cute as it grows out — I’m definitely going to be counting on queen Shea to help me maintain and grow healthy hair

That's a PRETTY:2inlove: color! Thank you for posting.
I finally got a hand blender! I whipped up just a test batch of shea butter and sunflower oil, nothing else. I didn't do any measurements, but it came out frosting-like, to where if I sat in in the palm of my hand, it would melt. My skin loved it, and I used it on my wet hair without any other leave in before putting it in braids. It's very, very shiny and soft when I took out one of the braids, but I can't tell if the hair is dry yet or not because of how moisturized it feels. My hair always feels crispy after drying. They'll be dry for sure tomorrow so I'll see how it feels then. I love it far more than the elongtress whipped shea I had, which was not worth $20 IMO, especially since I prefer fragrance free.

Such a cheap, golden product. I have a big bottle of sunflower oil at home, so I'll probably end up getting some large pails of shea butter too. It beats anything else I've ever used, and I love simplicity so it's perfect. I'm very happy. :)

We like happiness up in this thread! And I personally love to see a women happy. :clap:
I finally got a hand blender! I whipped up just a test batch of shea butter and sunflower oil, nothing else. I didn't do any measurements, but it came out frosting-like, to where if I sat in in the palm of my hand, it would melt. My skin loved it, and I used it on my wet hair without any other leave in before putting it in braids. It's very, very shiny and soft when I took out one of the braids, but I can't tell if the hair is dry yet or not because of how moisturized it feels. My hair always feels crispy after drying. They'll be dry for sure tomorrow so I'll see how it feels then. I love it far more than the elongtress whipped shea I had, which was not worth $20 IMO, especially since I prefer fragrance free.

Such a cheap, golden product. I have a big bottle of sunflower oil at home, so I'll probably end up getting some large pails of shea butter too. It beats anything else I've ever used, and I love simplicity so it's perfect. I'm very happy. :)

Oooo I might have to try sunflower oil in my next batch! I’ve also heard it’s a Ceramide oil which is supposed to be great for sealing and smoothing. Let us know your results! Can’t wait to see that beautiful braid out!

I love simple Shea butter mixes and you are so right: Def better than any of the kitchen sink mixes you can buy.
Oooo I might have to try sunflower oil in my next batch! I’ve also heard it’s a Ceramide oil which is supposed to be great for sealing and smoothing. Let us know your results! Can’t wait to see that beautiful braid out!

I love simple Shea butter mixes and you are so right: Def better than any of the kitchen sink mixes you can buy.

Definitely give it a shot! I'm crazy about sunflower oil... I find olive oil too heavy, and coconut oil dries out my hair... my hair just eats up sunflower oil, and my skin loves it too. It's also high in vitamin E. :)

Sadly, I still have yet to get a decent braid-out. I'm still working on my technique, but I have a lot of heat damage in the front of my hair that pretty much ruins any attempts. Still, my hair did feel sooooo soft when it dried. I ended up just sweeping it back into a bun. I let it out later and couldn't stop touching it, it felt softer than ever (a little greasy because I was rather heavy-handed :lol:).
I'm not liking my "smelly" shea batch. It feels gummy and doesn't make my hair feel like I'm used to. And I prepared it how I always do.

I'm tempted to throw it out and buy some more.
Facts lol please see attached. No bleach was involved we just toned (whatever that means) lighter. I was going for a reddish brown but not orange lol it’s not like crazy or nothin but I’ve never put any color (besides henna) in my hair before so it feels real different to me. I was super shocked Day 1 but it’s growing on me and I think it’ll look cute as it grows out — I’m definitely going to be counting on queen Shea to help me maintain and grow healthy hair
Monthly progress. Sorry for the delay. I hesitated to post this because I’m not seeing any progress in the pictures. Heck it looks shorter! Is this breakage or shrinkage? I don’t know but I didn’t like it one bit. I was discouraged so I measured my hair. I mean numbers don’t lie. right? I got at least an inch since August 2018! I’m shocked because I’m not seeing it. Oh well. I’ll take it! :lol: