Shea Growth And Retention Regimen 2018

Has Shea Butter 'got you'?

  • Let me look over my investment portfolio and see if I have room for shea related stocks.

    Votes: 21 12.8%
  • I've got 8 pounds in the house, I need to order me some more because I don't want to run out.

    Votes: 29 17.7%
  • 1 Day without sealing my ends is just unthinkable.

    Votes: 12 7.3%
  • It works for me for now.

    Votes: 45 27.4%
  • Nah, I can take it or leave it.

    Votes: 12 7.3%
  • Meh, I'm here for the posts.

    Votes: 28 17.1%
  • That stuff just weighs down my hair. No thanks!

    Votes: 17 10.4%

  • Total voters
We've got about 3 more days before 2018 officially arrives! You can come in and out of this thread at any time you like. This is not a 'challenge'. We are here to encourage, uplift and cultivate our knowledge. This is in relation to shea butter, when applied to afro-textured hair for healthy growth and length retention.

Thanks @Chicoro. The no pressure approach is always encouraging for me.
I've listed the Refining procedures for Refined Shea Butter. However, I prefer Unrefined Shea butter. With the refining process, in my opinion, the Shea has been compromised and stripped of all beneficial fatty acids.

Some people prefer the refined shea butter because the smell is not pungent like unrefined shea. But for me, some essential oils will take care of that :).

Anywho, where is @gymfreak336 when you need her. I miss her font and haven't seen her in a very long time on this site. She is very informative as I considered her to be the LHCF mad scientist because she knows her sh..... She can break it on down for you now....

Refining procedures

After the process of extraction is completed, the shea butter is passed through four main procedures, which are refining of shea butter; bleaching the butter; deodorization and degumming. Each of these processes, have been mentioned below:

  • Refining – During the refining phase, shea butter is mixed with sodium hydroxide. Sometimes, a mixture of sodium carbonate and sodium hydroxide, is added to the butter, for the removal of fatty acids. 74 degrees is the temperature of the refining process. Through the process of refining, proteins, lipids and phospholipids are removed.
  • Bleaching – After refining, the butter is passed through the process of bleaching, in which important minerals are removed. The butter is passed through acid treated filter, where the temperature is kept at 110 degrees. The process of bleaching removes the natural smells.
  • Deodorization – In the process of deodorization, a temperature of 240 to 270 degrees is kept. Steam is used to remove the minerals and vitamins, and the natural smell of the shea butter. Shea butter passes off in the refined form, as it doesn’t contain vitamins and minerals. This also happens because of applying external heat.
  • Degumming – 60 degrees temperature is kept in the degumming process. The complex carbohydrates, protein compounds and natural gums are removed in this process. Some minerals like copper, magnesium, and calcium are also removed from shea butter.
@ThatJerseyGirl , Thanks for this!

  • Degumming – 60 degrees temperature is kept in the degumming process. The complex carbohydrates, protein compounds and natural gums are removed in this process. Some minerals like copper, magnesium, and calcium are also removed from shea butter.
AHA! I always felt that shea butter was gummy and clumps the hair together. But, I didn't know this information and that it has natural gums in it. Wow.
I was able to find this through a quick search. I will continue to search and find information on various distributors.
@Chicoro I think I want to go to that Shea convention with you.
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Me too!!! She has me wanting to go. At some point, I am supposed to visit Africa because my best friend is the mayor of Paynesville (her aunt is the President of Liberia) and she has invited me to stay with her for two weeks or so. I'll need that time to get my body clock right. The pictures that she sends me are absolutely beautiful! Let me send her an e-mail now because I know there is a five hour time diff when we talk so....
More information on Shea. My apologies in advance if this is a lengthy post, but for those who are members and for those who are lurking and who are not knowledgeable on the Shea, please read below. This is information that I pulled while doing my due diligence for the benefit of this board. It is my intent to give educate those as well as myself on the Shea.

Back to my regularly scheduled program for the day -- which means I am going to fix me a cocktail....carry on. lololol....

Shea butter improves hair growth
A major benefit of shea butter is that it may promote hair growth.

When applied regularly shea butter is said to restore hair follicles and the scalp, giving birth to healthy and fast growing hair.

Some people observed up to one inch (2.52 cm) hair growth after applying shea butter for just a few weeks.

Shea butter to strengthen your hair
Some people complain of baldness and ultra-thinning of hair.

Such kind of people should apply shea butter regularly on their hair. There are specific ingredients present in shea butter which lead to the improvement of scalp structure. Shea butter improves existing hair and gives birth to new hair.

When applying shea butter regularly for about a week you may experience a significant difference in your hair quality (your hair may become thicker and less damaged - e.g. no split ends).

Shea butter for a natural look of your hair
Shea butter can be applied on the hair to give it a natural look. It contains lipid complex, which has moisturizing properties.

Side effects of shea butter
There are many benefits of shea butter. You might be surprised to know that by the use of unrefined African shea butter, you won’t face any side effects. Having said this, you need to know that every shea butter isn’t created equally. There are some side effects in the low quality shea butter. A skin care specialist, Lynne Killey says, “During its preparation, shea butter undergoes a refining process. Many nutrients present in shea butter are lost, and many other chemicals are added. Due to this, the ingredients of shea butter become different from the original nut.”

Unlike unrefined shea butter, refined shea butter goes through a cycle of refining processes. To speed up the production process of shea butter, it is passed through a process which kills the natural components of the nut. Hexane is the chemical which is usually used for extracting shea butter. The problem with this is that, after extraction, some amount of hexane is left in the butter.

Some side effects for the body, caused by the hexane present in refined shea butter, are headaches, nausea, weakness, dizziness, abdominal pain, and unconsciousness. Remember that you may face one or a combination of these side effects. A study showed, that when hexane polluted shea butter was administered to live stock animals, it caused anemia in them. Another thing is important to mention here and it is that hexane compounds are carcinogens (substances or radiations involved in causing cancer). Hexane is also harmful for the environment, as it causes pollution and damage to the ozone layer, during its recycling process.

Due to the presence of hexane, shea butter poses a threat to the health and environment. Other than hexane, other ingredients are also added during the refining process of shea butter. For example, sodium hydroxide and calcium carbonate are added to the shea butter, in order to minimize the nutty smell of the butter. Both of these compounds pose a threat to the health and general well-being. Shea butter is also passed through a chemical filter, where it undergoes the process of bleaching. Some carcinogens like BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene) and BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole) are added to the shea butter to enhance the overall life time of the butter.

So, the bottom line is that after the process of refining, important proteins, nutrients, minerals and fatty acids are removed from the shea butter, and harmful chemicals are added. So, the consumers should go for raw shea butter, rather than refined shea butter. Raw shea butter is richer in phyto-nutrients, vitamins and absorbing ultraviolent radiations. However, it takes effort to find purely raw shea butter. The American Shea Butter institute has this to say, “Most people prefer refined shea butter over raw shea butter, due to its cost effectiveness and better smell. These people don’t know what’s happening inside. Refined shea butter, although may look good on the surface, but it contains carcinogens and ultraviolent radiations in it, which make it harmful for the health. Moreover, after the process of refining, shea butter loses much of its healing properties. Consumers should, therefore, prefer raw shea butter over refined shea butter.”

Now the question arises that how does a person make sure whether the shea butter is raw. Raw shea butter has a nut-like smell and creamy texture. In case the shea butter you have has a fragrant smell or no smell at all, then it is refined shea butter. A major difference between refined shea butter and raw shea butter is that refined shea butter has the life of maximum two years, whereas raw shea butter has a longer life period.
I’m currently in crochet braids u til May, but I’m going to try this in between installs. I’m wondering if my hair will air dry soft enough to where I don’t need to use the blow dryer. Hmmmm...

I’ll be using unrefined SB from the beauty supply.

Are you ladies applying to your scalp?
I’m currently in crochet braids u til May, but I’m going to try this in between installs. I’m wondering if my hair will air dry soft enough to where I don’t need to use the blow dryer. Hmmmm...

I’ll be using unrefined SB from the beauty supply.

Are you ladies applying to your scalp?

Yes, I slather it from root to tip. I don't oil my scalp, but as much as I use at a time, I do end up applying it to my scalp.
Me too!!! She has me wanting to go. At some point, I am supposed to visit Africa because my best friend is the mayor of Paynesville (her aunt is the President of Liberia) and she has invited me to stay with her for two weeks or so. I'll need that time to get my body clock right. The pictures that she sends me are absolutely beautiful! Let me send her an e-mail now because I know there is a five hour time diff when we talk so....

To go to Nigeria and get a visa, I need a 'letter of invitation' to get my visa. What is that? I don't know anyone in Nigeria [Africa] like you. How does one go about getting a 'letter of invitation' for a business visit? I guess I can look on Google.
To go to Nigeria and get a visa, I need a 'letter of invitation' to get my visa. What is that? I don't know anyone in Nigeria [Africa] like you. How does one go about getting a 'letter of invitation' for a business visit? I guess I can look on Google.
Usually conferences issue invitation letters for the participants after they finalise their registration process.
@ThatJerseyGirl said,

"Now the question arises that how does a person make sure whether the shea butter is raw. Raw shea butter has a nut-like smell and creamy texture. In case the shea butter you have has a fragrant smell or no smell at all, then it is refined shea butter. A major difference between refined shea butter and raw shea butter is that refined shea butter has the life of maximum two years, whereas raw shea butter has a longer life period."

I would have thought the contrary was true. The more I learn, the more amazing shea butter becomes. MAGIC, I say. Pure Magic!
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Usually conferences issue invitation letters for the participants after they finalise their registration process.

Thank you so much @Alma Petra!!!!!

Now, I have to figure out how to register for the conference. I don't see a price or a registration page on their site. The price could be prohibitive. But I believe, if something is meant for me, it will happen. If it is not meant for me, it won't happen.
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I was wondering if how many are using Unrefined vs Refined? I have been buying Unrefined SB.

I try to get the unrefined. That's why I'm liking that butter from Senegal. It's got a pungent smell, it's gummy and it makes my hair clump. I said somewhere up thread that I felt it had the least amount of processing. I prefer the unrefined.
To go to Nigeria and get a visa, I need a 'letter of invitation' to get my visa. What is that? I don't know anyone in Nigeria [Africa] like you. How does one go about getting a 'letter of invitation' for a business visit? I guess I can look on Google.

In order to get a visa to Nigeria, someone in that country has to represent you and send you a letter of invitation that you will need to take with you to the embassy along with a travel itinerary for your dates of travel. For example, if you want to go to this conference or if you want to go around the same time as this conference, but not actually go to the conference, get the conference to send you the letter of invite with your intent to attend.

I would contact the Marketing or point of contact person in charge of this Conference, let them know that you want to attend, but would need a letter of invite. In your request, I would e-mail them a "dummy" travel itinerary (flight) until you are able to secure your flight. I've done this several times, but usually, my letter of invites were from political parties.

For businesses, it works the same way. The rep from that company will have to send you a letter of invite on their letterhead with their contact information and the letter must stay why you are there (i.e., business meeting with client, etc.). They don't actually check with the person sending you the letter, but it just ensures that you won't go to their country, and let's say you wild out partying and have a coke induced fit and mess up one of their hotel rooms or get arrested. The person repping you in the letter is responsible.

I hope this make sense. Let me know if you have questions.