I’ve been reading this whole thread (I started at 133 and read all the way to the current page, then started at page 1 and I’m on page 71). Now I’m about to buy some fragrance oils from P&J Trading (thanks to
@caribeandiva for that pic. I’ve been looking for scent sets like the ones they have on their website) and about 10 lbs of Shea Butter from Etsy (along with some other stuff lol). Good thing I have two guinea pigs aka my mom and son to test my concoctions on
Since I’m starting from the ground up (so to speak) with my natural hair, I #minuswell get my hair use to the glory of Shea.
This thread has sent me into stepping into the Shea Siiiide, stepping into the Shea, Shea, Siiiide.
I blame