9 Year Shea Anniversary: Started Dec 16th, 2016!
I have been loyal and faithful to my whipped shea butter mix
I rarely apply commercial styling products. Shea is all I need. This is a two day old twist out. I did use kinky curly knot today leave in to detangle each section and then applied my shea mix.
Today I was complemented on the shine and health but this picture can’t seem to do it justice.
I can attest to shea butter and retention. When I washed my hair, there was NOT ONE strand of falling hair. NOT ONE
After I detangled my entire head, my brush had very little shed hair. I attribute that to keeping my hair stretched. Even when I don’t wear it in a puff, it’s still stretched from last hairstyle or will be stretched for the next (does that make sense?)
Shea butter is my best friend after my dog
That hair is getting so long and thick. It looks really pretty. The curls are soft looking and super jet black in color.