Shea Growth And Retention Regimen 2018

Has Shea Butter 'got you'?

  • Let me look over my investment portfolio and see if I have room for shea related stocks.

    Votes: 21 12.8%
  • I've got 8 pounds in the house, I need to order me some more because I don't want to run out.

    Votes: 29 17.7%
  • 1 Day without sealing my ends is just unthinkable.

    Votes: 12 7.3%
  • It works for me for now.

    Votes: 45 27.4%
  • Nah, I can take it or leave it.

    Votes: 12 7.3%
  • Meh, I'm here for the posts.

    Votes: 28 17.1%
  • That stuff just weighs down my hair. No thanks!

    Votes: 17 10.4%

  • Total voters
It looks like she got 1.5 to 2 inches of growth. Look at the distance from the top of her shoulders to the end of the braid, in both pictures.
I agree. I too think she got at least an inch of growth (if not 2)! That’s so exciting!! :clap: She’s blowing us away right out of the gates with her hair journey. She did NOT come to play. :lol: I’m grateful I get to witness it.
I went to the beauty supply today and bought me two (2) bottles of castor oil and the large size of Scurl. I still haven't gotten to my hair. Every time I feel well, I get the sniffles, a sore throat or come down with hoof and mouth issues.

So, I've got to wait until I'm feeling real good. My hair stays wet for a day or two and any residual health issues will just come roaring back. Thank goodness Shea butter has anti-microbial components.

I think I'm going to whip up just a bit more Shea butter so my jar can be full to the brim with that yellow, buttery goodness. Let the slathering begin.

Night, night ya'll!
Feel better. There must natural Shea cold and flu medicine you can make right? :scratchchin: :saythat:
4 days and a cotton head scarf worn out today later, and my hair is still luxuriously soft and shiny from shea butter. I feel so pretty with my hair out now. *cries over the blessings of Shea* :cry: My sister said to me the other day, "your hair looks like you should be in one of those hair commercials endorsing a product." I was like :eek: because she usually only roasts me about my hair (in a joking way. We have that type of relationship :2inlove:), and my hair wasn't even styled well.

But ya'll honestly got me in here feeling self conscious about my shea stash. I'm looking at my modestly sized 10.5 oz jar of shea thinking, "this should last me about 4 months" since I use only a little per section on my hair (I have a lot of hair too), while some of ya'll got pails of the stuff and still saying you need more :lachen::lachen:No wonder some of ya'll leave grease stains!

But I've been thinking lately. I think people who use less oil in their shea butter tend to use less shea on their hair since if not, it wont sink in very well (making the hair stiff and white) which is why there are no grease stains with less oily shea. Hence, my theory is that people might just tend to use more shea butter when they use more oil in their mixes, which is what leads to the grease stains. Therefore, I think that its not about the amount of oil you use but the amount of shea you're applying. Of course this is all based on the assumption that you greasy ladies are using larger amounts of shea than the nongreasy ladies. I'm not sure if you are or not though, so I may be wrong. What do ya'll think? Do you use a lot more of your oily shea in your hair because it doesn't cause the white-look/build up? Or am I just tripping?
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I haven't seen a trace of this buildup that you mention. I have noticed other members mention it before, but so far I haven't had to deal with it. Maybe it comes off on wash day.

I mean buildup when applying it, not after-wash buildup that you can only remove by clarifying. If I try to apply too much Shea butter on my hair at one give time to moisturize, it will turn white and feel kind of stiff on my hair. So I can only use a little per application. I have no issue with it washing out though, even if it does make my hair stiff and white.
I mean buildup when applying it, not after-wash buildup that you can only remove by clarifying. If I try to apply too much Shea butter on my hair at one give time to moisturize, it will turn white and feel kind of stiff on my hair. So I can only use a little per application. I have no issue with it washing out though, even if it does make my hair stiff and white.

That is what I meant. Sorry for not explaining it properly. If I apply too much it turns white but in a little while it melts in to my hair and there's no visible build up. It still leaves my hair soft.

*takes pail-shaped award*

I don't even know where to start.....!

*aggressively grabs microphone*

First and foremost all praise and glory to Queen Shea for deeming me worthy of her buttery blessings. Without her emollient essence I wouldn't be standing here today.

Next up big thanks to @Chicoro for staring this thread. I knew the legends of Shea but this thread brought me closer to the teachings and opened my eyes to the true meaning of being a unicorn. Bless up gyal.

Not to be forgotten are the ladies of this thread who have stood by me thru random braid photos, incoherent posts and over use of gifs. Y'all da real MVPs.

I hope that by receiving this honor, little black boys and girls will see someone who looks like them and know that they too can be a Shea made unicorn. Nothing is impossible.

And never forget...


*drops mic, mainly because hands are too greasy from over applying Shea*

First of all, CONGRATS TO YOU, Tapioca!!!! GIRL, I love the bolded!!!!! Especially "everybody wants to be us" lololol!!! And you are absolutely right! And on that note....

This shea is incredible and when I tell you it really grows the hair, it does. As I have mentioned countless times, if you look back at all of the naturals on youtube with long hair, like Naptural85, everyone has thick luxurious long hair and all of them had a common denominator which was shea butter. My husband shaved his head three days ago. He has to shave it again now because he keeps using my shea butter mix. He said he loves the way it makes his head shine and he says his razor bumps are minimal. He uses it every day, bless his heart.

Meanwhile, I've been out of the loop, but can someone post a link as to where they are purchasing these buckets of shea butter and those delicious scents?

@ElevatedEnergy I think I'm going to do a trial run of making my own shampoo bar. I have a huge block of Black Soap. I melted it down with distilled water and made my own shampoo (with various oils) and I absolutely LOVE it! I even use it as a body wash too. I wonder, without using any chemicals, could I melt down the black soap, add some oils in conjunction with some melted shea butter and put it in a mold and freeze it? Your thoughts?

Shea butter usage and a consistent regimen will yield results. I strongly believe that the shea butter was put on earth for US to be used by US to protect our beautiful melanated skin, hair, etc. from the harsh elements. This is why we wear it so well and our skin glistens. Put some on your feet after you've given yourself a pedicure. Watch and see what happens. Just don't slip n bustya as* shea slidin all ova the place lololol....
I almost had to throw my boyfriend away. Why?

He said, "Nelle... I love your butter mix but it's killing me."

I said, "Huh?" And gave him THAT LOOK. I had just slathered my hair and body in shea mix.


He apologized immediately, LOL, but said: "I have a migraine baby and all I smell is rose."

My (amber and) rose shea mix + his awful cigarettes = disaster. Even I started feeling lightheaded and woozy.

So, I fixed my mix by removing half and adding unscented shea to the batch. I smell good and don't think I'm going to die from the fragrance.

It depends on the fragrance being used. Fruits, florals, beach, or nature type scents can get very overpowering if too much is used.

For a 8 ounce Shea mix, I usually always start with 15 drops, mix in good, let it rest for a few days then test it on my hands. If it is not strong enough, I'll add in another 5 drops. However, I usually stop at 15.

For sweet, bakery scents, I usually always start at 25 and follow the same procedure.

I would say it's best not to overdo it. Someone upthread said they put an entire bottle in one of their mixes. We can very much become nose blind to fragrances and keep adding when it's not really necessary. The scent usually settles in and attaches on to the butter after a few days. It's just like adding fragrance to wax, it needs time to "cure".

I wish I read this last Wednesday! :lachen:
I went to the beauty supply today and bought me two (2) bottles of castor oil and the large size of Scurl. I still haven't gotten to my hair. Every time I feel well, I get the sniffles, a sore throat or come down with hoof and mouth issues.

So, I've got to wait until I'm feeling real good. My hair stays wet for a day or two and any residual health issues will just come roaring back. Thank goodness Shea butter has anti-microbial components.

I think I'm going to whip up just a bit more Shea butter so my jar can be full to the brim with that yellow, buttery goodness. Let the slathering begin.

Night, night ya'll!

Love this thread, but so sad to see that our Crown Princess of Shea, @Chicoro is ill.

HRH Chicoro - may this humble citizen of Sheakanda please offer that your majesty consider using a sinus rinse/neti pot daily to dry your royal Shea sinuses and avoid the post nasal drip that's causing your sore throat.

Snow day hair report:

With this Noreaster shutting down everything, it's time for me to fully embrace the glory of Queen Shea.

I've been lurking and dabbling. Bought a small container, made a mix. Been applying it sparingly to hair and face.

Studied here at the University of Sheakanda and I think it's time graduate!! Not leaving the house today and it's time to wash my 7 day old wash and go. Just slathered and drenched my hair in my Shea mix and put on a plastic shower cap.

Had some extra on my hands so I rubbed it in DH's and DS2's hair and DS2 said Ahhhhh! Knew that child was a genius. He recognized Queen Shea immediately.

Planning to let it marinate for a few hours, then wash.

Will report back later!!
That is what I meant. Sorry for not explaining it properly. If I apply too much it turns white but in a little while it melts in to my hair and there's no visible build up. It still leaves my hair soft.

I will remember to try to give it a chance to melt in because of this post. Thank you :)

Also, @
Love this thread, but so sad to see that our Crown Princess of Shea, @Chicoro is ill.

HRH Chicoro - may this humble citizen of Sheakanda please offer that your majesty consider using a sinus rinse/neti pot daily to dry your royal Shea sinuses and avoid the post nasal drip that's causing your sore throat.


If it's alright Crown Princess I would also like to recommend taking a Vitamin C supplement. My immune system strengthened incredibly after incorporating it daily and while everyone else was getting really sick in my house from one another I never did. It is truly amazing how this vitamin protects you from all sorts of sicknesses. You can also just drink a few vitamin c packs from the store to help you recover speedily.
First of all, CONGRATS TO YOU, Tapioca!!!! GIRL, I love the bolded!!!!! Especially "everybody wants to be us" lololol!!! And you are absolutely right! And on that note....

This shea is incredible and when I tell you it really grows the hair, it does. As I have mentioned countless times, if you look back at all of the naturals on youtube with long hair, like Naptural85, everyone has thick luxurious long hair and all of them had a common denominator which was shea butter. My husband shaved his head three days ago. He has to shave it again now because he keeps using my shea butter mix. He said he loves the way it makes his head shine and he says his razor bumps are minimal. He uses it every day, bless his heart.

Meanwhile, I've been out of the loop, but can someone post a link as to where they are purchasing these buckets of shea butter and those delicious scents?

@ElevatedEnergy I think I'm going to do a trial run of making my own shampoo bar. I have a huge block of Black Soap. I melted it down with distilled water and made my own shampoo (with various oils) and I absolutely LOVE it! I even use it as a body wash too. I wonder, without using any chemicals, could I melt down the black soap, add some oils in conjunction with some melted shea butter and put it in a mold and freeze it? Your thoughts?

Shea butter usage and a consistent regimen will yield results. I strongly believe that the shea butter was put on earth for US to be used by US to protect our beautiful melanated skin, hair, etc. from the harsh elements. This is why we wear it so well and our skin glistens. Put some on your feet after you've given yourself a pedicure. Watch and see what happens. Just don't slip n bustya as* shea slidin all ova the place lololol....

I think that is an awesome idea. I've been using black soap for a year now the exact same way. Just make sure to freeze in small molds. That way you only melt down what you could use in one sitting. I have around 8 (4 ounce) bars in my freezer as we speak.
For the pails of Shea:

For the yummy scents:

I know this wasn't for me but thanks for re-posting the links, I was looking for the scents. Snowed in today and doing a little shopping. :look:

Reason #1,284,568,210 why I tend to just scan the hair and makeup part of the board. Once I read all the testimonies I get excited and my fun money budget goes "poof". :spinning:
Love this thread, but so sad to see that our Crown Princess of Shea, @Chicoro is ill.

HRH Chicoro - may this humble citizen of Sheakanda please offer that your majesty consider using a sinus rinse/neti pot daily to dry your royal Shea sinuses and avoid the post nasal drip that's causing your sore throat.


I will remember to try to give it a chance to melt in because of this post. Thank you :)

Also, @

If it's alright Crown Princess I would also like to recommend taking a Vitamin C supplement. My immune system strengthened incredibly after incorporating it daily and while everyone else was getting really sick in my house from one another I never did. It is truly amazing how this vitamin protects you from all sorts of sicknesses. You can also just drink a few vitamin c packs from the store to help you recover speedily.

Thank you ladies! I just have a runny nose, but I feel good! I just don't want to chance it and make things worse by wetting and washing my hair. Thank you for the suggestions about the neti pot and vitamin C. I appreciate it and the concern.
Girl, you need to STOP! My book is called, "Grow It" and I wrote it in 2008. I have two other books, Grow It in the French language version and another book called, "Hair Products 101". I'm in the midst of preparing to write my 4th book. I've met former President Obama in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I asked him if I could take his picture and he said no. I know lots of things and very little at the same time. I'm not of the shadows because I post my photos with my face showing all the time so you need to quit playing, girl.

Everybody has something to contribute up in here. We are all accomplished in some area, including you. We all need work in some areas, including me and you! Now, back to our regularly scheduled Shea butter programming.
Aw come on and let a sista show u some love:p Ur in here handing out unicorn awards... We are proud of your accomplishments too!

I need to make time for that block of shea butter i have in my bathrm cabinet. Yall hav some nice ideas for mixes
I got my vanilla scented perfume oil. I took it out the envelope and it was wrapped in plastic with the top still tightly on and the seal unbroken, and I could smell it.

It smelled like a brand new Barbie Doll! I wonder if they used to scent the toys. It smells so lovely.
Aw come on and let a sista show u some love:p Ur in here handing out unicorn awards... We are proud of your accomplishments too!

I need to make time for that block of shea butter i have in my bathrm cabinet. Yall hav some nice ideas for mixes

Okay!!! Thank you!


The Crown Princess of Shea, Chicoro
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