Shea butter is the BOMB! YAY!


I have been trying to twist my hair with less tension to avoid headaches. No matter what I used, my twists looked fuzzy and not defined. I finally got my shea butter in the mail. Today I washed and DC'd my hair. I parted my hair while it was wet and added a dab of shea butter. My flat twists came out defined and I did not pull my twists tight. I'm so happy because it took me less time to do my hair. I didn't even have to detangle my hair or nothing! Shea butter is the BOMB!:yay::notworthy I will never allow myself to run out of it! Wait, I take back about the detangling. I did have to do it, but my hair seemed so much easier to do. I could part it with my fingers. That is something I could not ever do before! I'm so excited that I found another staple for my natural hair.
Girl, I'm addicted to Shea! I keep it in stock...I have two 16oz jars in stock right now :D I use it on my twists too, and it really helps to lock in the moisture, and prevent frizzies. As a bonus, it adds a touch of hold :D
Yep - I love shea butter. And I like that I can use it on my skin as well. I can put it on my face and don't have to worry about getting it on my hair line.
I never knew that shea butter could be used on skin, too! I have to order some extra!:lachen: Me and winter skin just don't get along!:nono:
I am BEYOND ecstatic about shea butter too. I started a thread about a week ago asking how to cut down on the frizz of natural hair and a couple of people raved about shea butter. I just finished washing my hair and used it for the first time with LeKair's cholesterol with aloe vera and honeychild let me tell you, I have never seen my hair packed with moisture like I did today and SOFT. I love shea butter, I wish I knew about sooner!
Hey Ladies, where do you all buy your shea butter? Cause I would love to jump on this product!!!
I never knew that shea butter could be used on skin, too! I have to order some extra!:lachen: Me and winter skin just don't get along!:nono:
Most definitely! Actually, right now I use it more for my skin than my hair. I am having issues with breakouts and hyperpigmentation, so I'm trying to get that back in order. You can use it by itself, or mix it with coconut oil...many, many uses. :yep:

Because of it's thickness, I can use it by itself on my hair and still get some hold/definition for twist outs.
Yes Ma'am!
My hair loves it too.The only prob I have is that after two days I have to wash my hair because the build-up makes it dry. But it is definitely a must for twists!
My hair does not like Shea Butter, but my skin does! I'm glad you guys are enjoying it. It feels good when you find a good staple product.
My hair does not like shea butter, maybe I should use it Like You NC and do some twist, maybe it will work for holding styles, but as far as my hair being left out it don't work, I am gonna try some that way one weekend but I am gonna mix some virgin coconut cream oil in it!!
Just curious, does anyone have a problem with shea butter stripping color?
Not that I know of. I used it when I had highlights in my hair and it didn't affect them.

My hair does not like shea butter, maybe I should use it Like You NC and do some twist, maybe it will work for holding styles, but as far as my hair being left out it don't work, I am gonna try some that way one weekend but I am gonna mix some virgin coconut cream oil in it!!
That's all I use it for, to do twists over night for a twist out. I don't use it for loose hair. That and then on my skin for blemishes/scarring. I also mix virgin coconut oil in when I apply to my skin/hair, or sometimes I just use it plain. I've found unrefined shea butter, virgin palm kernel oil, and coconut oil mixed together left me with a really soft twist out that still had definition.
yeah, I also really like that the shea butter helps me grip tighter too. It makes my twist outs sooooooo defined. Its pretty awesome:) Welcome to the sheabuttersistersclub. Totally just made that up. But welcome!!! Lol...
So when do you guys apply shea butter (wet/dry hair). I've never tried it on my hair but it's good on my skin. I heard it's too greasy in hair but will probably try it soon.
So when do you guys apply shea butter (wet/dry hair). I've never tried it on my hair but it's good on my skin. I heard it's too greasy in hair but will probably try it soon.
It's definitely somethign to be used in moderation, or it can be too greasy. I guess it just depends on how your hair handles butters. I normally apply to slightly damp hair. But I have also applied to dry hair with no issues. Even when I am heavy handed, by the morning it has all sunk into my hair.
I actually have very oily skin and I use shea butter and it has helped to clear up my face tremendously. I also use raw shea butter soap from nubian heritage. :yep:. I use it for my hair as well mixed with jojoba oil, great stuff.
I rub shea butter in the palms of my hands and smooth it down my hair when I wear braidouts and curls. Me likey! I also whip it up to get it to a smooth consistency.
Most definitely! Actually, right now I use it more for my skin than my hair. I am having issues with breakouts and hyperpigmentation, so I'm trying to get that back in order. You can use it by itself, or mix it with coconut oil...many, many uses. :yep:

Because of it's thickness, I can use it by itself on my hair and still get some hold/definition for twist outs.
That's strange, shea butter breaks my face out when I apply it to my face. I must have sensitive skin.
That's strange, shea butter breaks my face out when I apply it to my face. I must have sensitive skin.
Hmmm, I'm not sure. I guess it's one of those YMMV (your mileage may vary). I just started mixing it with virgin red palm oil (which is supposed to be good because of the high vitamin A and vitamin E content), so we shall see. I apply tiny amounts, just enough to cover my face.
So when do you guys apply shea butter (wet/dry hair). I've never tried it on my hair but it's good on my skin. I heard it's too greasy in hair but will probably try it soon.

I apply mine as like a sealent over my leave-in. i don't know if theats right or what, but it works for me. sometimes I put it on my dry hair when I needs that boost when im trynna stretch a twist-out. i also only put it on hair that imma bout to wet set, not blow-dry or straighten, cuz it makes my hair look ashy.
Co sign ... Never used it before I read Curly nikki's blog ... tried it and i love it !
I buy the raw shea from the muslims on the street ..