Shea butter is the BOMB! YAY!

I had a thin patch at the top of my head, and shea butter was the only thing that helped fill the hair in. I had tried several other remedies and nothing worked. I was pleasantly surprised when the shea butter did the job!
Anyone kno where to get this already whipped and ready to use in a creamy consistency. If not, how do you whip it or melt if down? TIA
Anyone kno where to get this already whipped and ready to use in a creamy consistency. If not, how do you whip it or melt if down? TIA
There is a tutorial on YouTube (can't get to YouTube) from work, about scenting shea butter. The best way to soften it is to use a double boiler method. You don't want to stick it in the microwave or heat it in a pan.

Once I mix mine with coconut oil, it tends to soften up anyway. The shea butter from Nasabb is pretty creamy by itself.
And you are right OP, I looove Shea butter, I too only recently decided to try it, and I absolutely adore it! I am alomost thru my first tub and I promise my self never to run out of it. It will be my number one staple and I am so sorry I didn't try it sooner!
I keep hearing shea is great for twists and I have been sleeping on it. I will try it next time I do some.
Yeh shea butter is DA TRUTH!!! Hands down!! I use it for my hair, skin yup yup..Just need to find the perfect recipe to make it whipped and fluffy.
girl?! i could spank you. shea butter will get rid of eczema, stretch marks, name it, you got it. my fiance makes and sells it so ive been using it since ive been with him and it reaaaaaaaaaaaaallly faded my stretch marks.

aight, miss, you will be getting a PM from me. I need some Poppa's shea butter. Hook a sista up!:eyebrows2:lachen: SB, not brave enough to try it on my loose hair, yet. I only use a dab for each twist. I love the fact that I'm finally getting more confident with my natural hair. Thanks ladies, as usual!
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I love shea butter for my ends. I mentioned that I wanted some to my mom on the phone recently and when I went to visit she had a 2 lb. container of unrefined shea butter waiting for me. :grin: She's the best. I'm set for all of 2009!

She got it from She also got their cocoa butter as well and she really likes it.
Soooooo ya'll I decided after watching a whole bunch on videos on shea butter, that Imma start faithfully using it on my skin. Hopefully in two years it would have faded any marks or whatever, but mainly keep my skin moisturized and soft!
I did an unintentional experiment over the last two days.

Two nights ago, I pre-poo'd my hair with various oils ( using up what I have) I washed and conditioned my hair, applied some more oil and put my hair in a puff. I went to bed and woke up to matted hair. looking a hot mess:blush:

Last night, I conditioned my hair, applied shea butter, EVOO and some coconut oil, put my hair in a puff. I went to bed and woke up to my puff. No patting what so ever. And ever so soft. I kept touching it to make sure that was my hair.

Both nights I didn't sleep with my bonnet, because I was not alone:lick:

It could have been the conditioner from last night, but I do believe it was the shea butter application.
Love, love, love shea butter! I usually buy it in 5 lb intervals so I don't have to repurchase as often. In my house we use it from head to toe-literally. DD and SO have eczema and it helps keep it clear soft and smooth, gets rid of both light AND dark spots, and softens feet like nobody's business. I like it on my face in the winter too. I use it at night and coconut oil in the morning. SO likes it on his hair and in his goatee too (he's always pamperin that nanny goat on his chin).
My two cents: I have my best, healthiest, thickest hair growth in braids and twists using shea butter as my moisture. I use it to do the original braid/twist, on my scalp after each wash, and then again when redoing individual braid/twist. My hair is NEVER too moist and barely sheds at all when taking down...

Shea butter = :clap:
