Shea Butter in Atlanta


Healthy Hair Quest..
Hey ya'll! :wave:

Any of you Atlanta Metro ladies know where I can get me some unrefined shea butter?

I don't want a company brand, pre-packaged product. I want the kind the Africans scoop out and pack into containers.

I was thinking about going to the West End but I don't know where to start.

I bought about 4 containers for 5 bucks each at the African Arts Fest, however, the man I got it from was from NY. Folks keep asking me where to get it and I am NOT about to come up off my stash :nono:, ya dig? :lol:

Somebody, anybody....HELP!!!
Shoot, if this the shea butter they scoop out straight from the nut then I would want to know myself. I hope they take mail orders. Right now I'm happy with nasabb.
I use to live in Atlanta, but since I have moved back to DC. I found a place in Atlanta at the Capital Jazz Feast. They scoop it out of the the nut for you and put in the container. The company is on Chamblee Tucker.
Prince3 said:
I use to live in Atlanta, but since I have moved back to DC. I found a place in Atlanta at the Capital Jazz Feast. They scoop it out of the the nut for you and put in the container. The company is on Chamblee Tucker.

Thanks P3! I look it up..
divinefavor said:
What are the benefits of shea butter? What do you use it for? How does it help your hair?
It is an awesome moisturizer for skin and hair! Hair stays moist so long.

Great healing properties for skin conditions such as, eczema, dryness and burns. One of my sisters was severly burned and she melts it down and mixes it with 100% cocoa butter and uses this daily. Her skin is healing nice and smooth and the color is coming back with a vengance. Glory to GOD!!!!
shea butter is awesome, shoot my grandmother(we're Nigerian) used to use it for everything, its even good for deep tissue massages or so my dad claims. :D