Shea butter Growth and Retention thread 2021

Question for you ladies amd gents: when you baggy after applying shea butter, do you find that your hair has buildup at the end of the week?

I feel like mine penetrates, disappears, or maybe just absorbs into my scarf after I stop baggying.
I just started my experiment with the Nilotica and the Blue Magic leave in conditioner on the 8th and I’ve baggy-ed a few times since then. I just re-layered all the products I used today on the 11th and I checked my scalp with my nails. If I have buildup I would definitely see it under my nails. So far no build up. I guess my hair just drunk it all up.
I just started my experiment with the Nilotica and the Blue Magic leave in conditioner on the 8th and I’ve baggy-ed a few times since then. I just re-layered all the products I used today on the 11th and I checked my scalp with my nails. If I have buildup I would definitely see it under my nails. So far no build up. I guess my hair just drunk it all up.
same re: build-up, but i do not baggy (can i spell it baggie it looks nicer) -yet it seems to absorb within a couple of hours even during daytime (no scarf etc)...
leaving just enough of a 'film' to coat (with or without other stuff mixed in).
maybe that's why things like coconut oil and argan (both supposed to be structured in a way they absorb better) work better alongside SB for me, for less of a greasy effect -than things like jojoba only.

which sounds counter-intuitive. but the jojoba, grapeseed, etc, act like silicone serums then (polymerizing effect), afterwards, adding to the coating (less tangles) rather than being drunk up + disappearing.

idk. i wish i were a scientist
Checking in and still going strong. I've been protective styling with various types of crochet braid or twist styles. It's a bit difficult with short hair but I made it work. I use my shea butter mix to grease my scalp. I noticed I have no flaking at all with shea. Also on the take down and wash, all the shed hair slides right on out. No breakage. My hair is so soft and in great shape!
Henna'ed my hair this weekend and completely drenched my strains in Queen Shea and this morning she felt uber soft and conditioned that I couldn't stop molesting her all day. Besides my hair now officially having to join the me too movement I promise that I'm going to be much more consistent with worshipping at her alter this year if I'm going to get all of her wonderful benefits.
Hello shea ladies, I have not ordered from 3CayG before... I want to get the unrefined shea in a pail. I usually buy ivory shea but I don't understand the "Filtered Pail" option. Can anyone tell me what that means, please?
Hello shea ladies, I have not ordered from 3CayG before... I want to get the unrefined shea in a pail. I usually buy ivory shea but I don't understand the "Filtered Pail" option. Can anyone tell me what that means, please?
I'm not entirely sure, but I vaguely remember that filtered means pieces of the nut have been removed, and pail just means it comes in a bucket instead of a big plastic bag
I cannot seem to get myself back on track! Anyone else have times like that? I shea my hair up on wash day, then forget to touch it again till next wash day, since probably November.

Today is wash day. So I'm going to try again to get on track. Need to use shea preferably every day, but at least 3 days a week. Fingers crossed.
I cannot seem to get myself back on track! Anyone else have times like that? I shea my hair up on wash day, then forget to touch it again till next wash day, since probably November.

Today is wash day. So I'm going to try again to get on track. Need to use shea preferably every day, but at least 3 days a week. Fingers crossed.
All the time *face palm* lmao
After church services today I wasn't in the mood for the full washday experience so I took a shortcut and cowashed instead because it was the lazy way out while providing my scalp with much needed H2O. Detangled, M&S with a combination of KKNT and my shea butter mixture, and finally protectived styled.
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It took *forever* to receive the shea butter I ordered from 3CayG. I see no difference between the kind I ordered, and the kind I buy from street vendors in NYC. :lol: I don’t even think there is that much of a price difference, once shipping is included. It will be nice to finally make new batches of hair and body creams though.
can i join???? I was in last yrs. Me and @Chicoro had a trip. I wasn't going to join this yr because i stopped using my shea butter for a lil while but i'm back to my queen ms. shea... shes the only one that does me right when it comes to sealing... i dont know why i ever left.
Of course you can join! Jump right in, all shea lovers are welcome