Shea butter and Jojoba Oil


New Member
My first test of shea butter is finishing up. I really liked the shea so I plan to restock.

Does anyone have any opinion on unrefined vs. refined vs. filtered shea butter? Do you think it really matters? Is shea oil better than shea butter?

And on jojoba: Based on how much my hair responds to oils (especially when I base my hair with olive oil, apply a deep conditioner, and then deep condition my hair that way), I want to transition from using an olive oil mix in my shea to an oil that is lighter, but is still as good for adding shine and keeping up the moisture levels. I've heard that jojoba is the best, because it is so much like natural sebum. If anyone uses jojoba, how do you find the jojoba to affect your hair and how do you use it? Do you use it in conjunction with other products?

Are either of these products better on the scalp than on the hair or vice-versa? Are they both better used separately or in conjunction with each other or other products? (I have heard that oils are better when mixed with a leave-in). Which makes the hair the shiniest? Which makes your hair oily?

How much do you usually pay?
I found some good prices at, are these competitive?

Basically, any information on this subject would be really informative and helpful to me, so please share, whether you have a very limited experience or a lot!
Let me see if I can touch on all of your questions...

I use it alone or mixed with shea and/or other oils for hair and body. I also use it on my scalp. It's light, gives my a hair a nice sheen and locks moisture in nicely. Lately, I'm liking grapeseed and castor oils as much, or more.

Shea Oil:
I've never used it. I imagine it's similar to olive oil which I would only use for a hot oil treatment so I'd rather just melt some shea and get all its benefits.

Shea Butter, refined vs unrefined:
I go back and forth. Unrefined is easier to work with, and tends to leave less of that temporary white cast. However, it's a bit too sticky for my tastes so I'm going back to refined, again... but that may change in a few months. I've never heard of the filtered variety.

I buy oils from, and butters from fromnaturewithlove and natureswildchild

Thanks for responding, cherish!

Hmm, so the only difference that you've noticed between refined and unrefined shea butter is the stickniess and the white cast. I think I'll be trying the refined version next then.

Do either of these oils always leave your hair feeling oily? Or can they absorb into your hair without leaving an oily feeling?