
New Member
I had ordered some shea and avocado butter a while back and I really don't know how to, or what to use it for besides as a sealer.

The shea butter is a whitish-colored hard consistency and says fixed oil on the label.

The avocado butter is a creamy-colored softer consistency and also says fixed oil on the label.
( is this butter supposed to be a cream color or a greenish color )

What to do?
You can soften the shea butter up a bit by popping it in the microwave and add some nice oils(coconut and evoo) and mix it all together. It should make a nice creamy butter to do braidouts and twistouts:yep:

You can also take the mixture and prepoo with it with a warm towel under the dryer, or put it on your ends and put a plastic cap on and let it sit overnight. Use it on your heels and elbows. Lots of uses-use your imagination
I don't have any Shea, but I love my Avocado Butter. I use it all over. I added some oils and glycerin to it and I use it on my body and my hair. I have my family hooked on it, too. DivaRox is right. Warming them up a bit makes for a nice prepoo. There are many things you can do with them.