She Said she dont even own shampoo- lol


New Member
so this morning Im listening to the convo between one of my black (B)coworkers and one of my white (W) coworkers

W- your hairs looks so bouncy and shiny today, what did you do to it?

B- I got caught in the rain and I had to wash it.

W- what you mean you HAD to wash it?

B- I don't normally wash my own hair I go to the hairdresser every two weeks. I dont even own shampoo, I found a sample pkt laying around the house.

W- Well your hair looks good, maybe you should wash it more often.

Just thought I would post cause its about hair and I thought it was funny!:lachen:
My big sis doesn't own 'poo, nor does she own a curling iron, a blow dryer, conditioner, NOTHING. She goes to the salon weekly. :(

I can't get down with only washing my hair once every 2 weeks. I've tried it and I HATE IT.
There are DIYers who also don't own shampoo. I remember when I first came to LHCF folks were :armyhat: about no-poo reggies.
:lol: I was once that "salon girl", every two weeks when I had relaxed hair. Now, I'm a big DIY hair advocate :grin:

...but at least I did OWN a bottle of shampoo, dang!
Aside folks that choose not to use poos 'cuz of SLSs etc. I was one of those girls.
There was no need for any hair products because I went to the salon for that.
In fact, I remember feeling guilty if I DID buy a product 'behind the stylist's back.' lol
Lol, maybe she needs a new stylist if her DIY looks better than she looks after the salon.

My BFF lives and dies by her weekly appointment at the salon. She owns nothing but a comb, a paddle brush and a CHI that she rarely uses.
I've never been a "salon girl" even when I did go to the salon, I took care of my hair in between time.
I have one better...

I knew a girl who was a salon girl. She never washed her own hair, didn't own nothing but a comb and a brush. She was over at a friends house and tried to turn on the tub, but the shower was still on & got her hair wet. She had a melt down! I mean tears, hysterics and all. She was like, "I don't know how to wash my hair or blow dry it. What will I do!!!" I could not believe it. I just could never see myself being that way.
I have one better...

I knew a girl who was a salon girl. She never washed her own hair, didn't own nothing but a comb and a brush. She was over at a friends house and tried to turn on the tub, but the shower was still on & got her hair wet. She had a melt down! I mean tears, hysterics and all. She was like, "I don't know how to wash my hair or blow dry it. What will I do!!!" I could not believe it. I just could never see myself being that way.

wow now that's bad.
I wash my hair without shampoo all the time. I like making my own shampoo. I do buy natural shampoos but sometimes I make my own at home.
B- I don't normally wash my own hair I go to the hairdresser every two weeks. I dont even own shampoo, I found a sample pkt laying around the house.

W- Well your hair looks good, maybe you should wash it more often.

Just thought I would post cause its about hair and I thought it was funny!:lachen:

I have one better...

I knew a girl who was a salon girl. She never washed her own hair, didn't own nothing but a comb and a brush. She was over at a friends house and tried to turn on the tub, but the shower was still on & got her hair wet. She had a melt down! I mean tears, hysterics and all. She was like, "I don't know how to wash my hair or blow dry it. What will I do!!!" I could not believe it. I just could never see myself being that way.


Sadly, I've known many girls like this. I actually used to make some side change in college doing these girls' hair when they couldn't afford to go to the salon.
I used to do that - I went to the salon every 2 weeks and I didn't have any shampoo or conditioner at home. I thought I couldn't do my own hair. Now I wash my hair every week and it's been more than 2 years since I've been to a salon.
And I used to wash my hair everyday because of the gym. Now I wash it every other day... Two weeks would drive me crazy
My mom was a salon girl, which is why she could never manage her hair or mine...she didn't "have" to. She went to the salon weekly, and she constantly cut my hair out of frustration. I on the other hand only went to the salon for a relaxer, and maintained it myself at home. It's a great luxury if you can afford it...and thank God I went natural before the recession, cause the salon I went to charged a grip!!!
I didn't own my own shampoo until this year

I guess its w/e works for her.. because going to the hair dresser every 2 weeks EVEN with my own abuse at least got me to between SL and APL. Washing process isnt the easiest thing to get right... after a few months of taking full care of my own hair i still struggle with the whole Washing + DC + Protein + De-tangle + Drying + Roller setting + mostly because I'm still trying to find the right products and improve technique/skill. I'm just trying to imagine how much I would have totally bombed if I tried to wash my own hair with out this website

What was the condition of your co-worker's hair?
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I was definitely a salon girl. I only owned a paddle brush because I never liked combing my hair. No comb, no shampoo, no oils or anything. Then my life became even better when my stylist was tired of me coming to her a mess once a week and she decided to be on call for me and would come to my apartment or let me come to hers, including late night. I saw her every 2-3 days. I am not going to lie, I miss her now and mourned her loss for 2 years. I am learning to do some simple things to my hair and once I get something right I do always feel super empowered, though I still can't style. Thank goodness for wigs, :grin: otherwise I would really be a mess but so far I am salon free since June 09.
and that woman was also thinking...

WHY do you only wash your hair every 2 weeks? doesnt it get DIRTY before then??
I used to do that - I went to the salon every 2 weeks and I didn't have any shampoo or conditioner at home. I thought I couldn't do my own hair. Now I wash my hair every week and it's been more than 2 years since I've been to a salon.
Me too, to the T. I only went to the hairdresser and had no clue what to do in between so I did nothing. I have family members who still do this, to the point that if their hair gets wet in the rain they have no clue what to do. I haven't been to a hair salon since 2006 or earlier and my hair is much healthier.
i can't imagine! even in middle school when my ma used to take me to the salon every 2 weeks to get my hair done, i at least washed it the week inbetween! didn't have conditioner but at least we had the motions's shampoo and the pink lotion! :lol: