She NEEDS LHCF-- long


Well-Known Member
Ladies I need your help. I have a friend I have been going to school with for 3 years now and I have watched her hair go from beautiful shoulder length to chin length and thinning more and more. This happened b/c she put braids in for months and months but never washed it, moisturized it, trimmed it, or conditon it. So when she finally took them out, her hair was severly damaged, thinning and splitting. I was worried but then she went to another friend's cousin who was a hairstylist and an Aveda salon in nyc. She got a BC, but to me, the BC wasn't thorough enough (I don't know if that makes sense) and she didn't cut it where I felt it should have been cut to eliminate the damaged ends. Anyway, she stills goes to her, paying good money, but I don't think she gets trims enough or something b/c her hair is now thinning again and breaking (I often see little pieces of hair on her shirt). It has gotten a lot worse over the last couple of weeks and I want to tell her to stop going to the lady and listen to my tips. I'm afraid (like most ppl I have approached about the board or even proper hair care) that she'll:

1. Get insulted and tell me not to tell her how to do hair
2. Tell me that I'm not a professional and that the Aveda lady is right
3. Look at me like I'm crazy and tell everyone in my class and my friends how obsessed and crazy I am
4. Not be patient enough to follow my advice since hair care is all about patience and not quick fixes.

She is the type of person who already likes to embarass ppl in a way by making sarcastic remarks to make other ppl laugh. I mean she's a really nice person, but I still am afraid of risking it with her.

One thing that is in my favor is that she's seen me do BC's many times and have the hair grow back to armpit length b4, but her and her friend's excuse for not cutting their hair too is that their hair doesn't grow like mine does and when they do cut it, it just stays there and never grows back and that I have 'good hair' that grows like wildfire so I shouldn't talk b/c I was born with good hair that grows and they didn't. They always yell at me for cutting my hair too, saying that I am lucky b/c I have hair and I'm always cutting it so I'm not grateful for the hair I have and should just let it grow. So I'm afraid they'll yell at me for telling them to do another BC.

I was gonna wait until my hair grew back again so she could see that black hair does grow and believe me more, but by then I feel like it will be too late and she will have to chop all her hair off, which I don't think she will do at all. So I really need your advice on how to approach her b/c I hate seeing women lose hair when they don't have to. What should I do?
That's what I have been doing, but every time I see her I feel so guilty b/c I know that if I could just find a way to approach her so she could listen to me, her hair could do a 180. I'm just itching to help someone out. It's like I found this secret great thing and I want to share it with everyone I can help, but it's just not happening.
I agree...let the girl come to YOU !!

But...on the other hand, I can see why you would feel bad for her. It's like you have a big secret that you KNOW would help her, but you're afraid of how she'll react. Is she a close friend of yours? Someone you've known for a long time? That can make a BIG difference.

What you might consider doing is just waiting for an opportunity to drop her some subtle hints (in a non-"preachy" way) about black hair care. For example, if you ever catch her complaining about a "bad hair day", or maybe when she's telling you how your hair grows like "wildfire" maybe you could encourage her and say something like: "do you know what really helped my hair?? Here's what really helped me..."
You might even offer to do her hair (depending on how close you all are) like maybe wash and condition it or something...

I have a friend sort of like you mentioned and I've seen her hair go from being LONGER than mine around neck length (she used to brag about it too) to now being a little puff ball in the back of a ponytail. :nono: While my hair is at my shoulders now, her hair keeps getting shorter and shorter because her stylist keeps cutting and cutting it. Obviously it's because her hair isn't in good shape because she keeps complaining about how her hair wont' do right, and how her stylist keeps cutting it.

I haven't mentioned the LCHF board to her, but I have dropped little hints about my routine and how I wash my hair at least once a week, and stuff.
secretdiamond said:
Ladies I need your help. I have a friend I have been going to school with for 3 years now and I have watched her hair go from beautiful shoulder length to chin length and thinning more and more. This happened b/c she put braids in for months and months but never washed it, moisturized it, trimmed it, or conditon it. So when she finally took them out, her hair was severly damaged, thinning and splitting. I was worried but then she went to another friend's cousin who was a hairstylist and an Aveda salon in nyc. She got a BC, but to me, the BC wasn't thorough enough (I don't know if that makes sense) and she didn't cut it where I felt it should have been cut to eliminate the damaged ends. Anyway, she stills goes to her, paying good money, but I don't think she gets trims enough or something b/c her hair is now thinning again and breaking (I often see little pieces of hair on her shirt). It has gotten a lot worse over the last couple of weeks and I want to tell her to stop going to the lady and listen to my tips. I'm afraid (like most ppl I have approached about the board or even proper hair care) that she'll:

1. Get insulted and tell me not to tell her how to do hair
2. Tell me that I'm not a professional and that the Aveda lady is right
3. Look at me like I'm crazy and tell everyone in my class and my friends how obsessed and crazy I am
4. Not be patient enough to follow my advice since hair care is all about patience and not quick fixes.

She is the type of person who already likes to embarass ppl in a way by making sarcastic remarks to make other ppl laugh. I mean she's a really nice person, but I still am afraid of risking it with her.

One thing that is in my favor is that she's seen me do BC's many times and have the hair grow back to armpit length b4, but her and her friend's excuse for not cutting their hair too is that their hair doesn't grow like mine does and when they do cut it, it just stays there and never grows back and that I have 'good hair' that grows like wildfire so I shouldn't talk b/c I was born with good hair that grows and they didn't. They always yell at me for cutting my hair too, saying that I am lucky b/c I have hair and I'm always cutting it so I'm not grateful for the hair I have and should just let it grow. So I'm afraid they'll yell at me for telling them to do another BC.

I was gonna wait until my hair grew back again so she could see that black hair does grow and believe me more, but by then I feel like it will be too late and she will have to chop all her hair off, which I don't think she will do at all. So I really need your advice on how to approach her b/c I hate seeing women lose hair when they don't have to. What should I do?

Just Be a friend. :kiss: Talk to her in private. Tell her you don't want to hurt her, but want to share your hair secrets with her, suggest maybe the both of you growing your hair out together. Make it a bonding experience. If she brushes you off and doesn't respect you after that, then leave it alone, and she will just have to watch as your Hair once again out shines hers.