She Just Moved In Today....


Well-Known Member
My neighbor's girlfriend moved in today. He is a teacher and moved in last year, around November:

She had the hallway lined with boxes while her movers transported her things from the boxes into the apartment. She introduced herself as his girlfriend which shocked us since we've seen him kissing male companions in the mouth. They've been dating for 10 months.

I just saw who I guess was her dad show up with a Dyson.
This could be an interesting few months. I haven't seen the neighbor at all but school is back in session so he may be handling after school programs.
She introduced herself as his girlfriend which shocked us since we've seen him kissing male companions in the mouth. They've been dating for 10 months.

Interesting, just last week I heard two jewish men that I know have arrangements. They are married with children but date men.
I saw him last night when he got take out delivered and I was taking in a couple of packages that were delivered. We had a brief conversation but he didn't mention her moving in or mention her at all.
Funny that she was all excited to introduce herself but he's said nothing.
I saw them leave for dinner last night and we chatted for a bit at the elevator. He commented that this week is the most he's seen me in the year that he's lived here. He and DH leave early in the mornings.

He re-introduced himself by name. I reminded him that I interviewed him as part of the approval process, which he recalled, but he couldn't remember my name.
He didn't introduce her although she was standing beside him. She chimed in to say, hi and told him that we met when she moved in. I admittedly don't recall her name.
They have no kitchen (renovating) so they will be eating out for a while or getting take out.
Whhhhy????! Two sad threads @naturalmanenyc (that I've read by you in a row) :(. I think my time of the month is amplifying it coupled with watching coverage of the poor guy assassinated by police for being black. So I'm like needing some joy.

This is one of those times when someone needs an anonymous note under the door when dude isn't around :look:

Depending on my mood I might not say a thing or if I felt really sorry for her, I might've popped out with, "Who? Oh my goodness I thought for a second you meant the dude upstairs in apartment X who is gay. Who are you moving in with?"

Her: "Dude from apartment X"

Me: Oh. Well good luck and nice to meet you.

I'd say I'm 99 percent leaning towards staying out of it. For the most part I don't like to attract or create drama and I stay out of things unless it is family, friends, or someone is in immediate danger. I would have to be moved to say something moved (like intuitively and also in a mood because I'm not one to just talk a lot to people I don't know well). And if I did it would sound like an accident (like above). Just because poor girl needs to protect herself (and ideally leave the guy) or at least know what she's getting into.
Whhhhy????! Two sad threads @naturalmanenyc (that I've read by you in a row) :(. I think my time of the month is amplifying it coupled with watching coverage of the poor guy assassinated by police for being black. So I'm like needing some joy.

This is one of those times when someone needs an anonymous note under the door when dude isn't around :look:

Depending on my mood I might not say a thing or if I felt really sorry for her, I might've popped out with, "Who? Oh my goodness I thought for a second you meant the dude upstairs in apartment X who is gay. Who are you moving in with?"

Her: "Dude from apartment X"

Me: Oh. Well good luck and nice to meet you.

I'd say I'm 99 percent leaning towards staying out of it. For the most part I don't like to attract or create drama and I stay out of things unless it is family, friends, or someone is in immediate danger. I would have to be moved to say something moved (like intuitively and also in a mood because I'm not one to just talk a lot to people I don't know well). And if I did it would sound like an accident (like above). Just because poor girl needs to protect herself (and ideally leave the guy) or at least know what she's getting into.

No, I am not getting involved. I will watch from a distance.
What are they doing from Christmas? Do you know? Sounds like they can't cook anything, so are they going to her parent's place?