Sharing your faith with others


Well-Known Member
I was recently watching a Youtube video called "Way of the Master" and it is basically these two Christian guys going up to strangers and showing them that they are in need of a savior and how they can be saved. It also encourages other Christians to share their faith with others as well.

I have a Co-worker who I am not sure believes in the Christian faith and I want to for the first time share my faith with her. I am just needing help on how to go about it. This is a story of why I want to share my faith with her:

One day last week I was ordering some checks for her (I work at a bank). She was picking out what features she wanted on them when we came across symbols like the cross and other religious symbols. When she saw them she said " Oh I don't do that Christian crap, no offense." This really had me concerned that she would refer to it as "crap" so I just feel that maybe no one has ever told her about the Good News that God has for us.

My question is how do you usually start a conversation when you share your faith with others?
I have found my self sharing it when others open the door. To use your example, I would have asked the coworker "Why do you feel that way?" in a non threatening, non judgemental way and proceeded to have a conversation. Also, when people come to me and ask my advice or opinion about a personal situation, I usually encourage them to pray because I believe prayer changes things, if it only bring momentary peace.

But I think the key is not to overwhelm other who may be new to faith or fallen away from it. I think you have to be open to having a real dialouge with someone opposed to telling them they are going to hell if they do not follow. Christians can be mean. Christians can be judgemental. Christians can be intimidating to those who do not know Christ. ***I can feel the dirty looks*** But this contributes to why people resist coming to Christ, they feel they cannot come as they are.

****daydreem steps off her soap box and backs away slowly