Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with others

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Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot

Here is an article from the Washington Post. I believe this is the same one Sis. Wavy was referring to.

This is the first time I'm reading this particular article and I knew there was a more balanced representation of that meeting. The examples indicated were actual proselytization and were violent, ugly and vile. Still, we all need to be vigilant of our amendment rights. But Weinstein was right, in my opinion, for the examples given. That's not to say he won't push for something severe and oppressive.
Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot

People are afraid of the Name of Jesus....plain and simple. Every time you say the name of Jesus, people get knocked off their feet because they are trying to kick against the pricks:

And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. Acts 9:5

You say the name GOD, and they don't have a problem with it....but say the name of JESUS, and eyes bulge, mouths foam, bodies shake violently and people lose their minds. If you don't believe me, try it and see:nono::nono:

At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess Him as Lord!!!
Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot

""The proselytizing they referred to is primarily from “dominionist” or fundamentalist evangelical Christians. Weinstein’s organization has 33,000 clients, and 96 percent are Christian. These clients come to him to complain about having their religious freedom undermined in some way.""

""A chaplain in Afghanistan recently was the target of complaint for sermonizing to troops, including Afghan soldiers, that they had approximately 2,000 days to live and needed to “get right with Jesus.”"

""“Leaders at all levels,” the document says, “must avoid the actual or apparent use of their position to promote their personal religious beliefs to their subordinates or to extend preferential treatment for any religion.” It even suggested that noncompliance could result in court-martial.""

""Weinstein himself once received a letter from the wife of an Air Force sniper who told him her Bible group prayed every day for him to end up in hell on fire and screaming with his friends, “the homos, the muslems [sic] the communists and the leftists. And the gun lovers and the abortionists.” "

Question: Does anyone agree that this is permissible in christianity? Is his "benign" sharing the gospel?
Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot

""The proselytizing they referred to is primarily from “dominionist” or fundamentalist evangelical Christians. Weinstein’s organization has 33,000 clients, and 96 percent are Christian. These clients come to him to complain about having their religious freedom undermined in some way.""

""A chaplain in Afghanistan recently was the target of complaint for sermonizing to troops, including Afghan soldiers, that they had approximately 2,000 days to live and needed to “get right with Jesus.”"

""“Leaders at all levels,” the document says, “must avoid the actual or apparent use of their position to promote their personal religious beliefs to their subordinates or to extend preferential treatment for any religion.” It even suggested that noncompliance could result in court-martial.""

""Weinstein himself once received a letter from the wife of an Air Force sniper who told him her Bible group prayed every day for him to end up in hell on fire and screaming with his friends, “the homos, the muslems [sic] the communists and the leftists. And the gun lovers and the abortionists.” "

Question: Does anyone agree that this is permissible in christianity? Is his "benign" sharing the gospel?
Anything that does not line up with God and His Word as a Christ Follower is not permissible to God, let alone Christianity.

I can't trust or believe to much with this man's word regarding these stories because I believe he is coming up with a case against Christians, period. He is using some things that people are doing and blanketing Christianity as a whole. People who do wickedness under the banner of Christianity, do not come from God. The Bible says you will know them by their fruits, and this:

"This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 6 If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin." I John 1:5-7
Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot

This is a comment left by a woman on that WP website, who is in the service. I left her name out for privacy, but its on the website:

5/1/2013 7:02 PM EDT
As a Veteran, as a Woman, as a MilSpouse, and as a Christian... Oh, Lord, spare me the pitchforks and name calling: I have never in my military experience seen or heard of anyone FORCED to listen to a prayer, Scripture reading, or a testimony. On the contrary, I have seen men and women of faith cower. I was told in Basic training that I could not pray with other Christians- I might offend someone. I was told that if my Bible reading offended someone, then I would have to lock it up, and only use it at Chapel- could not even read it during MY free time. Throughout my time with the military, since 1999, I walked on egg shells concerning my fervor for my faith. I have no desire to "save the world," or shove my faith down anyone's throat. However, I will NOT cower anymore when someone asks me what I believe or why. If THAT is proselytizing, as this article and as Mr. Weinstein would have us believe, then I guess I am guilty of that. However, I would have you all know.... I did not find Christian fellowship until I left the military, because I was too afraid of the "consequences" of sharing my faith. Now, I try to reach out to AD Christian women to offer them a chance to speak of their faith- guess what- THEY DON"T!!! Why is that? Oh, because Christians are insistent on pushing their faith down someone's throat. Right... But according to Weinstein the Military is full of us forcing our beliefs on others... I challenge him/anyone to show me an example of "spiritual rape" where the person who complained did not have the opportunity to walk away. Its not there..... As for the author of this article--- wow, way to get all the facts.
Praying for ALL the men and women who are Christ Followers in the armed forces who are facing what this woman and those that I know who are active in the military, face daily because of their faith. :pray:
Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot

I don't want to view this from a religious point of view, though...merely legal. If there are people who have complained about being proselytized, they should be protected. However, if there are people of whichever faith who are bullied into not being able to privately practice their faith (put away your bible ex.), those should also be protected. I just hate it that this thing has been spun by the right...then the left...where are the truth bones of this darned story? Know what I mean? Just provide spin and no rightist agenda counterpointed by leftist defense. Garsh!

I don't agree with forcing anybody...I'm Native...I know full-well what proselytizing means and it ain't pretty. I myself have been proselytized by "well-meaning" people badgering me in my face, "you're going to hell for being XYZ (catholic one of them)." SMH. It's not right. That's not sharing the gospel. If I'm on my way somewhere and somebody accosts me with, "here take this chick tract and read it need salvation" and I don't accept it and they push anyway....that's an assault against my human dignity and rights. Sharing the gospel is not forcing religion on anyone. People need to understand exactly what it means. There is a big difference.

With that said, yes, people ought be vigilant and contact their senators, representatives, governors, president...about this issue to forever secure one's private right to religion...and to public declare it...but not force it down a throat. Obviously, it's the latter that need interpretation. But we have first amendment rights and the chaplaincy has already been established in our armed services. We need to make sure they are NEVER removed.
Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot

Thank you for sharing this Successfulmiss

Nice & Wavy thank you for sharing the valid confirmations from valid sources.

This all goes back to the gay marriage enforcement. More and more Christians are speaking up and taking a stand against homosexuality. It's obvious that gay supporters fear the sovereign power of God's Word; realizing that they cannot change it to validate homosexuality.

I couldn't help but question, what does Obama have to say about this? He's already in the pool with them. Is he, the 'commander in chief' of the military going to ignore this? I refuse to believe that any President, Black or White, has no power to rebuke this.

The joy I have is this. No one can take Jesus away from me; He is embedded within my heart. My relationship with Jesus is real. The Pentagon has no power to take Jesus from me, nor me from Jesus Christ.

I don't even have to 'blink', Jesus is always here with me, abiding in me, and me abiding in Him...wholeheartedly.

I simply do not 'fear' this. I have no fear of what the military is trying to impose upon Christians. The pentagon is a vapor and without the grace of God and the presence of those who love him, these fools in the pent are only seconds away from their own self appointed destruction.

I've experienced too many victories in my life as a Christian to fear those who oppose.

I have to go back to this scripture that the Lord gave me the other day and I shared it in the Supreme Court thread in our forum.

This is soooooooo on time: John 19:10 and

Pilate said. "Don't you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?"

John 10:18

No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father."


The Pentagon+= Pontius Pilate

"Don't you know that I have the power to strip you of your honours, '''court martial" you?

Military Christian = Jesus

No one takes it from me, unless I lay it down of my own accord; and I have the power and the authority to take it up again, as commanded by my Father (in Heaven).


There it is, God's Word in full authority.
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Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot

I am sadden by this news, I will continue to pray for our military

I will say that I am not surprised b/c they still hiding rapes of our military members :nono:
Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot

I am sadden by this news, I will continue to pray for our military

I will say that I am not surprised b/c they still hiding rapes of our military members :nono:

3jsmom... So true. The military has many dark 'secrets' which they try to keep hidden to protect the guilty and disarm the innocent.

I also read in one of the articles regarding the pentagon, that 'they' regard sharing about Jesus as rape just as violating as sexual rape.

Some of these pentagon folks have pellets rattling in their brains. :nono:
Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot

I want to know what their 'current' policy is on 'forcing' (raping) people to accept homosexuality and gay marriage. A court martial for pushing this lifestyle should be in place for that as well.
Even if these cases are authentic - I can't imagine our brave soldiers being intimidated by these instances. They are trained for all types of warfare foreign and domestic but are threatened by someone damning them to hell? It is the name of Jesus that is the offense.

1 Peter 2:7-8 Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, 8 And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.
Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot

Just for the sake of this thread we are speaking of biblical/belief matters not anything legal.:look: This is the Christian forum where the forum rules state NOTHING here is up for debate. Thank you to all those praying and in faith for those still in the military facing this sort of opposition. It is actually dishonoring to those of us who have faced this opposition and experienced it in real life. Like me. I apologize to any ladies here if they have felt they have been dishonored in anyway.God bless you all in Jesus Name!:yep:

PER Beverly:The purpose of this particular forum is to allow believers of Jesus Christ to fellowship together. Its not political, controversial, or a means for debating. Any post that do not pertain to spiritual advancement, encouragement, etc. will be removed. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
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Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot

Thanks for sharing, Successfulmiss

It's disheartening to hear that a Christian (once again) is being told to leave his faith at home and not bring it out anywhere else.
Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot

Just for the sake of this thread we are speaking of biblical/belief matters not anything legal.:look: This is the Christian forum where the forum rules state NOTHING here is up for debate. Thank you to all those praying and in faith for those still in the military facing this sort of opposition. It is actually dishonoring to those of us who have faced this opposition and experienced it in real life. Like me. I apologize to any ladies here if they have felt they have been dishonored in anyway.God bless you all in Jesus Name!:yep:

PER Beverly:The purpose of this particular forum is to allow believers of Jesus Christ to fellowship together. Its not political, controversial, or a means for debating. Any post that do not pertain to spiritual advancement, encouragement, etc. will be removed. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

When you opened up this topic, it was via a news source that was not quite credible. This is a national news event, not just a christian news story. And even FOR christians, it has great and long-ranging repercussions for everyone's first amendment rights, no matter their faith. I chose to also look at this situation via legal means because it is a situation developing in the DOD. I am not discounting Jesus nor prayer in the least. But to have the information correctly is very important.

Christians should not ever hide their heads in the sands...and they should not ignore the legal aspects of laws and policies that are going to affect them. But I personally choose not to be alarmist, reactionary and doomsday fearful about this situation because I think it can be choked out of existence simply by our constitutional rights. If christians wish to get active to prevent such a change, they should contact their elected officials. The starting point in this thread was verifying the story. And I find it strange that the complete article presented with evidence of negative and oppressive proselytization practices against non-christians is largely being overlooked in favor of only seeing the discriminatory practices against christians...though, the climate of the armed services is steeped in a christian culture as the majority. Christ requires justice, not just for christians. I see the problem developing, but for all people.

Matthew 10: 16

"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.
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Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot

Matthew 10: 16

"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

This is on point. :yep: Christians in the Military are surrounded by wolves on both sides...However, they are all more than Conquerors through Jesus Christ our Lord. :love2:
Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot

Those groups are disseminating false and misleading information. Christians are not being singled out. This applies to anyone, Christian, Muslim, Atheist, etc. who tries to impose their beliefs on others. The military has long prohibited proselytization.
"Service members can share their faith (evangelize), but must not force unwanted, intrusive attempts to convert others of any faith or no faith to one's beliefs (proselytization)," said Navy Lt. Cmdr. Nate Christensen, a Pentagon spokesman, in an email.

"If a service member harasses another member on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, or disability, then the commander takes action based on the gravity of the occurrence. Likewise, when religious harassment complaints are reported, commanders take action based on the gravity of the occurrence on a case-by-case basis."

Christensen said there are no plans to single out evangelical Christians for punishment, despite claims of activists.

"The U.S. Department of Defense has never and will never single out a particular religious group for persecution or prosecution. The Department makes reasonable accommodations for all religions and celebrates the religious diversity of our service members," he said.
Fox Falsely Claims Obama Administration Leading "Christian Cleansing" Of Military
Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot


When I first heard of the story, something didn't set well with me and that's when I went searching. There is persecution of many for their faith in G-d, whichever religion, but it makes us look like fools when we are blown from side to side with each and every right-wing misinformation put out there. This was on purpose and I believe it was to cast an ugly light on the Obama admin. They are trying from every angle to rile up the masses against him (fanatics and uber right).

I think that, as christians, we should search for all the facts and then get riled up when those absolutely point out persecutions. Still, no one else here has even looked at the Weinstein examples to even point out he was justified.

Faux News...I just knew after "Breitbart" that when Fox was mentioned, it wasn't going to appear anywhere else mainstream. SMH. Those will stoop at nothing to hate on a black man. Sigh.
Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot


When I first heard of the story, something didn't set well with me and that's when I went searching. There is persecution of many for their faith in G-d, whichever religion, but it makes us look like fools when we are blown from side to side with each and every right-wing misinformation put out there. This was on purpose and I believe it was to cast an ugly light on the Obama admin. They are trying from every angle to rile up the masses against him (fanatics and uber right).

I think that, as christians, we should search for all the facts and then get riled up when those absolutely point out persecutions. Still, no one else here has even looked at the Weinstein examples to even point out he was justified.

Faux News...I just knew after "Breitbart" that when Fox was mentioned, it wasn't going to appear anywhere else mainstream. SMH. Those will stoop at nothing to hate on a black man. Sigh.
@ the bolded. This is not a true and fair statement.:ohwell: I did read what he said and I looked to find facts and even stated such. I found that his views on this subject was against Christians in general, even though he stated that it was only those who"proselytize." But, when you read into more about this man, you find that his vitriol against Christians is forceful and shaded.

YOU can by all means agree with this man if you like, but don't say that some of us may look like fools because of the information we may find out, even if its coming from Fox News. I appreciate the fact that the OP even put this thread here and I don't appreciate some of the statements you are making in this thread because some may not agree with you and your statements. To say that "this was on purpose" (even if it came from Briebart) is unwarranted and to state that there wasn't any of this information on any mainstream news is not accurate...last I heard, Washington Post is a mainstream news media.

I'm not going to continue to even post in this thread....I can see where this is going and my spirit is to joyful to, on that note...continue on!
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Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot

Pretty sure they mean every religion, not just christianity...
Fox News strikes again! They report first, retract latter, but the damage has already been done.

I think we as Christians need to be truthful. While most of us go about our daily lives sharing our faith in a respectful manner there are bad apples that are highly offensive in the way they share their faith. No one in authority should have the right to force their faith on another person. If this story was about protecting Christians from atheist forcefully spreading their belief the responses in this thread would be different. Being a Christian does not give us the mandate to force our belief systems on another individual. Even Christ told his the 12 that if any city did not want to receive the truth to shake the dust off their feet and move on. However, some people still don't understand that no one should be battered into hearing or accepting the gospel. Especially someone in authority.
Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot

@Nice & Wavy

I mean touching upon that point of view as valid because it is within the context of this entire situation...with the truth as latter revealed. Those reported incidences? Maybe I missed others touching upon those. My bad. And truthfully, we were set up to look silly and reactionary. They are highly manipulative. It was understandable and it is true that society is leaning towards doing something like this. I know:yep:. But we're not there yet. Even more reason for us to present the facts and get active now. BTW, I'm not calling you a fool nor anyone's collective "fooled" into believing their spin. My heart jumped as well initially.

Some of us could smell the spin early on, others were alarmist and within reason...but without the facts, we can't make a fair assessment of things. Please don't take it that we are somehow against you. That's not it at all. If christians are going to be fair, then be fair for all, not just for the point of many. I personally can't trust anything that comes from the mouth of Faux News.


Weinstein is reactionary against christians for the very reasons you state. Thing is, proselytization is the ugly word here. And thank G-d that all this was clarified by the spokesperson at the DOD in that letter. Sharing the gospel isn't proselytizing and there are 2 camps in the CF on what it means. I just hope that we remain balanced in all aspects of life, even within our faith to see the dignity of every human. You know, in the OT, somebody said something so brilliant...."Jesus was a gentleman." He sure was and is today. He never forces, never takes away free will. He can lead, guide, influence without destroy man's freedom.
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Re: Pentagon WILL began court martialing soldiers sharing the Christian faith with ot

Im no longer posting here either. Sticking to forum rules:yep:. God bless you all and Shalom!
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