Sharing pics of results from Surge


Smeller of roses
Hey gang, just wanted to share my first set of comparison pics that I took tracking the effects of Surge. I've been using it since Dec 1 and I believe it has about doubled my normal growth rate. These pics are both of dripping wet hair. I am also keeping track of the difference on blowdried straight hair so as to eliminate variences caused by shrinkage, but those won't be done til April. Thanks so much for introducing this product! It's been nothing but good for my hair.


I am soooo glad you posted this here!!! Wonderful, wonderful WONDERFUL!!!
Yeah, it is definately working on my hair. The interesting thing is that my hair always responds well to products with lots of protein which is disasterous for some people. In any case I learned about this product from this forum so again THANK ALL OF YOU! Aside from the increase in growth it has also been very moisturizing on my dry scalp.
Wow!!! simply beautiful!! That's some amazing growth in just a couple of months!! Do you wash your hair everyday as per instructed on the bottle? The reason I ask is because some of the ladies have had not so great results from using Surge and I would like to know your secret to successful hair growth by utilizing this product. Keep up the good work!!
caramel_essence said:
Wow!!! simply beautiful!! That's some amazing growth in just a couple of months!! Do you wash your hair everyday as per instructed on the bottle? The reason I ask is because some of the ladies have had not so great results from using Surge and I would like to know your secret to successful hair growth by utilizing this product. Keep up the good work!!

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Thank you caramel. Hmmm, well I do rinse my hair everyday, but I don't use shampoo every time. Usually I just put some conditioner on my ends and massage it in then rub my fingers vigorously on my scalp while I stand under the shower spray. I may shampoo once or twice per week depending on my activity level. I spray on the surge right after I get out of the shower by parting my hair and directing it to the scalp. Then I massage it in for 2 or 3 minutes and continue applying the rest of my leave-ins. I do NOT use it twice per day.
Thats a lot of growth for two months. WOW. What's Surge and where do I get it?
WOW! Your hair looks nice. Love the curl formation. I guess I'll keep on keeping on with the Surge. It doesn't irritate me so I guess I have no excuses. I need it to help with the splits/breakage..if it doesn't help with that then it's gone. Anywho, I the hair
Very beautiful hair. I going start using Surge all over my head faithfully. I've just been using on my sides and kitchen.
Now that is some growth! Imagine how many inches this will add up to when you straighten it out. Please keep us posted.
This is great!
After all of the recent bad reviews about surge I was getting a little scared, being a surge beginner. But this is just the encouragement that I needed to get me started. Congrats on your rapid growth and good luck with all of the growth in the future.

Oh and by the way, I've checked your album before and added to my favorites a long time ago. You are a NATURAL inspirtation to me. I go to it and a few of my other inspirations, when I get discouraged about my "different" look and it picks me up to see other beautiful natural heads of hair. (I just thought I would let you know that I love your hair (and I'm not a stalker or anything)).