Share your crazy MSM induced vivid dreams!


New Member
Thanks to my dose of MSM right before bed, I have been having the most realistic dreams of my entire LIFE. I LOVE IT! It feels so much like real life that it takes me a sec to come back to reality when I wake up! :grin:

Last night, I dreamed that I was going out with Snoop and he was really feelin me. We got to some show where he was going to perform, and he said

"After this, I wanna take you home, make love to you, and then deep condition your hair." :lachen:

Isn't that funny?!

The best part is that I can ALWAYS pinpoint why I had the dream. Right before bed, I was watching the news and someone compared a football player to Snoop Dogg. Then, I read a thread here about how constant deep conditioning has saved her hair from breakage. Hence, my crazy dream. Snoop would never say that, lol!

Does anyone else have really weird vivid dreams caused by MSM? If so, please share your dreams!!

(By the way, I take 3000 mg. of Puritan Pride brand MSM powder about 30 min before bed)
In my dream Peyton Manning fell in love with me and kissed me while we were making dinner - but I told him that I really loved my boyfriend and just wanted to be friends. He was sad - but got over it, and later we went to an outdoor comedy show where Carrot Top performed. The dream was SO vivid I can tell you what we were cooking - what kind of countertops Peyton has in his kitchen and what color Polo he'd wear to an outdoor comedy show.

Wierdest Part? I'm not the tiniest bit attracted to Peyton Manning. I admire his ability -- but uh...dude looks like Frankenstein.
Are you ladies taking MSM in the evening and what are your dosages?

My dreams are always pretty vivid but I want some celebrities in my dreams too. I want a one where Boris Kodjo oils my scalp and then Maxwell circa 2001 puts some cornrows in.
Are you ladies taking MSM in the evening and what are your dosages?

My dreams are always pretty vivid but I want some celebrities in my dreams too. I want a one where Boris Kodjo oils my scalp and then Maxwell circa 2001 puts some cornrows in.

WOW, I almost just laughed out loud at work! As I mentioned previously, I take 3000 mg of powdered MSM mixed in with my nightly protein shake about 30 min before bed. I am looking forward to going to sleep tonight, maybe I should stare at some pics of Boris tonight and let that MSM do its thing!
Well, my dreams are usually more weird than usual since taking MSM. I can't remember all of it, but I can recall being on vacation in a tropical island looking out at the water. I could feel the sun rays on my skin and smell the air - aahhhh! :lachen:
Haha!!! (you see how well I read) I think i'm gonna do an experiment starting tonight before I go to bed (I'm wrongly serious too). I'll let you know if the MSM plus certain images equals sweet dreams for me!
Thanks to my dose of MSM right before bed, I have been having the most realistic dreams of my entire LIFE. I LOVE IT! It feels so much like real life that it takes me a sec to come back to reality when I wake up! :grin:

Last night, I dreamed that I was going out with Snoop and he was really feelin me. We got to some show where he was going to perform, and he said

"After this, I wanna take you home, make love to you, and then deep condition your hair." :lachen:

Isn't that funny?!

The best part is that I can ALWAYS pinpoint why I had the dream. Right before bed, I was watching the news and someone compared a football player to Snoop Dogg. Then, I read a thread here about how constant deep conditioning has saved her hair from breakage. Hence, my crazy dream. Snoop would never say that, lol!

Does anyone else have really weird vivid dreams caused by MSM? If so, please share your dreams!!

(By the way, I take 3000 mg. of Puritan Pride brand MSM powder about 30 min before bed)

:lachen: ... hilarious! Yes, MSM seems to make my dreams even more vivid then they normally are... I also have more dreams then usual in one night if I take MSM powder. It doesn't matter how much. Ih aven't taken this in quite some time though.
Thanks to my dose of MSM right before bed, I have been having the most realistic dreams of my entire LIFE. I LOVE IT! It feels so much like real life that it takes me a sec to come back to reality when I wake up! :grin:

Last night, I dreamed that I was going out with Snoop and he was really feelin me. We got to some show where he was going to perform, and he said

"After this, I wanna take you home, make love to you, and then deep condition your hair." :lachen:

Isn't that funny?!

The best part is that I can ALWAYS pinpoint why I had the dream. Right before bed, I was watching the news and someone compared a football player to Snoop Dogg. Then, I read a thread here about how constant deep conditioning has saved her hair from breakage. Hence, my crazy dream. Snoop would never say that, lol!

Does anyone else have really weird vivid dreams caused by MSM? If so, please share your dreams!!

(By the way, I take 3000 mg. of Puritan Pride brand MSM powder about 30 min before bed)

Wow that is funny! :lachen: MSM used to give me premonitions so I stopped, was very scary.:nono:
Wow that is funny! :lachen: MSM used to give me premonitions so I stopped, was very scary.:nono:

Premonitions? Can you give an example? Did you dream something and it happened?

I love these dreams so much, I'll keep taking it even if I don't see any extra hair growth, lol!
Premonitions? Can you give an example? Did you dream something and it happened?

I love these dreams so much, I'll keep taking it even if I don't see any extra hair growth, lol!

Yea it was crazy. Once I had this very vivid dream about being late to work because my alarm was off for some reason. Then I suddenly woke up. My power immediately went out and my alarm went off. WTH?

Then I would have dreams about conversations with ppl, then I would have that same conversation with them that day or a few days later. Repeating things to them they never even said to me yet. :eek: They started getting freaked out! I had to stop, I was getting scared.
When I was on MSM I had a dream my hair turned

into something pineapple looking... it wasn't cute...

it was disturbing actually...

the most disturbing dream i ever had...

my skin was growing out

like those thingies on top of a pineapple...

I left that MSM ALONE!!!
LOL, so MSM is giving people eerily realistic dreams and scary premonitions?

i think i need to get on this stuff!!! i mean, how cool would that be? longer healthier hair AND you can see into the future! :grin:

are you all using straight MSM, or a combo of msm n something else (like msm and glucosamine)?
Thanks to my dose of MSM right before bed, I have been having the most realistic dreams of my entire LIFE. I LOVE IT! It feels so much like real life that it takes me a sec to come back to reality when I wake up! :grin:

Last night, I dreamed that I was going out with Snoop and he was really feelin me. We got to some show where he was going to perform, and he said

"After this, I wanna take you home, make love to you, and then deep condition your hair." :lachen:

Isn't that funny?!

The best part is that I can ALWAYS pinpoint why I had the dream. Right before bed, I was watching the news and someone compared a football player to Snoop Dogg. Then, I read a thread here about how constant deep conditioning has saved her hair from breakage. Hence, my crazy dream. Snoop would never say that, lol!

Does anyone else have really weird vivid dreams caused by MSM? If so, please share your dreams!!

(By the way, I take 3000 mg. of Puritan Pride brand MSM powder about 30 min before bed)

LMAO! Too funny, sounds like my MSM dreams, except with Carmelo Anthony. And wants to give me a trim. Wtf?! :laugh:
Haha! I had one extremely vivid dream that was like a movie this week. Flowergirl (a member here) was an upcoming actress with was starring in a role with Al Pacino. They had to do a love scene for the movie (it became critically acclaimed and all of that). But Al Pacino was actually Satan and had somehow impregnated FlowerGirl during the scene in order to produce the anitchrist (I don't know so don't ask :lachen:). She found out she was pregnant when someone told her who Al Pacino actually was. When the angels in heaven found out they had to attempt and kill flowergirl to keep the end from happening. One of the angels didn't think it was right to kill her so he kept her in hiding with him and they went on the run. Al Pacino became extremely pissed because his intentions was to keep her near so he would know when she was to conceive and take the baby. Firebolts lashed from the sky, people were dying everywhere, & know one knew what was happening except those involved.

It was very exciting & would have made a great movie, but the whole thing was weird as hell and my alarm woke me up right when Al Pacino & the rest of the angels found Flowergirl about to conceive :wallbash: with the angel Gabriel trying to help her.

I actually came across quite a few members in the dream one of which who told flowergirl what was happening (it may have been nice & wavy, but I'm not sure). It was very lucid and it was as though I was right alongside everything while it was happening :spinning:. It's probably because I was on lhcf, & I was thinking about watching the Devil's Advocate before I went to sleep :nono:

*but the thing is I don't even take 200 mg of MSM but I often have crazy dreams anyway :look:
Ahhh, I'm actually a little disturbed by this. What makes people have these vivid dreams? And aren't you concerned that a topical treatment affects your brain this way?
:badgirl:I didn't even know it makes you have crazy dreams.

I took some last week because I read that MSM Glucosamine is also good for joint support and I have a bad knee.

anyhoo. :sleeping:I had a dream about LaDainian Tomlinson :lick: (Running Back of the San Diego Chargers):spank:

And that's all I have to say about that.:naughty:
MSM gave me very vivid dreams as well but they were not good ones. One I dreamed someone kidnapped and tried to rape me and when my SO came to wake me up (because I fell asleep on the couch) I screamed at the top of my lungs and tried to run for the door, like he was the guy in my dream and I was trying to get away from him. I also dreamed something happened to my mother and it had me sad for about a week. Needless to say I stopped taking it.
Ahhh, I'm actually a little disturbed by this. What makes people have these vivid dreams? And aren't you concerned that a topical treatment affects your brain this way?

Actually it's not generally used as a topical treatment (it's in vitamin form). I asked my professor who happens to be a neurologist about this because I wanted to know the same. She stated that sulfur, an essential compound, is associated with the production of GABa, a neurotransmitter responsible for cognitive memory. There is actually a supplement form to aid memory retention and learning, so I'm assuming from what she told be and from what I've read that msm(which primarily consists of sulfur) helps aid and causes us to retention of short term information for a much longer duration due to the increased re-uptake of GaBA. During different realms of sleep, when we dream, our brains are unconsciously processing this information. :yep:
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Ahhh, I'm actually a little disturbed by this. What makes people have these vivid dreams? And aren't you concerned that a topical treatment affects your brain this way?

LOL! It's not a topical treatment, it's just sulfur, which helps the body is multiple ways. Several other supplements have the same effect. I just found this about B6, the reasoning is probably the same for MSM:

"Vitamin B6 does wonders for our dream recall and the vividness of our dreams. Taking B6 will increase the production of serotonin, which is a chemical released from our brain that makes us happy, thus causing more vivid dreams. Melatonin is a chemical released by the pineal gland that makes our body naturally relax and become tired. The combination of the two have been considered the magic that creates beautifully vivid dreams."

Here's a brief paragraph about MSM's benefits.
"MSM is a naturally-occurring source of organic sulfur that is easily absorbed and used by the body. Taken up from the soil by plants, MSM found in food is largely lost during food processing, storage and cooking.
MSM supports organ and joint function by donating sulfur for maintenance of healthy connective tiss.*MSM helps keep skin, hair, and nails healthy by donating sulfur for the production of keratin, a fibrous protein.* Supports joint function."

You better go pick yourself up a bottle girl and start having some crazy dreams right along with us, lol! :lachen:
I was suddenly back in the 1890's or so and then this white man pulls this black woman out into a crowd off white pple and slaps her and slaps her and slaps her while he tears her clothes off. she was screaming so much and so loud. it was so vivid that even though I woke up after like 20 slaps I went to the bathroom and I could still hear her screaming!
Thanks to my dose of MSM right before bed, I have been having the most realistic dreams of my entire LIFE. I LOVE IT! It feels so much like real life that it takes me a sec to come back to reality when I wake up! :grin:

Last night, I dreamed that I was going out with Snoop and he was really feelin me. We got to some show where he was going to perform, and he said

"After this, I wanna take you home, make love to you, and then deep condition your hair.":lachen:

Isn't that funny?!

The best part is that I can ALWAYS pinpoint why I had the dream. Right before bed, I was watching the news and someone compared a football player to Snoop Dogg. Then, I read a thread here about how constant deep conditioning has saved her hair from breakage. Hence, my crazy dream. Snoop would never say that, lol!

Does anyone else have really weird vivid dreams caused by MSM? If so, please share your dreams!!

(By the way, I take 3000 mg. of Puritan Pride brand MSM powder about 30 min before bed)

Whaaat.....:lachen:....Dang I need to start taking some:yep:.....hope my husband wont notice my grins while sleep.:look:
In my first MSM induced dream, I was taking a short ride in a helicopter in which there was standing room only:perplexed and unfortunately I was standing and holding on to one of those handles like in the subway. After we took off the helicopter started banking sharply to the right and then I realized that all the alarms were going off and that were probably going to crash. All I could think of was whose lap I could sit on to break the impact and not shatter my legs. I woke up right before it crashed. No helicopter rides for me for a while.
Haha! I had one extremely vivid dream that was like a movie this week. Flowergirl (a member here) was an upcoming actress with was starring in a role with Al Pacino. They had to do a love scene for the movie (it became critically acclaimed and all of that). But Al Pacino was actually Satan and had somehow impregnated FlowerGirl during the scene in order to produce the anitchrist (I don't know so don't ask :lachen:). She found out she was pregnant when someone told her who Al Pacino actually was. When the angels in heaven found out they had to attempt and kill flowergirl to keep the end from happening. One of the angels didn't think it was right to kill her so he kept her in hiding with him and they went on the run. Al Pacino became extremely pissed because his intentions was to keep her near so he would know when she was to conceive and take the baby. Firebolts lashed from the sky, people were dying everywhere, & know one knew what was happening except those involved.

It was very exciting & would have made a great movie, but the whole thing was weird as hell and my alarm woke me up right when Al Pacino & the rest of the angels found Flowergirl about to conceive :wallbash: with the angel Gabriel trying to help her.

LOL it WAS a movie. Forgot the name of it but Keeanu Reeves was being duped by Al Pacino (the devil) to impregnate this woman to have the antichrist baby :lachen::lachen:

*but the thing is I don't even take 200 mg of MSM but I often have crazy dreams anyway :look:

Me TOO! I'm scared to take this stuff. My dreams are wild enough already!
I dreamed that me and Robin Thicke were in love, engaged to be married so he came to meet my whole family (including the out of town ones). We bought a house and it wasn't furnished yet so one afternoon we lying on the floor side by side in a sunny spot in front of a huge window.

This dream was so vivid that i woke up with feelings for him. I've had a crush on him ever since.
Wow that is funny! :lachen: MSM used to give me premonitions so I stopped, was very scary.:nono:

I have been having premonitions and such since I was 14, so I wouldn't know if I was reacting to the MSM or not...but I don't take it anyhow and I really don't want to increase the severity of them now. Many of the dreams used to revolve around heaven and hell, and the hell dreams weren't so pretty - especially when you can smell and hear things :nono: This is going on my do-not-use list!