

New Member
Hi All
. I am fairly new to this site, but already I have learned SO much, so thanks! My question is this...the last couple of days I have been seeing posts regarding how often hair is washed. There seem to be two debates: a. washing often = more moisture, open pores-->more growth; and b. washing less frequently = hair retains oil, more moisture-->more growth. At this point, I'm pretty confused
. In the past, I have generally had my hair washed on a weekly basis. Now, I am in an area where I have yet to find a stylist, so I get my hair washed when I travel (about once a month
). My hair has grown equally fast both ways; however, I want my hair to grow beyond what has been my traditional end point. With the tips I have picked up here, I am very optimistic about it..the only topic I am still confused about what the best route would be...leave it alone or start washing 2x's/week. Ok, so in order to decide, here is my question--how often do you wash your hair, and what length is your hair? Obviously, we all have different types, but whichever choice (a or b) has the most growth, that's where I'll land
. Thanks in advance, all!
Hey, thanks for posting this thread. I've wondered the same thing. First I hear how washing more causes your hair to grow and then I hear about a woman who didn't wash her hair for a whole year and had very much growth! I sometimes wonder, does all that fooling with your hair after washing hinder the growth process? Is it water the real moisturizer or your natural oils? I hope there will be a lot of responses to your questions and mine.

Before I found this forum on April 2004, I used to wash my hair about 1-2 times a month! My hair grew to armpit length when I was a freshman in high school and I would get trims about 1-2 times a year which made it shorter. Then in Oct 2003, I layered cut my hair to mid-neck length.
When I found the forum on April and after reading several post, I started washing once a week and then increasing it to 2-3 times a week sometimes. My hair is shoulder length right now. So I'm not sure whether washing it more has given me more growth because I haven't been doing it long enough to see a difference.

I hope that helps. ;-)
Yes, it helps--every answer helps clear it up a little more, thanks
. I saw the post about the once a year woman
...that's when I was like, I have got to figure this out, lol. Thanks again!
Washing everyday doesn't work for everybody, but it worked for me. I am 4a/b relaxed and started off in november with six inches of hair in the back. Now I have 10 (that's with 3 unnecessary trims). This growth is probably due to my daily conditioner washing.

I only shampoo my hair when I need all of the gunk out, or when I want to wear my hair down straight (maybe once every 2 weeks). Otherwise, I do daily conditioner washes/rinses. As a result, my hair has more strength, body, and I have been retaining length because it's healthy and clean.

As a marketing major, I'll let you know what we learn in class. The equation is

More Suds in shampoo = cleaner hair

of course, this isn't true. It's actually the friction from your fingers that gets your hair clean, but to sell products, we tell u that equation and take all your money

Why don't you just try washing (or co-washing) your hair 2x a week for 2 weeks and see if you like it? if you dont, you can always go back to your old regimen.

My hair started growing like a weed after joining boards. Mind you I attribute this growth (or retaining it, anyway) partly to the diligent use of satin bonnets and pillowcases. Currently my hair is a little past my shoulders (would have been bra-strap but had a stylist incident). I moved from washing 1x a week to washing 3x a week (2x with conditioner, 1x with shampoo) during weeks 1-8 or so of a touchup. Weeks 8-12 or so I only wash 1x a week. I almost never use heat of any kind, as well so that helps (but I had been doing that before hairboards anyway).
how often do you wash your hair, and what length is your hair?
-shampooing once a week and once a week with conditioner
- my hair is ca. 20 inches

I shampoo once every 10 days. (i do either a protein treatment or deep condition then too)

My hair is 17 inches long.
I use to wash my twice a week but I started doing co washes and it has been great hair growing out pretty good.
My hair is just about at my bra strap and I wash 2-3 times a week. More in the summer.

More washing means more growth for me. My scalp TWEAKS when I try to go even a week without wasshing - but then, it kinds always has.

I agree with everyone - washing, like most things hair related, isn't a scientific thing. Your hair will respond best to what it likes and most trial and error won't hurt. Try it both ways. If you find you get MORE growth one way or the other you can always make that your rule, since it works better for you.
I definetley think more washing yields faster hair growth. Hair grows regardless, but I personally feel that my hair thrives when its washed 2x a week.
Thanks all who answered--I plan to try washing twice a week, and seeing how it works. After all, I've got nothing to lose but dirt, lol. Thanks again!