Shampooing Hair..Technique

Paris Belle

Active Member
On the website: (I'm not sure if I should say the name)..They insist on their "Crown and Glory Technique" for shampooing hair is healthier for our hair. Has anyone used it?

The woman says to wash hair and condition it while it is braided in four big braids (if natural) and condition while it is in braids. I'm providing links. Does anyone know about this? Does it work? Have you done it..
(for relaxed hair)
(for natural hair)
Interesting... I might give that a try when my hair is longer. I like what she said about detangling the hair before rinsing the conditioner out.
I already detangle before I rinse out my conditioner...but I do like the sound of shampooing with my hair in 4 big braids.I'm gonna have to try this technique.
I do this now. I didn't even know it was recommended. I do it cause it is the easiest way for me to deal with my hair. The longer it got the more I had to do it this way. I precondition, wash, condition, and dry all in about 8 braids. I don't unbraid and rebraid in the shower. I can't deal with all my hair when wet. I unbraid when its almost dry, then I comb through with a leave-in conditoner.
Thanks for the feedback. I wear my hair relaxed and never thought of trying these techniques. Actually I just found out about them yesterday.

But I think I may give them a shot my next wash and set. I'm glad to hear that some people find these techniques sensible and are using them or are willing to use them.

If you do use them, please write back and inform us all of what you liked about it or not. For those who use it, are you really able to clean your scalp. I use a scalp massager when I wash my hair, but I think I would have to use my hands and I'm not that good with it (I guess I have to work on it). But anyway, I hope to hear more.

Thanks again.