Shampoo Bars vs Liquid Shampoo

Which Do You Generally Prefer: Shampoo Bars or Liquid Shampoos?

  • Liquid shampoos

    Votes: 18 46.2%
  • Shampoo bars

    Votes: 12 30.8%
  • I like both equally

    Votes: 9 23.1%

  • Total voters


New Member
Shampoo bars have gotten a lot of positive reviews on LHCF.

I was wondering: Do LHCFers like shampoo bars better than liquid shampoos? If so, why?

And what are some of your favorite ones?

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Shampoo bar-ista right here. Out of all the bars I've tried, I prefer Bobeam the most.


I really like bobeam (honey and oats & herbal rootz ones) . I prefer bars because I can get my hair clean in one lather and that's it. No need to use the bar again to get my hair and scalp clean. Also my curls are usually popping after. :) I don't get that with liquid shampoo.
Shampoo bars! I feel I can really get to my roots with bars and I can get the job done in one later. I'm a Bobeam fan also.
I like liquid, the shampoo bars made my hair feel coated and stiff. Plus it's easier for me to buy liquid shampoos, bars I've only seen across town or on online.
I haven't tried bars but by the looks of it, it seems like the bar would be slipping out my hands. I rather just use the regular shampoo and put in my roots only bottle and apply directly to my roots (which I think I will start apply once and not twice because it tangles up and assume dries out my new growth even though I co wash with v05 after before deep conditioning)
Thanks for starting this thread OP. I had never considered shampoo bars but just placed an order with Bobeam. Can't wait to receive my goods.
I like both, but I prefer liquid because I can get it on the ground and its hella cheap. I prefer to spend my money on stylers.
I like both...but I cant really cleanse my scalp using the bars. I have very thick hair and liquid shampoo is just easier to use...I have to dilute it or either pour it on my head to get it to the scalp. Putting it on my hands and rubbing it into my hair just does not get it. I do love shampoo bars on my length if I have a bit too much oil/serum and I need a tiny bit of cleansing during a co-wash. Shampoo bars have some lovely natural oils and herbs, which attracts me to buy them.

Bars are more expensive since they are usually hand-made and have high-quality natural ingredients, and I have to order them online, so shipping is a factor. I hope to either make my own bars in the future, or use cleansing herbal teas and powders...tryna get away from chemical shampoos.

Wanna go all natural in hair and body care products, including natural liquid shampoos, which I love, but I have a stash of commercial shampoo to use up.
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I picked shampoo bars. I used to not have a preference for either as they both dried my hair out. But then I tried the shampoo butter bar from Chargin Vally and girlllllllll. I have never had a shampoo or shampoo bar make my hair feel so good! Ever! Washing my hair with this, my hair feels like normal, smooth soft hair and it also gets it very very clean. I haven't even had my hair feel soft and smooth from rinse out conditioners. I will forever use this shampoo bar. Washing my hair has totally changed now that I have this.
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I have a ton of shampoo bars from Chagrin Valley and I honestly don't even use them anymore. I bought 20 samples and skin & shampoo bars.


I got a lot of use out of the couple of sample bars I did use, but I never went back to them since liquid is just easier. They are still in my hair stash. I remember liking the Mud & Clay bar and even wrote about it on my blog: