
Well-Known Member
:spinning::spinning::spinning::lachen:You ladies have me buying stuff that I don't need twisting my hair in your hands going buy this buy this :poke:, it is the truth :yep: , I have spent SOOOOOOO much money on things, NOw look my husband tells me I have to use it.:swearing:

He ordered my WEN package today :angeldevicause of you ladies. Now you have a thread about Steamers :whip:SHame shame shame :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

Actually I am dying to try the Wen. :)
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Are you not the person who's husband put you on a challenge not to buy anything? Did you fail or pass? Passing being the reason you're buying stuff?
Are you not the person who's husband put you on a challenge not to buy anything? Did you fail or pass? Passing being the reason you're buying stuff?

GIRL I FAILed with flying colors, but I did get the two lace fronts :) and orders were canceled or on back order they frigged me up. :)

for real though this is one thing I don't like about sally's and HS never let me know my wigs or products were on back order. I was like a phean waiting every day for those packages and had to call. It's like they don't call you to tell you anything. NJ has stipulations on chemicals and certain conditioners that can be shipped :(

I got maybe half of the stuff I ordered everything else was canceled, So I was like I can't wait, I have to I have to,

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girl don't feel bad...I have to say "I won't buy any hair products" with whatever amount of money he gives me. So sad...I want a steamer but it is too big...big sigh - I tried my clothes steamer - yea....don't do that.:nono::nono: ouch.

I now have a lot of stuff that I have to use up before my hair budget will be taken off of probationary freeze :ohwell: Better to use, than to be wasteful....but dog on it, I can't even get my kids to use the Hydratherma Naturals shampoo. :wallbash::perplexed
Are you not the person who's husband put you on a challenge not to buy anything? Did you fail or pass? Passing being the reason you're buying stuff?

(chewing my gum)

Melissa bee why you call me out? You knew I failed, why I thought we wus friends (popping my gum) why?

girl don't feel bad...I have to say "I won't buy any hair products" with whatever amount of money he gives me. So sad...I want a steamer but it is too big...big sigh - I tried my clothes steamer - yea....don't do that.:nono::nono: ouch.

I now have a lot of stuff that I have to use up before my hair budget will be taken off of probationary freeze :ohwell: Better to use, than to be wasteful....but dog on it, I can't even get my kids to use the Hydratherma Naturals shampoo. :wallbash::perplexed

GIRL I AM SICK and you had me in bed CHOCKING, OMG!!!! YOU are 2 funny!!!!!!!!

WAIT, I be asking my son to use some of the stuff since I have 2 that are into their hair. LOL
Well JJ! You are ready to Start a New Year!:look:

So........You get a chance to hit the Re-Set Button and Re-Start Your Behavior. (For the Better:yep:).

That's what I plan to do. I plan to Shop My Stash in 2010 (and get rid of a lot of things before buying more).

Everybody gets a Clean Slate to do now's your chance.:yep:
Maybe being a PJ is just who you are, and its just a part of one of your many hobbies! :grin: Nah don't listen to me I'm a bad influences.

Join the Use up your stash Challenge.. its the only thing stopping me, and I have little will power.

Hey at least you can say your hair looks amazing, because it does according to your sig :yep:
Well JJ! You are ready to Start a New Year!:look:

So........You get a chance to hit the Re-Set Button and Re-Start Your Behavior. (For the Better:yep:).

That's what I plan to do. I plan to Shop My Stash in 2010 (and get rid of a lot of things before buying more).

Everybody gets a Clean Slate to do now's your chance.:yep:

Aww Thanks, I really need to, If I get any more stuff in this house, I am growing hair to my toes, i have to justify it. LOL

I will shop my stash as well

Ha ha, you failed and you still got the prize. You are what people call 'spoilt'. lol joke.

Your right! huh, Hubby is so supportive and good to me, gotta love him. He knows LHCF terminology and everything, he knows the website, he even does a little skit for me Don't tell him I told U "girl you need to DC because your hair ends is dry that means you need moisture, your using too much protein"

"aphogee will stop that breakage in it's tracks girl, and it is CH-EAP"

He mocks me, but he knows most of what he is talking about! I am like I went to school for this and here it is my husband just sucks it up like a sponge and actually sounds real!
Maybe being a PJ is just who you are, and its just a part of one of your many hobbies! :grin: Nah don't listen to me I'm a bad influences.

Join the Use up your stash Challenge.. its the only thing stopping me, and I have little will power.

Hey at least you can say your hair looks amazing, because it does according to your sig :yep:

U HAD ME GOING, I started CHOckING at the NAH don't listen to me. I am mad sick (brother gave me his cold on top of my sinus infection)! Thanks so much, I guess that is the only reason I don't hear complaints from him. I added a list together of how much it would cost me in my area to get my hair done weekly and every other week as leverage.
:) thanks ladies you girls really make my day!
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girl don't feel bad...I have to say "I won't buy any hair products" with whatever amount of money he gives me. So sad...I want a steamer but it is too big...big sigh - I tried my clothes steamer - yea....don't do that.:nono::nono: ouch.

I now have a lot of stuff that I have to use up before my hair budget will be taken off of probationary freeze :ohwell: Better to use, than to be wasteful....but dog on it, I can't even get my kids to use the Hydratherma Naturals shampoo. :wallbash::perplexed

I use the shampoos that don't work for me as liquid handsoap. Works great as refill lolol