Well-Known Member
Ya'll have turned me into a product hoarder. I went to Sallys today and bought 4 liter size Silk Elements Moisturizing conditioner (2 for 10) thinking about all the threads about ingredients being switched up. I pick up a bottle of ORS Replenish the little one. I remember ya'll said the ingredients had been changed in the big one. I'm standing there reading the ingredients like I know what I'm reading. I hit up to different Sally's because the first one was sold out of the Silk Elements. The 2nd one only had 4 bottles and I took them all. I got the last 2 bottles of the Revive and Restore Moisturizer ( that line is being discontinued). I got a lot of other stuff too including the Conair Rollabout Dryer (had to hide that in the sunroom from my husband, lol). I'm going to try a rollerset tonight and let ya'll know how it goes. The ladies must have thought I was a stylist, they were trying to sell me 3 dryers at a discount. They also had those dryers that the beauticians have. I almost got it, but I didn't have anything to put it on, lol.