Sex, Romance and ... Hair!


New Member
Ladies help me.
When you're getting hot under the collar how do you maintain your cuteness when, as the Mr said yesterday, you've got a "beret" on your head?

I need to know!
Do you where a scarf all the time once you're indoors? How do you maintain "sexy" when the beautiful tresses remained covered up?

I have retained soooo much from protective styling and protecting my hair from the elements and the pillow; but this seems to be the one situation where a girl needs to throw caution to the wind.

If you have suggestions please let a free-spirited girl know.
my SO likes to grab and pull, and sometimes just because it's there. but he understands what i am trying to accomplish, so he doesn't mind the scarf, or bonnet. he thinks and tells me that i am pretty regardless. he said, "as long as you wash your behind, it doesn't bother me what your hair looks like!" :lachen:
It does bother my hubby he likes to rub/and run his hands through my hair so usually ill have my hair out or down when I'm kinda expecting sexy times but if its in the middle of the nite or morning etc he deals with my bonnet lol after a little bit he no longer cares anyway lol plus i think I look kinda cute with it and i also have a few pretty decorative silk scarves that look a little more stylish and i try to match it with my nightie or whatever. Hubby is receptive to the effort of atleast matching it all up lol. Basically I don't wrap up my hair until I'm ready for bed most days of the week so if he wants out during he knows when to seize the moment lol.
When I'm home, most of the time I have my scarf right now. Every so often I'll flat iron my hair for him just so he can see there is a method to all of this scarf wearing. When we get "hot under the collar" I've never had him to say that's ok I'll pass because you're wearing that scarf. He doesn't care. It ends up off anyway, then he'll pass it back to me I put it back on.
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My boyfriend has come to accept my scarf.

However I must admit I do feel way sexier when it is off and my hair looks good. I try to only put it in when I'm not in the mood at all to be "active" though this never stops him from initiating..
My husband is a simple man. He don't care WTH is on my head-- as long as he's gettin' some, he's happy. :lol:

If you don't want to wear a bonnet, you could always put a satin pillow cover on your pillow. :yep:
My husband likes to pull my hair so needless to say, it usually has to come off.

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Well, men are really simple. I think the best solution is a satin pillow case but I like to have my hair up and out of the way.
*** that bonnet when it's sexy time! Lol.
I'm rocking a weave with a u shaped leave out on top,as well as the perimeter.
Got it in last night,and strategically whipped my head all over the place while protecting my nape from those debil cotton pillowcases. Ugh!
Get creative with it ladies.:yep:
I got away unscathed...until he insisted on showering together.:ohwell:
Where's that smiley with the Pauly D. looking blowout?:look:
You guys are fabulous!

I love me some SexiTime! But no matter how colour coordinated or cute my bonnet/scarf is it makes me feel frumpy!

I'm definitely going to consider a satin pillowcase. Doesn't that mean I still wake up with hair all over the place that needs to combed/tamed in the morning! Not ideal protective styling.
I like to think I have sexi-time frequent enough that it can be considered a "protective styling hair issue" lol

My other half is always hands on with my hair, he's not disrespectful of my agenda, but come on, sexi-time is sexi-time! Lol. Or am I truly expected to prioritise healthy hair over a happy healthy relationship??

I don't wanna choose!!!