SEX in the BIBLE *gasp*


Well-Known Member
After running thru a bunch of threads in here about God and sex and masturbation and etc(which pop up rather frequently:spinning:), I felt compelled to do a little research and see what the real deal was...not necessarily scriptures that confirm or deny what is the right thing to do but just something concrete, direct and to the point...

Have you guys ever read Song of Solomon?! Due to my extreme curiousity back in my wild and crazy days, I have pretty much seen and read it ALL...almost nothing sexually related can cause me to blush or bat an eye...until I started reading the bible...

It was, i guess awkward is the appropriate word. I haven't even finished, but the part I did read literally had me like :blush::blush::blush: !!! I felt like a little kid peeping in on something I wasn't supposed to see, and I said to myself " Ay yo, God..Did you know they put this in here? They are talking about doing the do! And some of it sounds mighty taboo compared to what some christians deem as acceptable!"--->not me personally, but just in general.

Since finding, I've started reading the bible, like I used to read leisure novels, just because I can get everything broken down into layman's terms without having to decipher archaic words and sayings. It really is good reading for things you can apply to life...I read "The Message" and "Contemporary English" versions, and I was just a little caught off a guard by :

Song of Solomon 4:16

~The Message version
The Woman

16 Wake up, North Wind,
get moving, South Wind!
Breathe on my garden,
fill the air with spice fragrance. Oh, let my lover enter his garden!
Yes, let him eat the fine, ripe fruits.

Contemporary English Version
She Speaks:

16Let the north wind blow, the south wind too!
Let them spread the aroma
of my garden,
so the one I love
may enter
and taste
its delicious fruits.

As ya'll can see the point cannot be missed here:blush: I guess God is really cool with all freak-deaky that goes on goes on, as long as it is within the confines of marriage...I was going to say in the bedroom, but apparently these folks was talking about doing it outside too...but that's another thread:grin:

Any thoughts?
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Song of Solomon is indeed very sensual, and I am glad that it is included because God created us to enjoy sexuality. We are created in God's own image (hmmm), and one day in heaven we will enjoy a closeness that is better than any sexual intercourse that we could ever dream up. Can you imagine what we will experience in heaven---Intimacy at it's best... but for now we ( the church) will settle for sex as man and wife.

I think that God created our body in totality for pleasure in intimacy between husband and wife, and to me that includes kissing and touching with mouths.
Girl, there always talking about men visiting, laying with, going into women in the bible. The bible has the best love stories even written.
Girl, there always talking about men visiting, laying with, going into women in the bible. The bible has the best love stories even written.

Yep! Anytime you see in the bible such and such "knew" such and such...that means a deep level of intimacy. Adam "knew" Eve...etc.:yep:
Ya'll just don't know the scriptures I'm gon quote to Boo.:grin:

:blush:Ha! RIIIGGHHHTTTTT!!!!!!:lachen:

Such sex novels and manuals and such ain't got NOTHIN'...NOTHIN' I TELL YA! on the Bible.... Somebody lied to those folk who think that the Bible is about a bunch of old dead, folk.... the Bible is ALIVE AND WELL and TIMELESS....

Further, the big "bang" (pun all intended) isn't about the climax of the sexual act, it's more about, IMHO, one pure expression of intimacy between a husband and a wife, in wholesome, holistic, and devoted relationship.

God made sex so powerful for a reason...but the world (and the church, to some extent) has mutated and stripped it down so much.... Sigh....
:blush:Ha! RIIIGGHHHTTTTT!!!!!!:lachen:

Such sex novels and manuals and such ain't got NOTHIN'...NOTHIN' I TELL YA! on the Bible.... Somebody lied to those folk who think that the Bible is about a bunch of old dead, folk.... the Bible is ALIVE AND WELL and TIMELESS....

Further, the big "bang" (pun all intended) isn't about the climax of the sexual act, it's more about, IMHO, one pure expression of intimacy between a husband and a wife, in wholesome, holistic, and devoted relationship.

God made sex so powerful for a reason...but the world (and the church, to some extent) has mutated and stripped it down so much.... Sigh....

That is sooo true!! Just yesterday I was thinking how awesome God is. Just think about how He created our bodies to fit one another.:giggle:

What's even greater is the spiritual connection created between the husband and wife.:love3:
This is such a revelation for me you guys!!!! Ya'll have no idea!

Reading Song of Sol. has single-handedly changed my whole view on sex and relationships period..and to think all that time I was soooooo wrong about everything that I believed about sex. Even mastubation..

its like here is the example that has been around for almost all of time, free to those who seek it out....while so many people spend years trying to understand what steps to take in this area of life

I've browsed this section a lot and for the most part I was stuck in my ways as far as what I chose to accept..and I would read other people's experiences and say to myself, "well that's true for her, but not for me"...and I can't even believe I'm actually saying this,, I too wish that I had "waited"..I used to say, Oh well I "needed" to know and I needed to explore, and I needed to find out what I like and what I need and:blah:..oh yeah-- don't let me forget the "Well God will just have to understand, this is something I have to do for myself:rolleyes:"

I was so wrong. I mean God has this whole plan of what pure, beautiful love is supposed to be, but most people try to do their own thing, and never achieve a fraction of what he has designed for us. And even with the whole self- pleasuring thing...that's still cheating yourself out of the real big present God has for you (which is true intimacy, like RR said)

Its funny how when I was younger I always associated physical pleasure with doing something that was wasn't Godly (though I did it anyway and felt so guilty)...and then my dad even told me about "not awakening love before its time..and he used those exact words :lol:....of course back then I wasn't interested in listening, but after a bunch of life experiences..Father really does know best! (Both earthly and spiritual in this case)

And I no longer feel like I'm missing out on something from my ex...and I don't have to worry about "comparing" when my time comes again. I feel like I have a much clearer picture about the real purpose of sex, and I don't feel trapped by my past decisions or enslaved to desires I can't no to. I'm finally content b/c I see that if I just chill with God for now, and present my self as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable, then God has no choice but to hook me up:cool:
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This is such a revelation for me you guys!!!! Ya'll have no idea!

Reading Song of Sol. has single-handedly changed my whole view on sex and relationships period..and to think all that time I was soooooo wrong about everything that I believed about sex. Even mastubation..

its like here is the example that has been around for almost all of time, free to those who seek it out....while so many people spend years trying to understand what steps to take in this area of life

I've browsed this section a lot and for the most part I was stuck in my ways as far as what I chose to accept..and I would read other people's experiences and say to myself, "well that's true for her, but not for me"...and I can't even believe I'm actually saying this,, I too wish that I had "waited"..I used to say, Oh well I "needed" to know and I needed to explore, and I needed to find out what I like and what I need and:blah:..oh yeah-- don't let me forget the "Well God will just have to understand, this is something I have to do for myself:rolleyes:"

I was so wrong. I mean God has this whole plan of what pure, beautiful love is supposed to be, but most people try to do their own thing, and never achieve a fraction of what he has designed for us. And even with the whole self- pleasuring thing...that's still cheating yourself out of the real big present God has for you (which is true intimacy, like RR said)

Its funny how when I was younger I always associated physical pleasure with doing something that was wasn't Godly (though I did it anyway and felt so guilty)...and then my dad even told me about "not awakening love before its time..and he used those exact words :lol:....of course back then I wasn't interested in listening, but after a bunch of life experiences..Father really does know best! (Both earthly and spiritual in this case)

And I no longer feel like I'm missing out on something from my ex...and I don't have to worry about "comparing" when my time comes again. I feel like I have a much clearer picture about the real purpose of sex, and I don't feel trapped by my past decisions or enslaved to desires I can't no to. I'm finally content b/c I see that if I just chill with God for now, and present my self as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable, then God has no choice but to hook me up:cool:

Wow! That's beautiful for your dad to quote scripture and give you wisdom advice. I've never had a real I tend to get teary eyed when it comes to stuff like this.

See, ain't you glad you were called outta darkness into His marvelous light? The world will have your thinking all distorted and stuff. :blush:

OP: er em....she hooked him up too in "that way...."


SS2:3 3As an apple tree among the trees of the forest,
so is my(C) beloved among the young men.
With great delight I sat(D) in his shadow,
and his(E) fruit was sweet to my taste.


3As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.

:blush::spinning::blush::drunk::lick::blush: :blush:

OP: er em....she hooked him up too in "that way...."


SS2:3 3As an apple tree among the trees of the forest,
so is my(C) beloved among the young men.
With great delight I sat(D) in his shadow,
and his(E) fruit was sweet to my taste.


3As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.


I was not planning on logging on the board tonight.:rolleyes: Now I gots to...because I can't access the link above on my work computer.:wallbash: See ya'll later on tonight.:grin: :blush:

OP: er em....she hooked him up too in "that way...."


SS2:3 3As an apple tree among the trees of the forest,
so is my(C) beloved among the young men.
With great delight I sat(D) in his shadow,
and his(E) fruit was sweet to my taste.


3As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.


Yep! they were really wilding out! I still can't believe THAT is in the bible...And its an answer to all those who say " Ugh, that's nasty, I'm not doing THAT" mmmm hmmm..see if you had read the :werd:, you woulda known God don't have no problem wit' it-- long as some vows have been exchange and its with the person he designed for you:grin:
Yep! they were really wilding out! I still can't believe THAT is in the bible...And its an answer to all those who say " Ugh, that's nasty, I'm not doing THAT" mmmm hmmm..see if you had read the :werd:, you woulda known God don't have no problem wit' it-- long as some vows have been exchange and its with the person he designed for you:grin:

some, just didn't know GOD was thatttt deep. Marriage bed undefiled but yea some uptight Christians would frown upon that but pulease GOD know how to keep his married couples in check (well thats if they are doing what they are suppose 2b doing) enjoying the fruits and exploring gardens.:blush:
Wow! That's beautiful for your dad to quote scripture and give you wisdom advice. I've never had a real I tend to get teary eyed when it comes to stuff like this.

See, ain't you glad you were called outta darkness into His marvelous light? The world will have your thinking all distorted and stuff.

Yes!!:yay: I really truly do!! And also ITA about that second part too..but there was instruction about that from day one..that whole "Be not conformed to this world..." Man, its crazy how every question or concern you have about life has already been addressed somewhere in the bible!
Yep! they were really wilding out! I still can't believe THAT is in the bible...And its an answer to all those who say " Ugh, that's nasty, I'm not doing THAT" mmmm hmmm..see if you had read the :werd:, you woulda known God don't have no problem wit' it-- long as some vows have been exchange and its with the person he designed for you:grin:

Thanks :grin: :blush:

OP: er em....she hooked him up too in "that way...."


SS2:3 3As an apple tree among the trees of the forest,
so is my(C) beloved among the young men.
With great delight I sat(D) in his shadow,
and his(E) fruit was sweet to my taste.


3As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.

This is such a revelation for me you guys!!!! Ya'll have no idea!

Reading Song of Sol. has single-handedly changed my whole view on sex and relationships period..and to think all that time I was soooooo wrong about everything that I believed about sex. Even mastubation..

its like here is the example that has been around for almost all of time, free to those who seek it out....while so many people spend years trying to understand what steps to take in this area of life

I've browsed this section a lot and for the most part I was stuck in my ways as far as what I chose to accept..and I would read other people's experiences and say to myself, "well that's true for her, but not for me"...and I can't even believe I'm actually saying this,, I too wish that I had "waited"..I used to say, Oh well I "needed" to know and I needed to explore, and I needed to find out what I like and what I need and:blah:..oh yeah-- don't let me forget the "Well God will just have to understand, this is something I have to do for myself:rolleyes:"

I was so wrong. I mean God has this whole plan of what pure, beautiful love is supposed to be, but most people try to do their own thing, and never achieve a fraction of what he has designed for us. And even with the whole self- pleasuring thing...that's still cheating yourself out of the real big present God has for you (which is true intimacy, like RR said)

Its funny how when I was younger I always associated physical pleasure with doing something that was wasn't Godly (though I did it anyway and felt so guilty)...and then my dad even told me about "not awakening love before its time..and he used those exact words :lol:....of course back then I wasn't interested in listening, but after a bunch of life experiences..Father really does know best! (Both earthly and spiritual in this case)

And I no longer feel like I'm missing out on something from my ex...and I don't have to worry about "comparing" when my time comes again. I feel like I have a much clearer picture about the real purpose of sex, and I don't feel trapped by my past decisions or enslaved to desires I can't no to. I'm finally content b/c I see that if I just chill with God for now, and present my self as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable, then God has no choice but to hook me up:cool:

Wow! ALL of this is beautiful! Gone girl! Isn't revelation sweet?
some, just didn't know GOD was thatttt deep. Marriage bed undefiled but yea some uptight Christians would frown upon that but pulease GOD know how to keep his married couples in check (well thats if they are doing what they are suppose 2b doing) enjoying the fruits and exploring gardens.:blush:

Bananas:lick: and Peaches n' Cream:lick:


See now we gonna giggle any time we're in the produce or garden sections at Walmart!:grin: It'll never be the same!:lachen: :blush:

OP: er em....she hooked him up too in "that way...."


SS2:3 3As an apple tree among the trees of the forest,
so is my(C) beloved among the young men.
With great delight I sat(D) in his shadow,
and his(E) fruit was sweet to my taste.


3As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.


Ooooo weeeee :lick: