Sex fact about hair...and skin

Yes! :yep:

At a BBQ last summer we met this guy who has his masters in Botany and Oceanography who told DH that he maintains his twists with ejaculate :blush: He says he and his wife both use it in their hair (from his body) :barf:

What's wrong with him? That's something you don't share with just ANYone. Some people just give TMI
Yes! :yep:

At a BBQ last summer we met this guy who has his masters in Botany and Oceanography who told DH that he maintains his twists with ejaculate :blush: He says he and his wife both use it in their hair (from his body) :barf:

I totally just lost my appetite. That's gross.
Thats the grossest thing i ever heard of.... well.... besides this cookbook. The CookBook

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :blush: :spinning: :drunk: :lachen:
WOW @that book. Just wow.
Hmm, I have not experience sex related glow as far as I know. In fact, I got way more compliments on my skin glowing when I was a virgin. No joke.

No. I get it. At work people knew when I had gotten that morning...didn't help he worked there too:lachen:
Yeah but ummm, don't some ladies use Whale Semen? I mean isn't that ejaculate from a whale? Correct me if I'm wrong. And that cookbook!! OMG,:barf: never heard of such.
I guess that is why I look like dried out sand paper! and my hair looks like straw!!!!!

If this is inappropriate, I apologize in advance. Also, I'm not promoting sexual activities to enhance beauty. :look:

Anywho, Ive found this quote:

"Sex is a beauty treatment. Scientific tests find that when women make love they produce amounts of the hormone estrogen, which makes hair shine and skin smooth".

"Gentle, relaxed lovemaking reduces your chances of suffering dermatitis, skin rashes and blemishes. The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow"


I dont know about you but my skin IS smoother and GLOWING the day after. Can anyone else testify?
c'mon now!!! who's going to start the "DH love juice for growth" thread or the "DD diaper scalp treatment" thread....

someone has to start it :lol:
As if I needed another reason to:pepper::blondboob. You just made my day chicka, my boyfriend is gonna love this fact:grin: lol.
If this is inappropriate, I apologize in advance. Also, I'm not promoting sexual activities to enhance beauty. :look:

Anywho, Ive found this quote:

"Sex is a beauty treatment. Scientific tests find that when women make love they produce amounts of the hormone estrogen, which makes hair shine and skin smooth".

"Gentle, relaxed lovemaking reduces your chances of suffering dermatitis, skin rashes and blemishes. The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow"


I dont know about you but my skin IS smoother and GLOWING the day after. Can anyone else testify?

Yep, this confirms that God is a woman. :yep:
I can possibly understand how sex can give a "glow" to your skin...I guess that can be accomplished with just about any type of satisifaction when someone does other things that pleases finally getting a good nights rest for a change, paying off that last car note, getting a promotion, finishing a big project, or the many other things that bring people joy that's not sex related...heck, I was "glowing" when I got orders to Japan.

now I don't see how having sex can make someone's hair shiney...that makes no sense...if it was said that it stimulates hair growth, then ok...articles and comments like that just make me believe men are starting rumors just to get laid and only get the :rolleyes: from me
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This thread is hilarious...:lachen::lachen::lachen:! My SO cannot ever, ever, ever see it...and what's up with that cookbook? Did anyone check out the reviews? Wow! Also, could not imagine sharing the info about the "twist treatment" with people I just met at a BBQ...was alcohol involved? 'Cause that's some ish I wouldn't tell my momma on my deathbed! ROFLMAO!
I think the guy would see more benefit if he ingested the semen instead of putting it in his hair. He is wasting some good protein there:lick::lick:

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:LMAO!!! aww, you no get no hanky panky. You still look fabulous beauty.

thanks so much!
Tee heee heee, nah, My husband was peeking and I wanted to get my point across it is spring and I am in heat!!!! LOL I guess he can't keep up with my need for silky hair & smooth skin Tee hee hee :lachen:
Yes! :yep:

At a BBQ last summer we met this guy who has his masters in Botany and Oceanography who told DH that he maintains his twists with ejaculate :blush: He says he and his wife both use it in their hair (from his body) :barf:

Hummmm, ummmmm, ok. My first thought is what r they doing? Storing it? How much is he producing? Cause I know I need a nice amount of product 2 use of my twists. I mean, he produces enough for him AND his wife? Riggghhhhttttt lol
Wow that cook book just about killed me lmbo....this part of one the reviews said "It's just really hard not to be greedy and swallow that tasty goodness right away instead of saving it for dinner." :nono::lick::lick::guiness:
Wow that cook book just about killed me lmbo....this part of one the reviews said "It's just really hard not to be greedy and swallow that tasty goodness right away instead of saving it for dinner." :nono::lick::lick::guiness:
Ok ... just wow.. i mean damn i didn't even catch that part..... talk about tryna keep everything organic..