Sew In


New Member
I'm Getting a sew in after i get my phyto relaxer put in.
How do you all care for your real hair with sew-in styles?
I roller set it every night to keep it from tangling. I dont really like to wrap it. I TRY to wash it at a minimum once a week as I think 3 times a week would be pushing it. Other than that I try to MTG my scalp about 3 times a week and keep my ends and braids moisturized.
I never had a sew in before.
How can i make sure my ends and hair is mosturized if there going to be hair sewed on top on mines?
Is there any way to clean my scalp?

What kind of grease should I use on my scalp with a sew-in?

What's MTG?
going to get my phyto relaxer put in on the 18th and my sew-in appointment is the 19th. (That's if the relaxer comes before my hair appt)
I get sew-ins but dont keep them no longer than 4 weeks. After that it's tangle city under the weave. I wash my hair once a week and sit under a hood dyer to make sure my braids and scalp dry to prevent fungus.
My sew-in is gone to cost me $130
I have been calling around and i have not found it cheaper than $125
is this reasonable?
I know a lady here in th emetro atlanta area that charges 125 for a sew in....I never got one either so I am not familiar with pricing. if that is the cheapest you can get them, that may be about average then.

Btw, are you anywhere near Bloomington, Indiana? I am thinking of applying to Grad School there...but that's a bit off-topic :)