Sew-In vs. Wig


New Member
I've been contemplating getting a sew-in weave again, but then I came across a very cute wig:

I've had a sew-in twice now, but I've never worn a wig before. I honestly wasn't pleased with the results of my last sew-in. I had the same stylist, but she just didn't do a good job the second time. I ended up taking it out after 2 weeks because I was so unhappy. Money down the drain...

So, I have a question: if you've worn both a sew-in/wig, which one do you prefer?

i'm doing sew in's now. but i'm considering a lacefront. if i ever did a would have to be a lacefront.
I have done both and i swear by half wigs now.I had to cut alot of hair off due to a sew -in and bad perm. My hair has grown back and is ALOT thicker. My hair tangles really bad and causes alot of breakage when i took the sew in out.( I dont wear braids anymore either)

I also can deep condtition every week.
Try the wig. It's easier to wash and dry your hair. That Omega part wig has a big part so if you don't want any hair out it won't work and if you hair is short it won't cover the part.
I've done sew-ins for a couple of years, now I'm rocking wigs. I found that I had more breakage with the sew-ins. Since joining LHCF and learning what makes my hair thrive (ample moisture, regular co-waashing and weekly deep conditioning), sew-ins are just not for me.....However, there are several ladies here who've had success with sew-ins, so I guess the key is to figure out what works for you and go with it.
I would suggest you go with the wig. It gives you more options. You can wash and moisturize as needed and you can even show off your real hair at times if you want. The wigs are way cheaper and last way longer. The only thing about a wig is that you really have to find one that looks real and suits your face. For that reason I would suggest that you not buy online if possible. But definately wigs all the way.
I am in agreement with the half-wig. If you get the right style and blend it in right it will look very natural. Believe me I have been rocking them for years. Also you can do what you need to do with your hair like wash and condition properly and you can also keep your hair braided underneath.
Another vote for the wig!! I've also worn both and I think the sew-in is the cause of my hair thinning. I wore them for a while and my hair is noticable thinner and I can't seem to get it to thicken back up. I now wear wigs occasionally. I love them and at one point I had about 10 different styles. I don't wear full wigs, I only wear the half wigs because they look more natural.
I'm planning on a sew-in for the first time in a couple of weeks. I even bought two packs of hair and I was SHOCKED that it was $60/pack. Today, I went to the beauty supply store for some conditioner and decided to actually try on a wig. The first one was a little too Aunt Esther from Sanford and Son for me. Then, I tried a half wig with the front out. It looks like a finger-combed roller set and blends really well. Now, I'm sick over all this hair I bought for the sew-in when I absolutely LOVE the on-sale human hair instant weave.
I would go for the half wig. If you feel insecure about it falling off, you can sew it on. As someone already mentioned, they are way cheaper, cause no damage, look better, last longer and you can get to your hair easier......and best of all, you can do it yourself for free!!!
Thanks so much for all of your responses. I truly appreciate it.

Now, I have 2 more questions. For those who said to go with the wig, how do you wear you hair, or what's the best way to wear your hair, underneath the wig? Braided? In a low bun like the directions suggest? Also, what do you use to moisturize your hair will wearing the wig? I'm suffering from serious breakage/shedding right now. Thanks again!
diamoness said:
and best of all, you can do it yourself for free!!!

Girl, say that! My stylist charges $80 for a sew-in, the hair itself is about $40...$120 will be staying in my pocket....or on another pair of 7 jeans :love:
YasmanSoBe said:
Thanks so much for all of your responses. I truly appreciate it.

Now, I have 2 more questions. For those who said to go with the wig, how do you wear you hair, or what's the best way to wear your hair, underneath the wig? Braided? In a low bun like the directions suggest? Also, what do you use to moisturize your hair will wearing the wig? I'm suffering from serious breakage/shedding right now. Thanks again!

I wear my hair braided underneath in like 4 big braids. I keep my instant weave close enough to the front that most of my hair is covered I dont put it in the bun because if you have too much hair you may be able to see a lump in the back so I just braid it accross. Plus it stays more secure that way. I'm currently using NTM silk touch for moisture and coating with ORS olive oil lotion with mango butter on the ends.
YasmanSoBe said:
Thanks so much for all of your responses. I truly appreciate it.

Now, I have 2 more questions. For those who said to go with the wig, how do you wear you hair, or what's the best way to wear your hair, underneath the wig? Braided? In a low bun like the directions suggest? Also, what do you use to moisturize your hair will wearing the wig? I'm suffering from serious breakage/shedding right now. Thanks again!
I use S-curl and olive oil for moisture. I wear 4 plaits and use the baggie method under my wig. I am going to start getting it cornrowed in a circular fasion because my hair is getting too long for the plaits(great problem to have!)
I've never had a sew-in, but I wear wigs. I mostly wear the instant weaves. I put my hair in 7 plaits: 3 in front, 2 under that and 2 more under those. The front plaits start far back enough so that it just looks like the front is combed back--not plaited--in the part that you can't see that's not covered by the wig. I moisturize daily w/a shea butter/glycerine/honey/aloe gel/distilled water combo and seal that w/coconut oil. I used to baggie the plaits but have been lazy. I will plait wet and airdry or dry on cool using my soft bonnet+ionic blowdryer. I will even put a stocking cap on and cowash my plaits without taking them down to avoid manipulation.

There are plenty of wigs you can get that look natural. Many don't. Just remember, a wig is like a man, there are plenty of bad ones out there, but you only need one at a time anyway so find the one good one and stick with that :lol: . Yesterday the CFO of where I work started playing in my hair b/c he thought it was mine! :lol: I had to tell him it was a wig and then he was all embarrassed and I was like "ain't no shame in my game!" :lol: He said he really thought that it was my hair! I just say that to stress how they can look very natural.
I too vote for the wig.... I am an avid wig wearer. I can be tendy without abusing my hair... And not to mention all the money I am saving myself. For long I was addicted to the sleek long sew-in and would pay hundreds yes hundreds to keep my do looking "real" and in the end my hair suffered tremendously.

I am now currently natural and attempting to grow my hair thick healthy and long. My wigs let me be unique and they have now become my signature style. People are always wanting to know what I'm gonna wear next. Long today, short tomorrow... endless possibilities...

And yes I can honestly say that wearing wigs have allowed me to pamper and murture my hair unlike any sew in ever did.

I am now stepping off my platform for today:notworthy
anatomicallycorrect said:
I've never had a sew-in, but I wear wigs. I mostly wear the instant weaves. I put my hair in 7 plaits: 3 in front, 2 under that and 2 more under those. The front plaits start far back enough so that it just looks like the front is combed back--not plaited--in the part that you can't see that's not covered by the wig. I moisturize daily w/a shea butter/glycerine/honey/aloe gel/distilled water combo and seal that w/coconut oil. I used to baggie the plaits but have been lazy. I will plait wet and airdry or dry on cool using my soft bonnet+ionic blowdryer. I will even put a stocking cap on and cowash my plaits without taking them down to avoid manipulation.

There are plenty of wigs you can get that look natural. Many don't. Just remember, a wig is like a man, there are plenty of bad ones out there, but you only need one at a time anyway so find the one good one and stick with that :lol: . Yesterday the CFO of where I work started playing in my hair b/c he thought it was mine! :lol: I had to tell him it was a wig and then he was all embarrassed and I was like "ain't no shame in my game!" :lol: He said he really thought that it was my hair! I just say that to stress how they can look very natural.

Yes i went thru different brands, colors and styles and i finally found one that looks REAL. No on really can tell its fake. needless to say i have been wearing the same style and brand for over a year!!!
mblake8 said:
Yes i went thru different brands, colors and styles and i finally found one that looks REAL. No on really can tell its fake. needless to say i have been wearing the same style and brand for over a year!!!

:lol: Me too girl! I get the same or similar style in the same length and color. The only time I drastically switch it up is if I'm going out of town or to a club or something. I work in a professional enviornment and I cant be switching it up everyday. This one lady told me my hair looked really good and asked me how do I curl my hair like that. Lord forgive me for telling stories but I couldnt let her know it was fake!! :lol: I told her my stylist does it (well the designer of outre 3/4 wigs must be my stylist :look: ) Cause you know when "they" find out its fake sometimes they can make a big deal and I cant have everybody at work knowing my hair is fake and trying to put their hands in it and stuff! :lachen: