Sew-In Broke Off & Thinned My Hair!!

i took a really close look at my hair, grabbing the short strands at the back as best as i could and comparing their length. compared the length all over and what i noticed is that the length is uniform, even in the short parts! meaning that my hair must have been cut off when the sew-in was removed!!!!! i'd think if my hair had broken off, it'd be different lengths, more jagged, not all the same "broken off" length around my head!! :wallbash: someone please tell me i could be wrong because i don't want to believe that the assitant stylist could've made such a huge error!! cutting off 8 inches of hair!!!

regardless, its gone now. from what i understand from the posts above is that the best way to take care of your own hair when you have a sew-in is to wash it weekly and let it air dry completely, or sit under a bonnet dryer? my braids were protected by a net before they sewed in. how do i best moisturize my hair that's braided up underneath? without allowing build-

Strong possibility! I've never had breakage, in my yeeeaarrss of weaving, just normal shedding. I've cut my hair many a day rushing to take my weave out. I think my my "homegirl" cut my hair once too :perplexed. After she took my weave out was the only time that noticed some "breakage", HOWEVER I stayed in that weave for 3 months I believe. I never moisturized my hair either. :nono: in any weave!
After the mishap, I spray my cornrows every couple of days with Mane n Tail moisture. The only other time I had breakage that was uniform like that was when I was overprocessed, I noticed it within a week. Sorry this happened.
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I've never had breakage either but some ppl have to practically baby their hair.
Anywho--crap like this is the reason why I take my OWN sew-ins down.

Everyone isn't a professional.
That braider probably cut the girl's hair. She was prolly pulling, worked the hair into a knot and cut it to get it loose.
It can happen.

I know one time I had a sew-in placed by this girl and caught her in the act of reaching for bonding glue to put in MY hair.
I mean quick weaves are prevalent down in that part of FL and some of these ppl will throw glue in your hair without hesitation.

For what purpose....I don't even remember. I just recall that's what she was trying to do. I was like, "What is that? Oh no....I don't use glues."

I continued to go to her after the fact because she did a damn good sew-in....but I made sure she just used hair and string.
You just have to watch people.

^^^ I dilute it with water and pour it over my head or use a bottle with a nozzle and apply.

OP I read your original post, and wanted to repost this. I think I'm probably a weave advocate. I believe it's the same with all things, if proper maintanence is not done or we come in contact with someone that doesn't know how to apply the proper techniques, then damage is inevitable. I've only had problems once when I took out a sew-in, and it was my fault. I didn't realize that you had to properly detangle to remove shed hair before washing. So, I took it down, and washed my hair and it was badly tangled. I had to cut alot of my hair. I learned from that incident, and realize that it wasn't because I left it in for 3 months. I just didn't follow the correct technique for taking it down. I think that's probably what happened in your case with your stylist.

Again, I know alot of people that have been able to grow out their hair wearing weaves for 3 mos at a time. I can personally attest to that. I've always used it as my number one protective styling option. Last year when I cut my hair to neck length, I wore an install from Feb to July and probably washed my hair once a month (pre hair board). My hair didn't experience any breakage, and it grew to full SL. I then put another sew-in in July and kept it from July to September. My hair grew about 2 inches past SL in that time. I put the next one in from September to December and got 1/2 inch away from APL (grew about 2 1/2-3"). This is when I found the boards in Sept, and starting using my regimen.

Weaves have helped alot of people retain length without causing damage. My hair is a little more durable and can withstand alot though. Although alot of people believe that no one should keep a sew-in for 3 mos or longer, I've been doing it for the past year and have had no issue with it. Everyone's hair is not the same though.