Severe Breakage


New Member
This is aimed at anyone who noticed like severe breakage from stretching or whatever the reason. when you did get a touchup did it look like you had a setback? i'm trying to prepare myself in case my hair looks really thin or short when i get a touchup saturday!!
NOPE! I think people always say they've had bad breakage because of stretching because they just don't know how to handle the two different textures and when you don't handle it properly, of course you'll have breakage. I find stretching to be very benefical but its not something everyone can do, especially if you are manipulating it too much. One thing I did have an issue with was tangles, but I was able to nip that in the bud really quick. So I think as long as you didn't notice significant breakage you hould be okay and of course, you're ends will thank you!
This is aimed at anyone who noticed like severe breakage from stretching or whatever the reason. when you did get a touchup did it look like you had a setback? i'm trying to prepare myself in case my hair looks really thin or short when i get a touchup saturday!!

Severe breakage= Globs of hair? Few strands?

My first stretch was 12 weeks than I gradually increased it to 14 than 16 than to 24 weeks (6mths). I think if you are not yet experienced with the tribulations of stretching, it will be a challenge to combat breakage. Or maybe certain techniques you are using may not be compatible with your hair.

To answer your question, I have had breakage and SEVERE breakage, and yes certain sections do suffer...kinda. But stretching is more benefecial than it is harmful, so I suspect you should be fine with your relaxer results. I have learned what to do and what not to do over time, and I am still learning.

Tell us what your regimen is and maybe we can pinpoint the culprit.
Severe breakage= Globs of hair? Few strands?

My first stretch was 12 weeks than I gradually increased it to 14 than 16 than to 24 weeks (6mths). I think if you are not yet experienced with the tribulations of stretching, it will be a challenge to combat breakage. Or maybe certain techniques you are using may not be compatible with your hair.

To answer your question, I have had breakage and SEVERE breakage, and yes certain sections do suffer...kinda. But stretching is more benefecial than it is harmful, so I suspect you should be fine with your relaxer results. I have learned what to do and what not to do over time, and I am still learning.

Tell us what your regimen is and maybe we can pinpoint the culprit.

thank you ladies. well my reggie is in flux but what i try to do is dc 2-3 times a week. i dont detangle with a comb because i did that one time and had breakage, now it wasnt GLOBS but it was several hairs, enough to make a small nickle sized ball if i balled it up, but it didnt come out in balls it came out in strands. and then i usually put it in 2 big plaits down the sides of my head let it dry and leave it until next time i dc. and during the day i wrap it in a cotton headwrap and at night i wear a satin bonnet. i do this because it's texlaxed and with the 2 textures there isnt much else i can do but im going fully relaxed this touchup and hope to dc and rollerset so i dont have to wear headwraps everyday!! so that's my reggie any advice is more than welcome!! im just sitting a little easier not imagining that ill be bald after my touchup!! and i think ill try stretching again since it is so beneficial for my hair!!
my last touchup (3 weeks ago) was the most shocking one yet. My sister noticed that the right side of the back of my hair looked really damaged. Boy is it short! I don't even wanna take pictures even though my hair anniversary's coming up. I've been in a state of shock ever since. I didnt even know my hair was breaking! I suspected that the Motions oil moisturizer :wallbash: had a lot to do with it. It's my fault really for been lazy and not buying my usual moisturizer. I've been baggying my whole head every night since. i went back to my roots so to speak: my nexxus and dudley products.
I don't think you should be worried about a dime sized amount of lost hairs especially if you've been stretching a while. BTW I'm sorry if i scared you with my last post. :blush:
The back of my hair is really underprocessed, so it curls up a lot. Since, I haven't rollerset in a while, I can't tell if it looks short because of normal shrinkage or because it's breaking at the demarcation line. Thankfully, the hair at my crown is much longer and can kind of camouflage the shortness. I've been concentrating my MN applications on that area just in case. I hope I'll be (pleasantly) surprised when I relax in 4 weeks after a 10 week stretch.
I stretched for 5 months, and I was inching to APL once I relaxed. I damn near passed out. However, since I was closer to my goal I needed to get a good trim nice and blunt, so that it could grow out full and pretty.

But I totally advice Stretching for looong periods of times. I want to get to the point of only relaxing twice a year.
I don't think you should be worried about a dime sized amount of lost hairs especially if you've been stretching a while. BTW I'm sorry if i scared you with my last post. :blush:

LOL no you didn't, im just resigned to what's done is done ill recover. i mean my hair was a half inch and now its past my shoulders...besides its super thick so i did like a mind ratio and tried to sum up all the hair i think i lost to how much i believe i have on my head...and the lost amount isn't even close!!!
The back of my hair is really underprocessed, so it curls up a lot. Since, I haven't rollerset in a while, I can't tell if it looks short because of normal shrinkage or because it's breaking at the demarcation line. Thankfully, the hair at my crown is much longer and can kind of camouflage the shortness. I've been concentrating my MN applications on that area just in case. I hope I'll be (pleasantly) surprised when I relax in 4 weeks after a 10 week stretch.

yeah i think thats another problem you know...the processed hair is even underprocessed, especially in the middle, the stylist did a real hackjob, and it gets sooo tangled, the back is curly not underprocessed though so its easy to manage just curly but the middle of my head i know is where im getting most of the breakage from
I stretched for 5 months, and I was inching to APL once I relaxed. I damn near passed out. However, since I was closer to my goal I needed to get a good trim nice and blunt, so that it could grow out full and pretty.

But I totally advice Stretching for looong periods of times. I want to get to the point of only relaxing twice a year.

yeah im going to try to get to 2x a year to, at least until i reach my goal!!
thank you ladies. well my reggie is in flux but what i try to do is dc 2-3 times a week. i dont detangle with a comb because i did that one time and had breakage, now it wasnt GLOBS but it was several hairs, enough to make a small nickle sized ball if i balled it up, but it didnt come out in balls it came out in strands. and then i usually put it in 2 big plaits down the sides of my head let it dry and leave it until next time i dc. and during the day i wrap it in a cotton headwrap and at night i wear a satin bonnet. i do this because it's texlaxed and with the 2 textures there isnt much else i can do but im going fully relaxed this touchup and hope to dc and rollerset so i dont have to wear headwraps everyday!! so that's my reggie any advice is more than welcome!! im just sitting a little easier not imagining that ill be bald after my touchup!! and i think ill try stretching again since it is so beneficial for my hair!!

This a normal amount, not SEVERE at all, especially since you are texlaxed and stretching.

You should be fine.