Setting to Success 2014 Challenge

So far this year my favorite rollers/techniques for setting have been:

Flexi rod sets

Traditional sets using magnetic rollers. They morph into beautiful bantu knot outs and braid and curl's.

Braid and curls using perm rods on wet hair. I'm still working out the kinks on this, but so far I'm loving the results I've been getting and can't wait to share soon.

What have been your favs so far? I started out wanting to try curlformers but seem to get the same type of curls with flexi rods so I'll pass on those.
Yall...I've been avoiding washing my hair. Tomorrow it'll be 2 weeks since I've washed my hair. IDK why I do this to myself. I know what happens, every time, like clockwork...MATS ON MATS ON MATS.

Anyway, I have another interview tomorrow and that is the only reason I feel obligated to do anything to my hair. I'm in a slight slump, DYING to start working of go to school just to have SOMETHING to do. I'm basically doing a ponytail perm rod set in hopes of creating something similar to lulu97 curly bob. I would cornrow but I'm not that talented. I know it won't come out EXACTLY the same just because of the weaving and the placement of the hair but let's see what happens!

I will actually post pic this time. I keep saying that but the only reason I don't is because 4 time out of 5 I was to tired/not in the mood to do that set.

ETA: Yeah it's not happening...haven't gotten the 2 minute...for sure by Saturday, because I can't go to church looking a HAM, that is not the plan.

Check ya l8r
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Good luck girlonfire.

I know how you feel I teach and over the summer I was not keeping to my regular hair game because I felt like I had no where to go. Be careful tho because while your chilling you hair will be revolting! Lol
Yall...I've been avoiding washing my hair. Tomorrow it'll be 2 weeks since I've washed my hair. IDK why I do this to myself. I know what happens, every time, like clockwork...MATS ON MATS ON MATS. Anyway, I have another interview tomorrow and that is the only reason I feel obligated to do anything to my hair. I'm in a slight slump, DYING to start working of go to school just to have SOMETHING to do. I'm basically doing a ponytail perm rod set in hopes of creating something similar to lulu97 curly bob. I would cornrow but I'm not that talented. I know it won't come out EXACTLY the same just because of the weaving and the placement of the hair but let's see what happens! I will actually post pic this time. I keep saying that but the only reason I don't is because 4 time out of 5 I was to tired/not in the mood to do that set. ETA: Yeah it's not happening...haven't gotten the 2 minute...for sure by Saturday, because I can't go to church looking a HAM, that is not the plan. Check ya l8r

If you can flat twist, you can try that instead of braids and put the perm rods on the ends. That style lasted me around 7 days I think. I could have went longer but I started to get knots from not removing shed hair so I had to finger comb the curls out.

Edited to add: I meant for the below to be a separate post but app is acting funky:

been rocking a crown/halo braid. I'll be washing Monday or Tuesday and doing a flexi rod set. They can last forever...but I see that I can't go past 7 days with curly styles before the tangles start to kick in. Health before styles!
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Okay so what had happened was.........jk but something did go a little differently. I had every intention to sit under bonnie for the full 2 hours but I was so tired. Just couldn't do it. Stayed for maybe 30 mins and then went to bed for a nap that turned into a full 7 hours of sleep, WELL NEEDED SLEEP might I add.

Anyway, it turned out nice. I used more wrapping lotion and I'm wondering if it was necessary. I'll experiment with no lotion. No other products.


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So far this year my favorite rollers/techniques for setting have been:

Flexi rod sets

Traditional sets using magnetic rollers. They morph into beautiful bantu knot outs and braid and curl's.

Braid and curls using perm rods on wet hair. I'm still working out the kinks on this, but so far I'm loving the results I've been getting and can't wait to share soon.

What have been your favs so far? I started out wanting to try curlformers but seem to get the same type of curls with flexi rods so I'll pass on those.

Same here. I love that magnetic sets stretch my NG so that I can wear stretched styles (like bantu knots, braid outs, twist outs, etc.) without direct heat. Because I am transitioning, it helps to blend my two textures.
Same here. I love that magnetic sets stretch my NG so that I can wear stretched styles (like bantu knots, braid outs, twist outs, etc.) without direct heat. Because I am transitioning, it helps to blend my two textures.

Yes girl! Love that I can get multiple hair styles...I'm just discovering the world of twist outs and I must say I love them too on old magnetic sets.
Okay so what had happened was.........jk but something did go a little differently. I had every intention to sit under bonnie for the full 2 hours but I was so tired. Just couldn't do it. Stayed for maybe 30 mins and then went to bed for a nap that turned into a full 7 hours of sleep, WELL NEEDED SLEEP might I add. Anyway, it turned out nice. I used more wrapping lotion and I'm wondering if it was necessary. I'll experiment with no lotion. No other products.

So pretty! How did you wrap your hair on the perm rod? From the bottom and roll up, like a flexi rod?
Does anyone use ridiculously large flexi rods? Like sausages? I went in sallys this weekend and saw some magenta looking rods and they looked like they'd be nice for giving a really loose wave, preserving magnetic roller sets
Well it's almost straight hair season for me and the weird thing is I have absolutely no desire to head to the salon and get my hair pressed. No reason other than I just prefer the look of my roller set hair....yay for consistently setting! I think I've used heat once so far this year and I'm actually thinking about waiting until I can stretch my hair and it reach my hips before I do it again. I know that will probably be the end of next year but I THINK I'm up for the challenge. I want to be WOW'ed when I get it pressed. lol
Well it's almost straight hair season for me and the weird thing is I have absolutely no desire to head to the salon and get my hair pressed. No reason other than I just prefer the look of my roller set hair....yay for consistently setting! I think I've used heat once so far this year and I'm actually thinking about waiting until I can stretch my hair and it reach my hips before I do it again. I know that will probably be the end of next year but I THINK I'm up for the challenge. I want to be WOW'ed when I get it pressed. lol

You wanna be wowed press and here I just want manageability.
Its been maybe 3 days since I did my ponyperm set. The curls have loosened. I'm trying to decide if I should wash tomorrow or Friday. Here is what it looks like. I may wait till Friday, just because I'm lazy.


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Okay so how many flexi rods would I need for a full set? My hair is dense


This is pic of my wet hair from eariler this year... Please don't tell me I need 60-11 rods
Okay so how many flexi rods would I need for a full set? My hair is dense

This is pic of my wet hair from eariler this year... Please don't tell me I need 60-11 rods

Okay...50-11 then lol

Naw I dk I guess it depends on what size flexi rod you are using and how big your sections will be. Maybe 25-30...but I would get at leat 40 to be on safe side. Who knows you may need even more.
Okay...50-11 then lol Naw I dk I guess it depends on what size flexi rod you are using and how big your sections will be. Maybe 25-30...but I would get at leat 40 to be on safe side. Who knows you may need even more.

I use anywhere from 20-25...but agree that having at least 40 to be on the safe side.
This flexi set I made my sections a lot smaller than normal in hopes to reduce drying time. The last 2 sets took 2 hours to dry under my hooded dryer ANNND had the nerve to be still damp in the back causing me to sleep in the back ones overnight. Side note: Lawd I pity the fool who sleeps in a full head of flexi rods...these mugs feel like you're sleeping on a bed of rocks. Ummmmm no ma'am!!!!

Anyway...I used a full 4 packs of flexi rods...2 grey (front) and 2 purple packs (back) I don't know what the hell I was thinking because when I finished, my thoughts were: How am I supposed to fit these 50-11 trillion gazillion flexi rods under my hooded dryer?!!!! Oh well, it's early so I'll be air drying them the bulk of the day then sneaking under the dryer when baby naps. Happy roller setting Friday!
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Hey y'all.
I got the 2 minute from aphogee. In my hair now. I'll be doing a ponymagnetic set today. Probably with 1.5in rollers. Stay tuned. Hope this helps with breakage.
I really feel like I just can't win. I was so pumped to finally have the best set to date. My hair was soft, I felt like my product ratio was on point. Everything was going my way for once. Then I get a call and I have to pull out all my rollers and half my head is still damp and get on the road. Just got home after 2 hours and my hair looks atrocious. Not even going to post a picture. I'll just put in some bantu knots and hope for the best. I never win. The worst part is that the half that was dry looked really good! But I had to put my hair in a bun to hide the parts that were damp and you know what they say: "one bad apple spoils the bunch".

I really think I need a new dryer. That's one of the things on my list of things to buy with my first pay check. I really don't have Mr. Pibbs money but I cannot STAND sitting under a dryer for 2+ hours only to emerge with hair that is still damp! That madness must stop!! Maybe I just need to take it like a lady and splurge.

The only good thing about this cycle was that I had my fastest detangling session to date: 35 minutes.

I feel so down man. Gosh. I just wanna be a lady, why is this so difficult :(
I really feel like I just can't win. I was so pumped to finally have the best set to date. My hair was soft, I felt like my product ratio was on point. Everything was going my way for once. Then I get a call and I have to pull out all my rollers and half my head is still damp and get on the road. Just got home after 2 hours and my hair looks atrocious. Not even going to post a picture. I'll just put in some bantu knots and hope for the best. I never win. The worst part is that the half that was dry looked really good! But I had to put my hair in a bun to hide the parts that were damp and you know what they say: "one bad apple spoils the bunch". I really think I need a new dryer. That's one of the things on my list of things to buy with my first pay check. I really don't have Mr. Pibbs money but I cannot STAND sitting under a dryer for 2+ hours only to emerge with hair that is still damp! That madness must stop!! Maybe I just need to take it like a lady and splurge. The only good thing about this cycle was that I had my fastest detangling session to date: 35 minutes. I feel so down man. Gosh. I just wanna be a lady, why is this so difficult :(

You can win! You are a winner! You are a beautiful masterpiece created to win! Life couldn't finish drying your set this time....but I bet the next time you can fully dry, it's going to be! woot woot!!! lmbo

Yes the first rule in setting is:
Thee must obtain a dryer that will dry thine sets in the fastest time available to man. lol
I have a LCL dryer which is alot cheaper than a Pibbs and it is great.
Results. One side is bigger than the other cause I separated the curls a bit much and got to the other side and realized I need this style to last so I went easy on that side's seperationess. (Please do not look that word up in the dictionary cause it is made up) lol

The heat/humidity will practically separate it and make it bigger each day for me.
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