Setting to Success 2014 Challenge

I am embarrassed to post these pictures after lulu97 's absolutely knock out set, but I will post these for those of you trying to get on her level like me




Ran a warm flat iron Down the roots in the hopes of taming fly aways. I am in flexi rods right now and will post pictures tomorrow.

I am embarrassed to post these pictures after lulu97 's absolutely knock out set, but I will post these for those of you trying to get on her level like me Ran a warm flat iron Down the roots in the hopes of taming fly aways. I am in flexi rods right now and will post pictures tomorrow.

Girl stop!!! You know your sets are always FIRE!!! Blairx0
So I have some mesh rollers collecting dust. Any fellow setters willing to pay shipping for them? If so PM me
Yes Girl, I'm anxious to see how that Nairobi is going to turn out too!!! I will probably wash Wends or Thurs so I'll be sure to post my results when I do. I wont be diluting it, just going to start off maybe using a small amount per flexi rod and taking the next few months to experiment and evaluate. I have been using the Carol's Daughter Macadamia foam and I was using a full pump per flexi rod and I think that was too much because the back rollers would have a small amount of flaking so I plan to be a little less heavy handed with the Nairobi. I feel like the Carol's Daughter was my learning foam since I've never been one to use a "holding product" so it has been good practice.

I haven't tried any of the It's a 10 products other than the leave in. I used to get the little sample packs of the deep conditioner wrapped around the necks of the the leave in but I used to just throw them away. One of our setting sisters toaster has used almost the entire line and she loves it. If the other products are anything like the leave in, I'm sure they are great! I usually purchase mine from Target when they have their BOGO free on salon products. I plan on getting the leave in with keratin next time around.

During my early years of setting, I used to use It's a 10 and Carol's Daughter serum to set. I ditched the CD after 2 bottles cause of the alcohol in it and was only using the it's a 10 for a few months. Now I've kinda graduated to the following:

For flexi sets or when I want a soft hold:

I section and use it's a 10 and while that's marinating and soaking away tangles, I'll go back through each section and add a small amount of Giovanni Direct and then finally a foam (then roller) until each section is complete.
So It's a 10, Giovanni then foam

For magnetic sets:
I follow the same except for the foam.
It's a 10, Giovanni then Moroccan Oil serum.
I may experiment with using the foam in the fall but my magnetic sets don't stand a chance for hold now. I live in Cali and we are constantly at the beach, pool, lake etc so hold is laughable. My flexi sets can withhold all that now since the curls are a lot tighter. I usually bantu knot (traditional sets) or pin curl (ponytail sets) and that will give me a temporary hold after the magnetic rollers have been removed.

Sorry for the book reply but you'll soon see that I'm a tad long winded. I really just like to make sure I answer as detailed as possible. I hate when I ask people questions and they give an answer and I'm like didn't answer what I wanted but ooookkkkk then. lol

I forgot to ask you this earlier but when you apply your leave in do you apply it to section by section (for example divide hair in 4 then apply to each section) or roller by roller like for each piece you roll do you put leave in on each individual piece?
I forgot to ask you this earlier but when you apply your leave in do you apply it to section by section (for example divide hair in 4 then apply to each section) or roller by roller like for each piece you roll do you put leave in on each individual piece?

Hey Lady! It just depends on my mood. I've done it both ways but I prefer: For magnetic roller sets: Section in 3 (mohawk style) apply the products. That way when I go back through, all I have to do is use a spray bottle of water, make smaller sections to fit the roller and roll.

For flexi sets:
Kinda a mix of both:
Section in around 10-12 sections, then apply the it's a 10 and turn each section into a bantu knot to soak up the product. Go back through each section one by one, apply the Giovanni and foam then roll. (Each section gets 2 flexi rods) Since I like to use small amounts of the last 2 products, I feel I have better control when I do it this way.

Edited to add number of sections
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Going roller shopping at Sally's tomorrow. *squeals in delight* Gonna pick up a few more packs of purple flexi rods as I want to do a set with all the same color flexi's.

Working on an oil blend as well for my sets. I went to trader joe's today to pick up some jojoba oil and I saw they had some pumpkin seed oil which is good for slowing the graying process so I snatched that up as well. Oh and I NEVER leave TJ's without grabbing a jar of coconut oil. I use this for, hair, baby lotion as well as mommy lotion. lol
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It's so important to stick with what works for YOUR hair! In over 10 years of setting, I've been using a small tooth rat tail comb to smooth my hair and remove tangles before rolling. Come around the hair boards and try and follow the no-comb finger detangle only method. Yeah it's good for removing shed hair before I wash, but after....ummmmm no bueno. Went to re-rod a few curls that lost it's life and I had a huge knot! I got the bulk of it out but lost hair in the process. At least I had a chance to evaluate my ends. They were splits, thick just like the rest of my hair....just beautiful. With with roller setting, I can go years without a trim if I wanted to. But I'm still mad at this little stinker of a knot tho! Back to my rat tail comb I go!
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This was day 4 & 5 hair. I'll be doing updo's for the next week to get my ends off my shoulders and neck. Gotta keep the ends in tact.
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Hey y'all. I'm currently prepooing with my fenugreek mixture, getting ready for a wash and set. I ordered it's a 10 leave in and when i came home from a weekend away it was in my flower pot lol. I used it on my hair to finger detangle before i wash and it was decent. If felt kinda sticky, is it supposed to feel that way? Anywho i finally got a chance to walk down to my local BS and get the pins to hold my rollers in place. I have a feeling it'll go by a lot faster this time.
I also bought the aphogee curlific texture treatment. I don't recall how but i got my hands on a sample of the stuff once and it made my hair look so juicy, so i bought the product to see how well it would do if i used it consistently.
That's my update. Oh I think I'm gonna try a ponytail set this time. Wish me luck
Hey y'all. I'm currently prepooing with my fenugreek mixture, getting ready for a wash and set. I ordered it's a 10 leave in and when i came home from a weekend away it was in my flower pot lol. I used it on my hair to finger detangle before i wash and it was decent. If felt kinda sticky, is it supposed to feel that way? Anywho i finally got a chance to walk down to my local BS and get the pins to hold my rollers in place. I have a feeling it'll go by a lot faster this time.
I also bought the aphogee curlific texture treatment. I don't recall how but i got my hands on a sample of the stuff once and it made my hair look so juicy, so i bought the product to see how well it would do if i used it consistently.
That's my update. Oh I think I'm gonna try a ponytail set this time. Wish me luck

Can't wait to see your results!
Hey y'all. I'm currently prepooing with my fenugreek mixture, getting ready for a wash and set. I ordered it's a 10 leave in and when i came home from a weekend away it was in my flower pot lol. I used it on my hair to finger detangle before i wash and it was decent. If felt kinda sticky, is it supposed to feel that way? Anywho i finally got a chance to walk down to my local BS and get the pins to hold my rollers in place. I have a feeling it'll go by a lot faster this time. I also bought the aphogee curlific texture treatment. I don't recall how but i got my hands on a sample of the stuff once and it made my hair look so juicy, so i bought the product to see how well it would do if i used it consistently. That's my update. Oh I think I'm gonna try a ponytail set this time. Wish me luck

girlonfire On dry hair, the it's a 10 may seem sticky but not on wet hair. Oh and don't let the watery lotion type consistency trick you to thinking you need a lot for it to work. They make it in small bottles for a reason. lol

Not sure how many sections you make for your ponytail roller sets but I usually end up with about 7-8 ponytails and each ponytail gets 1 to 2 sprays depending on how big or small the ponytail is. I'll spray the It's a 10 in my hand, rub my hands together to spread it out then apply it. Spray the section down with water to spread it ever more and this will also activate the slipness (ok I know that's not a word) and make detangling a breeze.
girlonfire On dry hair, the it's a 10 may seem sticky but not on wet hair. Oh and don't let the watery lotion type consistency trick you to thinking you need a lot for it to work. They make it in small bottles for a reason. lol

Not sure how many sections you make for your ponytail roller sets but I usually end up with about 7-8 ponytails and each ponytail gets 1 to 2 sprays depending on how big or small the ponytail is. I'll spray the It's a 10 in my hand, rub my hands together to spread it out then apply it. Spray the section down with water to spread it ever more and this will also activate the slipness (ok I know that's not a word) and make detangling a breeze.

I did start out on dry hair! That makes me feel better. But it sucks that i already used half my bottle before the actual set. Thanks for letting me know! Really? Just 2? Its that concentrated? The consistency really did have me fooled. Dang.
I will use your sections as a guide, thank you!
So i started out on the wrong foot this cycle. Literally. I was washing my hair and droped my cowash bottle cap first on my right big toe and the bottle took a piece of me with it. Again, litterally. So im bleeding all over the place with half my head still needing to be washed. I waste 30 mins patching up my toe. If i hadn't done all that detangling probably would have taken less than an hour which is a huge accomplishment for me.

Actual rollerset took 3 hours which is certainly a step up from 5 hours and that was the goal. Now i hope to shave it down to 2 hours max. Gotta give lulu97 her's a 10 is certainly a 10 when it comes to prepping for a roller set. I started out spraying the sides and mohawk with it but then i was like this ain't workin so i sprayed section by section instead. But i do think that doing all over sprays primed for the roller set. This is all i used for this set. Wanted to put it to the test.

I ended up doing a traditional mohawk then ponytail set on either side. I used the elastics that moms put on their little girls hair when they use beads. At first i wraped it 2x but i messed up and couldn't get it off so i cut it out and consequently cut out about 6 in of wast a huge chunk so i couldn't tell where it came from. Lesson learned: wrap 1x and no more. Ended up having 4 ponies on either side.

I will be purchasing seamless combs soon and i will let y'all know how that works. I feel like my combs are causing my breakage than necessary...either that or I'm stronger than i think. Pics soon.
This was my pattern


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So the wrap kinda worked...but i ended up straightening it. Im not dure if its the fact that i skipped the blowdryer or i just never noticed but my hair looks stupid thick o_o

I would take a pick but i just wrapped it up for the night and this.was my first ever "successful "wrap soooo..nah. I'll do it tomorrow

That set was lovely. You've convinced me I am going back to smaller rollers! Your roots look great!

Thsnks a bunch! Yeah i thought i was gonna love 2 in. rollers but it's kinda meh for me. Next time i will do the mohawk but with the same 1.5 in. rollers bc i have YET to wear a set out of my house. The curls that the 1.5 makes in my hair are actually attractive (to me). I may use in conjunction with setting lotion next week
Mannnnnn the heat is on hell today! Last day wearing my hair down...I'll be in ponytails and buns after today.

HOTD: All to one side with a scarf
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Soooo I took them out bc i just couldn't sleep in them....but it's so hot and humid that my hair is proofing up already and not in a good way lol. No sun out but still hot...smh. last pic is when I separated them





Lurker reporting here, just wanted to say wow,wow, wow! Ladies your curls are de!:lick: Lulu you are my inspiration and a fountain of knowledge. When my hair is long enough for curls I will be consulting you a lot! Just a prior warning lol!:grin:
Lurker reporting here, just wanted to say wow,wow, wow! Ladies your curls are de!:lick: Lulu you are my inspiration and a fountain of knowledge. When my hair is long enough for curls I will be consulting you a lot! Just a prior warning lol!:grin:

Fotchygirl Oh gosh, I'm so flattered.:thankyou: That was so sweet!!!

I'm here for you girl. I love answering questions on setting cause I know how awesome it can be for hair and retention. I swear I went from just above BSL to waist in less than a year just exclusively roller setting so I know what this technique can do. Come on when you are ready and I'll be here waiting. :yep::rocker: