Seroius/Humor - Should I call him?


Well-Known Member

Yesterday I had that bohemain thing going on. An ankle length colorful skirt, crew neck shirt, big colorful earrings and sandals.

As I was walking through the transportation center. I noticed a young man passing me on the left do a once over and he nooded his head. (Hello). So I smiled and said Hi and kept walking. I ran for my trolley once I got outside. Got on and sat down. I get my book out and stat reading. I just so happen to look up. A guy his passing again on my left. He smiles and says hello. So I smiled and said Hi. (In my head. "Didn't I just walk pass that guy?") :lol:

So I keep reading less than one minute later. The guy is passing me again only from behind. He stops next tome and hands me a piece of paper (and exits the trolley.) I look up and smile and say thank you. LOL! :yep:

I opened it. Of course it was his number. Should I call? Actually I kind of prayed about it. But not sincerely. he did not come off with that usual hood rat mentality.
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I say no, don't call. Why couldn't he approach you like a gentleman and introduce himself, talk to you more than "hi", or find out exactly who he is giving his number to? He don't know you. You might be a stalker that he can't shake loose. Lol. Why all the mystery? Is this really how you want to meet your husband? Ultimately, you do have to sincerely pray about it. It's not what we think or say, it's what God says.
Seriously. I would call from a pay phone and listen very carefully.

Since he is being mysterious I would expect him to arrange an official public meeting right away (ei date) If he didn't ask me out with a concrete date and time by the end of the conversation I would ditch the number.

I also would not give him my number even if he asked.

I also would not offer or initiate the conversation about a date either.

I would just call and just listen and wish him a good day.
I forgot to say we were walking in the opposite directions initially. So he actually turned around and followed me to the trolley. :look: Which means Ineed to be more alert of my surroundings.

Seriously. I would call from a pay phone and listen very carefully.

Since he is being mysterious I would expect him to arrange an official public meeting right away (ei date) If he didn't ask me out with a concrete date and time by the end of the conversation I would ditch the number.

I also would not give him my number even if he asked.

I also would not offer or initiate the conversation about a date either.

I would just call and just listen and wish him a good day.

I can't remeber the last time I gave a guy my number. My cell phone is blocked (anyway). I usually don't give people my number.

I say no, don't call. Why couldn't he approach you like a gentleman and introduce himself, talk to you more than "hi", or find out exactly who he is giving his number to?

I think saying hello while passing someone is better than the Hey Ma thing. He was not disrepectful. But , yes you are correct.

He don't know you. You might be a stalker that he can't shake loose. Lol. Why all the mystery? Is this really how you want to meet your husband? Ultimately, you do have to sincerely pray about it. It's not what we think or say, it's what God says.

You are right. I was not even thinking on the husband level. So, why call right?

Ok thanks ladies. Sometimes, one just wants others opinions, even tough God trumps them all. We all fall short sometimes.
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:nono: No Loved one... No. :nono:

Angel, guard your heart. Pllease guard your heart. Toss that number and guard your heart.

You've been through a roller coaster of emotions for the past several months. Job, family, finances...pressures of all kinds.

You've been in a spiritual battle and the enemy is out to add to it. You are vunerable and the enemy knows this and he's been having a hayday with your emotions. You don't need to add to it.

Proof of vunerability is that this man's attention moved you enough to capture your focus upon a total stranger.

Instead of refusing the paper he handed you or even tossing it once you saw what it was, you kept it and 'pondered' upon it. Vunerable women do this.

Men can sense vunerability in women. Calling him is the confirmation that you are vunerable and 'open'; seeking more of his attention; and will give him the initiative to play with your feelings, which will be either by 'rejection' of your interest or by seeing how far he can get.

Now if this man is a gift from God than allow God to do the work, His way.

You deserve far, far FAR better than this.
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:nono: No Loved one... No. :nono:

Angel, guard your heart. Pllease guard your heart. Toss that number and guard your heart.

You've been through a roller coaster of emotions for the past several months. Job, family, finances...pressures of all kinds.

You've been in a spiritual battle and the enemy is out to add to it. You are vunerable and the enemy knows this and he's been having a hayday with your emotions. You don't need to add to it.

Proof of vunerability is that this man's attention moved you enough to capture your focus upon a total stranger.

Instead of refusing the paper he handed you or even tossing it once you saw what it was, you kept it and 'pondered' upon it. Vunerable women do this.

Men can sense vunerability in women. Calling him is the confirmation that you are vunerable and 'open'; seeking more of his attention; and will give him the initiative to play with your feelings, which will be either by 'rejection' of your interest or by seeing how far he can get.

Now if this man is a gift from God than allow God to do the work, His way.

You deserve far, far FAR better than this.

You are soooooo right! Yes I did ponder on it. Also, I actually thought about everything you said above. Before you even said it. The Holy Spirit was speaking to me in a quiet voice and I needed yelling. :nono::nono:

Yes, I was thinking, "Satan is so conniving, this is a trick. As I am still a little off track with the drama of last week. "

If I did not think something was fishy about it. I would have never come into this forum seeking help. I would not even have questioned it. Sometimes God can speak to you through other people. That would be you all.

Thank you so much for getting through to me. Trust me I did question question this whole scenero. And, as of lately I have been asking the Father to help me to focus on HIM and him only.

For this to happen was no coincidence. Again sometimes, I need someone to grab me and shake me up.:wallbash::wallbash:

So thanks again. I really love you. I am really trying to live a life pleasing to God.
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You are soooooo right! Yes I did ponder on it. Also, I actually thought about everything you said above. Before you even said it. The Holy Spirit was speaking to me in a quiet voice and I needed yelling. :nono::nono:

Yes, I was thinking, "Satan is so conniving, this is a trick. As I am still a little off track with the drama of last week. "

If I did not think something was fishy about it. I would have never come into this forum seeking help. I would not even have questioned it. Sometimes God can speak to you through other people. That would be you all.

Thank you so much for getting through to me. Trust me I did question question this whole scenero. And, as of lately I have been asking the Father to help me to focus on HIM and him only.

For this to happen was no coincidence. Again sometimes, I need someone to grab me and shake me up.:wallbash::wallbash:

So thanks again. I really love you. I am really trying to live a life pleasing to God.

Zeal, you have such a warm and loving heart. You truly have the heart of Jesus and His Ministry abiding within you. God has so many rich rewards for you.

A Knight in God's shining armour will pursue and win your heart; every dream that you've ever had, shall come to fruition, for it is from God's seed and nurturing, not man's.

Girl, you not only 'rocked' the Bohemian look, but you rock in the heart of God all day long, everyday strong.

Don't give up on your dreams; they are strong enough to survive the challenges in your life. Your dreams will never die or weaken; they are incorruptible and sealed in the Blood Covenant of our Lord and Saviour ... Jesus.

Love and blessings to you... :love2:
You are soooooo right! Yes I did ponder on it. Also, I actually thought about everything you said above. Before you even said it. The Holy Spirit was speaking to me in a quiet voice and I needed yelling. :nono::nono:

Yes, I was thinking, "Satan is so conniving, this is a trick. As I am still a little off track with the drama of last week. "

If I did not think something was fishy about it. I would have never come into this forum seeking help. I would not even have questioned it. Sometimes God can speak to you through other people. That would be you all.

Thank you so much for getting through to me. Trust me I did question question this whole scenero. And, as of lately I have been asking the Father to help me to focus on HIM and him only.

For this to happen was no coincidence. Again sometimes, I need someone to grab me and shake me up.:wallbash::wallbash:

So thanks again. I really love you. I am really trying to live a life pleasing to God.
Hey Zeal, the bolded line in your post stands out to me so brightly and it's tugging at me to respond (when normally I would not), even if this is to help someone else.
Yes, God does speak to us very much through other people. Please, please be careful with this though. In my own personal recent experience, I got thrown off track in my Christian walk because I did ask for advice and direction in different areas of my life and my walk. (I'm still learning how to be a Christian) I got so many different, contradicting responses that it left me reeling and confused. It sent me back a few steps in my walk and made me feel like I wanted to give it all up. I learned the hard way that God is the ultimate decision maker in everything I do. Now I better understand what it means to guard myself. Asking advice is not always a bad thing. But like Shimmie said, just guard yourself. Not everyone is looking out for your good. Yes, the devil is conniving, sly and slick.
I am so glad to see that you were open to hear the Holy Spirit talk to you first and we were just confirmation for you. God bless you.
Hey Zeal, the bolded line in your post stands out to me so brightly and it's tugging at me to respond (when normally I would not), even if this is to help someone else
Yes, God does speak to us very much through other people. Please, please be careful with this though. In my own personal recent experience, I got thrown off track in my Christian walk because I did ask for advice and direction in different areas of my life and my walk. (I'm still learning how to be a Christian)

I got so many different, contradicting responses that it left me reeling and confused. It sent me back a few steps in my walk and made me feel like I wanted to give it all up.

I learned the hard way that God is the ultimate decision maker in everything I do.

Now I better understand what it means to guard myself. Asking advice is not always a bad thing. But like Shimmie said, just guard yourself. Not everyone is looking out for your good. Yes, the devil is conniving, sly and slick.

I am so glad to see that you were open to hear the Holy Spirit talk to you first and we were just confirmation for you. God bless you.


Thank you so much for sharing this post. I've been there too where I was left more confused than I was before I sought the advice of others. :spinning:

The bolded in your post is truly the ultimate answer for all of us. Weigh it with the Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to be our 'final' and solid answer in all things.:yep:

Blessings to you... :love2:
Zeal, you have such a warm and loving heart. You truly have the heart of Jesus and His Ministry abiding within you. God has so many rich rewards for you.

A Knight in God's shining armour will pursue and win your heart; every dream that you've ever had, shall come to fruition, for it is from God's seed and nurturing, not man's.

Girl, you not only 'rocked' the Bohemian look, but you rock in the heart of God all day long, everyday strong.

Don't give up on your dreams; they are strong enough to survive the challenges in your life. Your dreams will never die or weaken; they are incorruptible and sealed in the Blood Covenant of our Lord and Saviour ... Jesus.

Love and blessings to you...

Thank you so much for those words. I received them. You see so much more than I what I ee in myself. However, I am not what I think. I am sure God sees me differently. I just have to believe that I am what God says I am. He has a lot of good things to say about me.

Hey Zeal, the bolded line in your post stands out to me so brightly and it's tugging at me to respond (when normally I would not), even if this is to help someone else.

Yes, God does speak to us very much through other people. Please, please be careful with this though. In my own personal recent experience, I got thrown off track in my Christian walk because I did ask for advice and direction in different areas of my life and my walk. (I'm still learning how to be a Christian) I got so many different, contradicting responses that it left me reeling and confused. It sent me back a few steps in my walk and made me feel like I wanted to give it all up. I learned the hard way that God is the ultimate decision maker in everything I do. Now I better understand what it means to guard myself. Asking advice is not always a bad thing. But like Shimmie said, just guard yourself. Not everyone is looking out for your good. Yes, the devil is conniving, sly and slick.

I am so glad to see that you were open to hear the Holy Spirit talk to you first and we were just confirmation for you. God bless you.

As I said. :wallbash: is needed sometimes. I'd like to think that I am pretty discerning. Shimmie was right when she said that I am/was in a vulnerable state. I know that angels want to swoop down and give be a 1-2 punch, or push me out of the way and say nooooooooooooooooooooooo.:naughty:

Besides, I would hate to put some man's life in danger for coming between me and my savior. :whois: You know that I'm HIS and he is jealous right?
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Thank you so much for those words. I received them. You see so much more than I what I ee in myself. However, I am not what I think.

I am sure God sees me differently. I just have to believe that I am what God says I am. He has a lot of good things to say about me.


Besides, I would hate to put some man's life in danger for coming between me and my savior. :whois: You know that I'm HIS and he is jealous right?

God sees you as His beautiful daughter; one who has given so much love and dedication to everyone you know. Sometimes 'we' need a break in order for God to replenish our strength from so much 'giving' unto others.

Remember Psalm 23... "He storeth my soul... He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His namesake. He annointeth my head with oil, my cup runneth over; surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the House of the Lord, forever... and ever, Amen.

God is protecting you, His darling daughter and restoring unto you, all that's been given and taken away.

For the record, 'me' -- Shimmie wasn't right about your situation... it was you and God all along. You know Him, Zeal... you have the right name, as you have such a loving and obedient 'Zeal' for God and you always will.

Therefore, no more of these wall bashes... :wallbash: as they do not apply to you. Even Jesus has to move away to be alone with God the Father and the Holy Spirit for direction and to renew His strength. Gee, after having so many people pulling 'virtue' from Him (remember the woman with the issue of blood? She only touched the hem of Jesus' garment and He stopped and asked, 'Who touched me?' For He felt the strength of her faith which pulled great virtue and power from Him which healed her.

You likewise have so many pulling from you; you've been so giving of your 'virtue' of power and strength that God has given you and now you need to regain more and more you shall have in full abundance. :yep:

I am honoured to know you as my sister in Christ... :love2:

God bless you richly...
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Wow! These ladies are going deep! I don't know what you've been through but I say pray on it because I'm not seeing the problem calling him (if you are interested) as long as you are safe.

I had a stranger pass me a note with his name and number once and of course I wasn't going to call him and my friends wanted me to (but I wasn't raised to call men :ohwell:). Well long story short one of my friends saw him and she came and got me, grabbed me by the hand, and drug me to where he was. I had no idea where we were going and she wouldn't tell me she just kept yanking on my arms telling me to come on. Well when we got to where we were going she opened the door and pushed me in and wouldn't you know he was leaving and I was almost pushed right into him.

We became the best of friends and I thought I was going to marry that man but it was a long distance relationship and life happened but we are still the best of friends!! He later told me he was too scared to come up and talk to me so he thought he didn't have anything to lose by giving me his number.

I almost missed out on finding a good friend! So pray about it and if you decide to call be safe and be careful if not ... let it go! (no woulda, coulda, shoulda, or what ifs)
I wouldn't however everyone wants differently in life. A man who wants to get to know you will ask for your time, ask you your name and ask for your number and when he can call you. He wouldn't "check you out" and then slip his number in your hand. However what I described is a man who I desire, maybe that's not what you like. So if you don't mind his approach then go for it.

Yesterday I had that bohemain thing going on. An ankle length colorful skirt, crew neck shirt, big colorful earrings and sandals.

As I was walking through the transportation center. I noticed a young man passing me on the left do a once over and he nooded his head. (Hello). So I smiled and said Hi and kept walking. I ran for my trolley once I got outside. Got on and sat down. I get my book out and stat reading. I just so happen to look up. A guy his passing again on my left. He smiles and says hello. So I smiled and said Hi. (In my head. "Didn't I just walk pass that guy?") :lol:

So I keep reading less than one minute later. The guy is passing me again only from behind. He stops next tome and hands me a piece of paper (and exits the trolley.) I look up and smile and say thank you. LOL! :yep:

I opened it. Of course it was his number. Should I call? Actually I kind of prayed about it. But not sincerely. he did not come off with that usual hood rat mentality.

I say call. Did you get a look at him? Was he your type? Really you have nothing to lose just meet him in a public place if you agree to meet. The guy may be shy and does not want to be rejected publicly on the trolly so he gave you the paper, I think it is cute. Call him girl. Good luck!
I say call. Did you get a look at him? Was he your type? Really you have nothing to lose just meet him in a public place if you agree to meet. The guy may be shy and does not want to be rejected publicly on the trolly so he gave you the paper, I think it is cute. Call him girl. Good luck!

That's what I was thinking. I don't even know where the number is now. I don't remember what he looks like. :lol: I "think" I saw him Friday.