Seriously considering perming my hair!

Fine low density hair problems. Looking at your pics our hair types are pretty close. It really is the most difficult to retain hair type and I don't care what anyone says. It is rough in these streets.

It took 2 full years from bc to 2" to reach sl. And it ain't sl all over. :look: its frustrating. If it weren't for low density leaving my hair limp or scalp eczema I would relax. But that's not an option.

Im curious of your ssk situation. Wng is the devil. My hair always breaks when I have wng too long.

In that vein, how often do you dust or trim? Its critical for our hair type. I found a dusting of 1/4" every 6 weeks or so is the most important aspect of fine haired regimen. Our ends are super fragile .

Reconstructors are critical too to hold those fine strands together. Took a while to find what proteins it accepts. E.g., it hates wheat protein in conditioner but lives silk protein.

I cant afford weave either. Tried crochet braids? Costs maybe $20 a month for the hair and I do it myself and takes about 3 hrs.

Roller setting with a good lotion is a great way to change it up. A good lotion will also keep it from reverting too quickly.

I will also do a super low heat flat iron when the mood strikes at 250o F.

You may also be deficient. Try a women's daily multivitamin to see if you get sustainable growth. This actually solved most of my problems this summer.
Gosh, I know where you are at girl. I was there a couple of months ago. I have been trying to get my hair longer and healthier for years. So I consulted with the sisters on this board who promptly talked me off the ledge of going back to a perm. I sat down and really really thought about my hair habits, my products, my hair tools and with the help of the sisters on the board and my Mom came up with a reggie.

This time I'm doing it my way because like exercise, it's gotta be something I can commit to. Specifically, despite my 4Z textured hair, I want a reggie that will support MY hair rules:

  • to wash my hair every week,
  • to use a brush,
  • to use heat as I work in a professional environment and can't wear braidouts, to NOT hide my hair -- why should I????

I have been knuckling down for about a month, and boy oh boy is my hair is getting pretty gorgeous. So much so that I am going to sell the product that I attribute to long lasting moisture retention in 2016 along with a bank of "how to" videos. I am currently taking videos and pics of my hair and the difference is pretty dramatic. I must say my Mom reminded me of some "old school" techniques and product ingredients that are really beneficial to kinky 4Z hair. Once I get to the point where I can make a batch to share, I'd be more than happy to send you a sample. Let me know!

Hang tough. Don't give up. YOU CAN DO IT NATURALLY!!!! Our natural is beyond gorgeous, it really needs to be celebrated more in our society. I was talking to a friend of mine (much younger sister) and she said she had NEVER SEEN HER MOTHER's natural hair! Yikes, that is NOT the legacy that I want to leave my baby sisters behind me. I want them to be proud of their GORGEOUS curly locks!!!!
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I don't really have a set Reggie to be honest I just wash and condition once a week and maybe gel so my curls can pop but In between ill co wash and try to moisturize my hair is so curly it's hard to detangle! My length of my own relaxed hair was barely shoulder length and thin. It barely grew bc I didn't know how to keep up with it. I would just tie it in a struggle ponytail or bun and that was it. I think I just wanna perm it for personal style not so much length bc I know chemicals aren't gonna grow my hair. I wouldn't need to Texlax bc my hair is beyond curly and wouldn't need to. I am overweight and trying to lose weight and incorporate a new diet so I can see if that works. But I'm just over it and I want a new look anyway bc I'm 26 years old and I still feel like a little kid with my Fro. Somedays I like it and other days I don't.

Your hair looks very fine with low density so I don't think relaxers are going to be the answer. I think you should get a wig and then just be patient or wear wigs as an alternative. And maybe your hair isn't getting enough moisture and you need to wash it a bit more to stimulate your scalp using a mild shampoo and conditioner. And you may need to take some hair vitamins and or change your dietary habits.

Women with low density fine hair who relax end up eventually with balding hair or alopecia that is what happened to my aunty she was natural with low density fine hair and she got frustrated and relaxed and now her hair became super thin where she looked bald in some spots and she ended up shaving it and now it is taking forever to grow if it ever grows back again. Twists are also not the best for this hair type too much scalp exposed and it causes hair to tangle. I think you need to look into also doing light blow outs for a change. I think you have to come to terms with your hair and just figure out some hairstyles that can get you over bad hair days.

Almond Eyes
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