Seriously considering ending my transition..

Oh, I just remembered... Roux Porosity Control Shampoo is a fantastic substitute for Cream of Nature Detangling Shampoo. I haven't been able to find Cream of Nature Detangling and Conditioning Shampoo in any store near me for like a year or so. And the Roux PC shampoo is smells better.
ORS Replenishing Pak/Conditioner?

That can still cut through my hair at 4 months post. Gettin' thick but its cuttin' it for the time being. I'mma have to get something else soon too.

I agree it is a cheap try $1.19 at sally's and it gets the hair very soft, for me since I also use Hair One, I apply it shampoo after wards, use aphogee 2 minute and I could feel the strength of my hair, YUMMY!
Wow! I'd hate to stretch this long and have to give it up due to breakage.

You might have to just BC to save your hair. Braids? Cornrows?

I cant BC .. lol im not strong enough for a BC and im a cheerleader so i need my hair in a ponytail for competitions and stuff so a big chop isnt an option for me.

Have you tried Aussie Moist? It has good slip. I used to detangle with this under the shower. And I also use a seamless comb. I bc'd today at 6 months post because my hair was doing the sane as yours. Now my hair is thanking me for it.

I tried aussie moist and it didnt do much for my hair, However i still have it and i mix it with other cond so i can get rid of it.

Have you ever tried Nutress Protein Pack? It costs about a $1.50 at Sally's. That stuff will get the hair really fortified. But I always follow with a creamy moisture condish.

Havent tried it but thanks for the suggestion will def check it out. and for a 1.50 i cant go wrong :)

Suave Humectant is awesome. It's afordable and convenient. I'm 4 months post. The only other conditioner that helps is ORS replenishing packets.

Also, now that I have so much new growth and with such tough, dry hair I leave my deep conditioners on for extended periods of time. Sometimes I DC overnight.
Penetrating oils such as Olive Oil, especially coconut oil decrease my detangling time when my hair dries. I apply to my new growth and it immediately softens.

Also, when I saw the pic of the coils sticking up I had a flashback to when I first began stretching. I was deep conditioning with a moisturizing conditioner instead of a protein based conditioner.My relaxed hair disappeared in spots where I had no implications of problems. There were small areas of just new growth.

:wallbash: you know what! that might just be my issue, i DC with moisturizing cond a lot cause as a relaxed head my hair loved it,
I DC'd overnight yesterday with Elasta qp DPR and maybe i need to kick that reggie and up my protein intake!!!! cause even with the DC overnight my hair still was giving me a hard time.
my hair probably needs the protein !!

I think you are just freaking out now. It has been less than a week. Just understand that crazy people like us who transition instead of chopping will be prone to breakage and shed hair b/c of the two textures.

For me I have damaged relaxed ends from my overprocessed relaxer (my LAST!!!). I would deep condition and take your time detangling. Weave it back up if that is working for you!

Yeah your right! im going to ensure that my hair finds that happy balance before i weave it back up again though.

Oh, I just remembered... Roux Porosity Control Shampoo is a fantastic substitute for Cream of Nature Detangling Shampoo. I haven't been able to find Cream of Nature Detangling and Conditioning Shampoo in any store near me for like a year or so. And the Roux PC shampoo is smells better.

my shampoo might also be the issue, after some research i found that the build up of products etc can also be the cause to me having no slip and such a had time detangling,

will this shampoo help me with that ?

I agree it is a cheap try $1.19 at sally's and it gets the hair very soft, for me since I also use Hair One, I apply it shampoo after wards, use aphogee 2 minute and I could feel the strength of my hair, YUMMY!

i might need to try the ORS, i always avoided protein except for the aphogee 2 min but i feel like protein is what i need, im going to check for this asap!

whew that was a lot of writing, well worth it tho.
im definately switching up my reggie before i make any hasty decisions
It's pure hell for me to detangle in the shower. I had to detangle before I got in the shower and yes my hair was usually dry. That's what worked for me though. My hair is super thick and detangling in the shower had me loosing more hair then when I detangled prior.

I had to step outside the box on a lot of "tips" I received because they just didn't work for my hair. What other conditioners have you tried? Research some good slip conditioners on here and go through the trial and error.

Same here! I CANNOT comb my hair with just conditioner in it alone unlike apparently everybody else. I finger detangle my hair prior to washing it in the shower. I separate my hair into four sections and then finger detangle SLOWLY on DRY hair section by section. Then I comb the relaxed length ONLY. I claw clip the four sections and then hop into the shower.

The only time I comb my newgrowth is when it is sopping wet in the shower under the pressure of the water. I wash and deep condition it in sections. This has been my saving grace!!!!!! Prior to following this method, I'd have so much hair in the hair catcher in the shower, it was ridiculous. I'm 7 months post 4a/b, medium to coarse textured.
I'm not saying V05 doesn't work, but maybe you need something creamier/thicker. of higher quality. You won't see results overnight, but try to be consistent. Whatever you try, try for two weeks, then give up and try soemthing else. dont go overboard.

Don't be afraid of the shedding, THAT much since you just took out your weave. I would try to do low manip hair styles. Do you do daily co-washes? i feel that I have a lot of shedding when I do that.

My hair broke off at the center also. I think it's because the hair's so curly and the permed/natch hair was week. What I did is, when I comb that section of my hair, i part my hair and comb it straight up instead of down because when I did comb it down, it put too much tension/presure and it broke off.

I would say put the weave back in until you're past this part because I honestly felt the same way you did and the ladies here were helpful but if you don't have the tools/knowledge/experience, you're doing more harm than good. You might have to put up with some bad hair days to help your hair along.

PM me if you need anything
KeraCare Intensive Restorative Masque is a GREAT moisturizing protein conditioner. I use it as a 30 minute deep conditioner every time I wash my hair. I see very few broken hairs as a result.
I didn't read any other post but the first. I think you should cut it off. Initially you will just be so pleased with the maintenance( compared with the transition) That the shock of cutting it off prematurely will be less.
Ok i'm almost at my 1 year mark and I feel ya...I've gone thru sooo many frustrations with my transitioning hair...putting neutragena triple moisture on my hair and leaving it in a shower cap for 2-3 hours really helps me detangle. Also using a wide-tooth comb. I think I've also realized flat ironing my hair every other week--YES flat ironing--helps me manage this transition. I've recently discovered washing, DC, flatironing, and nightly bagging seems to keep me sane and my hair free of single strand knots, moisturized, and presentable.

I hear you sister, transitioning without the BC is no joke. I've come to realise that heat is not the devil and I can use it to my advantage in the long-term. I keep my hair straight as much as possible because I KNOW the sides cannot coexist together (bone straight ends w/4A roots is a no-no.)

And with the washing, I found that parting my hair into four sections, detangling, D/C'ing on dry hair before shampooing really helped with my hair breakage.
Have you thought about going to someone who specializes in natural hair? Sometimes they can look at your hair and work with it. You can learn from them and then do it yourself. I know how you feel. It has been a little over a year into my transition. This morning I washed and conditioned my hair. I had so many knots from not washing in sections. It sometimes takes a lot of patience. I decided to blow dry and flat iron since I had not done so in over a month. My hair is so full and starting to gain some growth. This stopped me from thinking about relaxing -- along with all the wonderful information that I have received from this website. If it were not for the LHCF ladies, I never would have gone through with transitioning. Hopefully you will give it a little bit more time. I wish you well.
Sulphate-free KeraCare 1st Lather Shampoo and Hydrating Detangling Shampoo provide incredible slip. I also use KeraCare Humecto, even though my hair feels like it doesn't even need it after using the shampoos.

For a splurge, Aveda Damage Remedy can help with the breakage - but it's a pricey line.
Now I haven't used this yet (I have 3wks of NG nothing to talk about), but have you considered using yogurt/coconut milk? I remember reading an old thread about the wonders of yogurt on new growth. A few women on here were saying that they use plain full fat yogurt and it has helped them with their new growth. I don't think it's a permanent solution, but it might help you out with your transition.

Here's the link

P.S. that little coily is gorgeous! Whatever you decide to do we support you :circle:. I just started my transition and I understand why you don't want to BC.
same thing happened to me and I did an Aphogee two step stopped the b reakage. and now I have to do a Aphogee 2 min evey other week to control breakage.
ok ladies here is a little update.. im chang9ing my regimen completly,
obviously im in the trial and error fase,

today wasnt half as bad as this past week has been, detangling was a breeze, i used ORS aloe shampoo and ill be using this maybe once a month or when i feel its needed, i spoke to a african american lady and sally's and she thinks my hair tangling could be due to the fact that i dont clarify and chelate often enough,

just like you ladies said (not that i didnt believe you :D)

so she recommended ORS aloe and ive used this before and really like it so i tried it again and oh boy my hair felt sooo good.

after using this i out in the ORS replenishing cond for protein and my hair had so much slip its ridiculous .. are u ladies sure this is a protein cond cause my hair has never felt so good.. (well so far anyway ill update when i rinse out the DC)

if my hair agrees ill def keep using this as a part of my natural regimen,

ill keep you updated!! :D
so i rinsed and straightened to make it easier on the two textures,
definitly a major difference, much easier to deal with,
even detangling was much easier,
hopefully i can master this all one day..

ill keep u all updated :)

Thanks for all the help and support!!!
Now I haven't used this yet (I have 3wks of NG nothing to talk about), but have you considered using yogurt/coconut milk? I remember reading an old thread about the wonders of yogurt on new growth. A few women on here were saying that they use plain full fat yogurt and it has helped them with their new growth. I don't think it's a permanent solution, but it might help you out with your transition.

Here's the link

P.S. that little coily is gorgeous! Whatever you decide to do we support you :circle:. I just started my transition and I understand why you don't want to BC.

aww thank you!!!
you guys really do make it easier,
thank god i have someone to turn to when things get rough!


and thanks for the link ill def keep that in mind *subscribing*
Girl try detangling in the shower after doing a DC on dry hair with a cholesterol mixed with a little oil. I had some SERIOUS slippage going on, like forreal forreal lol. I was using a huge shower comb but still,, It detangled so easy because the cholesterol was heavy and weighed it down alot:yep:

I wouldnt recommend V05 for detangling, cause I couldnt detangle a thing with it:nono: Maybe you could try doing a strengthening treatment to help with breakage where the two textures meet. But I think some breakage is going to occur when transitioning regardless:sad:.
ok ladies here is a little update.. im chang9ing my regimen completly,
obviously im in the trial and error fase,

today wasnt half as bad as this past week has been, detangling was a breeze, i used ORS aloe shampoo and ill be using this maybe once a month or when i feel its needed, i spoke to a african american lady and sally's and she thinks my hair tangling could be due to the fact that i dont clarify and chelate often enough,

just like you ladies said (not that i didnt believe you :D)

so she recommended ORS aloe and ive used this before and really like it so i tried it again and oh boy my hair felt sooo good.

after using this i out in the ORS replenishing cond for protein and my hair had so much slip its ridiculous .. are u ladies sure this is a protein cond cause my hair has never felt so good.. (well so far anyway ill update when i rinse out the DC)

if my hair agrees ill def keep using this as a part of my natural regimen,

ill keep you updated!! :D

See! :grin: Thank God you didn't have a relaxer close by. All your hair needed were some different products.
Dealing with two textures is way different than dealing with one. I did the BC b/c I couldn't do it, I didn't master the technique of the transition. Regardless of what you do you can always go natural, you can always relax again.

Good luck
Try the Jibere Shower Comb ( I believe thats the name) and shampoo/condition in sections..My daughter has super thick hair and I am just realizing I should have tried this method a long time ago, she and I are super happy on wash day now!
Glad it worked out for you. Not sure if mentioned but, try Joico Moisture Recovery Balm - provided lots of slip, melted knots like you would not even believe and I am approaching 10 months post.
Don't give up yet. If you've gone 6 months then it would be a shame to relax now.

V05 does nothing to my hair, whether relaxed or natural. Try something with more slip. I would try Pantene Relax & Natural hair mask, Yes to Carrots Hair Mask, or a conditioner that is super moisturizing. Do you have a wide tooth comb? If you don't I suggest you get one. As far as shedding, have you tried a protein treatment? Maybe Aphogee? Before doing that though I would buy garlic pills.

My transition was a nightmare, mostly because of bad hair days. I always say that transitioning is not for the faint of heart. Maybe you could go back to a sew in or just keep playing with your hair until the shedding stops.
There are some good suggestions that will hopefully help you. What your finding during your transition is pretty common until you figure out what works and what doesn’t work.
I’m relaxed and I stretch for 5-6 months. I find that shampoo was the culprit FOR ME.

Shampoo (depending on which I guess) caused my newgrowth to draw up and become tangly. No matter what conditioner I used to put the moisture back in I would always end up with dryish hair after it dried and I threw my best stuff at it too.

I started using shampoo bars and acv rinses and I get roota toota slip everytime. You can also try bentonite clay masks on your hair to calm it down when it gets unruly like. Other than that, your favorite moisturizing/protein condishes for balance should keep it in check.
Coconut oil rinses are also nice too :yep:

Just don't give up. Not yet.
ok ladies here is a little update.. im chang9ing my regimen completly,
obviously im in the trial and error fase,

today wasnt half as bad as this past week has been, detangling was a breeze, i used ORS aloe shampoo and ill be using this maybe once a month or when i feel its needed, i spoke to a african american lady and sally's and she thinks my hair tangling could be due to the fact that i dont clarify and chelate often enough,

just like you ladies said (not that i didnt believe you :D)

so she recommended ORS aloe and ive used this before and really like it so i tried it again and oh boy my hair felt sooo good.

after using this i out in the ORS replenishing cond for protein and my hair had so much slip its ridiculous .. are u ladies sure this is a protein cond cause my hair has never felt so good.. (well so far anyway ill update when i rinse out the DC)

if my hair agrees ill def keep using this as a part of my natural regimen,

ill keep you updated!! :D

I've been having the exact same issue. Dry tangly hair, matted hair at times. Although it hasn't been too bad lately, but I'll love to be on top of things. I mean ON TOP! Lol. So I'll have to use ORS Replenishing Cond. again. It's sitting around somewhere.

Your hair looks A LOT like mine. I'll have to keep an eye on this thread and try out some of the tips. I'm sure they'd help. I'm glad you finally found something that worked for ya!
Try the Jibere Shower Comb ( I believe thats the name) and shampoo/condition in sections..My daughter has super thick hair and I am just realizing I should have tried this method a long time ago, she and I are super happy on wash day now!

that comb is a god send,
i used it when i did my ORS treatment and it just slides through!
its a definate keeper!

Glad it worked out for you. Not sure if mentioned but, try Joico Moisture Recovery Balm - provided lots of slip, melted knots like you would not even believe and I am approaching 10 months post.

thanks a lot! i will def keep that in mind as well!

Don't give up yet. If you've gone 6 months then it would be a shame to relax now.

V05 does nothing to my hair, whether relaxed or natural. Try something with more slip. I would try Pantene Relax & Natural hair mask, Yes to Carrots Hair Mask, or a conditioner that is super moisturizing. Do you have a wide tooth comb? If you don't I suggest you get one. As far as shedding, have you tried a protein treatment? Maybe Aphogee? Before doing that though I would buy garlic pills.

My transition was a nightmare, mostly because of bad hair days. I always say that transitioning is not for the faint of heart. Maybe you could go back to a sew in or just keep playing with your hair until the shedding stops.

hey BM, i might have to kick v05 to the curb, i dont think my natural hair wants anything to do with it, it worked fine with the relaxed hair but ofcourse it would, so I'm def switching it up.

but where can i buy garlic pills? and how much/many should i take?

and yeah transition is no joke, i admire all the ladies that are able to transition without a BC!
I've been having the exact same issue. Dry tangly hair, matted hair at times. Although it hasn't been too bad lately, but I'll love to be on top of things. I mean ON TOP! Lol. So I'll have to use ORS Replenishing Cond. again. It's sitting around somewhere.

Your hair looks A LOT like mine. I'll have to keep an eye on this thread and try out some of the tips. I'm sure they'd help. I'm glad you finally found something that worked for ya!

yeah def try the ORS it made a huge difference for me, i was honestly scared cause my relaxed end were sooooooooo (lol) silky, it was crazy! the good thing is they were silky yet strong!

we might be hair twins :)

let me know how it works for you!