September 28,29,30...What Are YOUR Weekend Hair Plans???

Cleansed with my beloved Wen Ginger Pumpkin, sprayed on Aphogee Green Tea, then applied my new bff Wen Ginger Pumpkin Replenishing Mist. I topped this off with pure argan oil (Camden Grey), and let air dry.

Next, keep running hands thru soft, moisturized hair!!!

I cowashed and then I applied the Mega-Tek for my Protein DC'er. Either I'll sit under the dryer for a bit, or I'll sit with a plastic cap then rinse.

Either way, I'll steam in a Moisturizing DC'er afterwards.

thanks, I didn't know that.:lick:

I've been putting it on my scalp w maybe 3 times a week
I wont T shirt air dry at 18 weeks again.:nono:
My braids are still damp..... Back to my blow dryer....
this ng would be invisible if I blow dried.......... until I sweat.
I shed a lot less hair.....:grin: