September 2017: Hits & Misses

Wash Day Hit:
Afrotastic Curl Elastic.
  • I waited until my hair was dry to feel it today and my hair is still soft and moisturized. Furthermore it softened my hair on contact. Right now I prefer it to Hairveda Sitrinillah. I bought a liter at the Soultanicals sale and will start using it when I run out of Sitrinillah.
Wash Day Miss:
Red Raj Henna
  • Oh gosh, this stuff. It doesn't mix as well with other things as Jamila. I mixed with two batches, one where I mixed everything at once and one where I mixed just the henna first then added conditioner the next day. I got a Lot of dye release with the batch that I added conditioner to the day after but essentially none in the batch I mixed all of at once.
  • That would be fine, but it's also very mucinous and globby which makes it extremely difficult to spread onto my hair. Even if Jamila has a less intense dye release, I prefer the ease of use.
Other Hits:
Hennaing in my fiance's apartment without a mess. Although he did make jokes about me experimenting with black magic.
Soultanicals offering a liter sale the day after I realize I love the things I tried from them.
Wash Day Miss:
Red Raj Henna
  • Oh gosh, this stuff. It doesn't mix as well with other things as Jamila. I mixed with two batches, one where I mixed everything at once and one where I mixed just the henna first then added conditioner the next day. I got a Lot of dye release with the batch that I added conditioner to the day after but essentially none in the batch I mixed all of at once.
  • That would be fine, but it's also very mucinous and globby which makes it extremely difficult to spread onto my hair. Even if Jamila has a less intense dye release, I prefer the ease of use.
Thank you for talking about this henna. I'm assuming it's the one from Henna Sooq? I think it is very expensive even though it is Rajasthani henna. I just don't get the cost of this thing. It was definitely cost prohibitive for me :nono:.

Applying gel to my hair 90% dry. I got the best curl definition and elongated curls doing it this way. I found that the excess water combined with the gels caused my hair to be frizzy.

Denmark brush

Saw a YouTube video on a different way to use this brush using only the top end to brush through after applying gel. Worked pretty good on my frizzy prone sections.
New hit:

Scalp exfoliation. This is my second week using indian powders as a hair wash and I aslo use tem to give my scalp a little scrub. Im really enjoying this. Why did I not do this before? I guess I thought ACV was enough. I know it makes a difference because before I would apply a tingly EO like peppermint and it would be "aight" now its like :burn: :burn: :burn:
New Mega Hit
APB's keratin protein treatment. This DC went on smooth, had amazing slip and absorbed spectacularly. My hair feels and looks amazing. This is definite must have in the stash and I will be getting more BF.
Hmmm, :scratchchin: Looks like I will be looking to try this one out a swell. Thanks for sharing your experience with it @curlyhersheygirl. I wasn't sure how the Keratin protein would be but if it has the slip you say, then I have to try it too.
Miss now: Naturelle Grow's Thick and Rich DC
I have been keeping it in the fridge to preserve it and heat it before I apply. I don't think this is good for it because when I finally took it out to use it, it had no slip and application was difficult. I'm going to have to keep them at room temperature because they apply better. This will slow down my need to hoard because I don't want anything to go bad.
Miss now: Naturelle Grow's Thick and Rich DC
I have been keeping it in the fridge to preserve it and heat it before I apply. I don't think this is good for it because when I finally took it out to use it, it had no slip and application was difficult. I'm going to have to keep them at room temperature because they apply better. This will slow down my need to hoard because I don't want anything to go bad.
That Thick and Rich was awful on my hair as well. I will never buy it again. Now that Vanilla Fig DC, that conditioner is bae. I already convo'ed them to find out if it will be available during BF and the answer is yes. It is not available on the site now however.
That Thick and Rich was awful on my hair as well. I will never buy it again. Now that Vanilla Fig DC, that conditioner is bae. I already convo'ed them to find out if it will be available during BF and the answer is yes. It is not available on the site now however.
Which is sad because the first two Thick and Rich I bought were wonderful. I've been eyeing the Vanilla Fig and the Asian Pear ones. I think I'm going to get them both for BF or before if she has a good sale.
I don't know but for once the scent didn't threaten to knock me over so I did a little dance of gratitude. I don't know why she has to put so much fragrance in her products.
It's an ugly fragrance too, like something has gone bad in the bottle. I have been mixing fragrance oils with my OHD to try and drown that nauseating smell. I'll watch out for more experiences similar to yours.
I don't know but for once the scent didn't threaten to knock me over so I did a little dance of gratitude. I don't know why she has to put so much fragrance in her products.

I think you may be on to something. I usually order a liter but missed the last sale. I ended up just getting a couple of 8ozs from Sally to tide me over. The smell is MUCH more powerful and the lotion is a tad bit thicker in the 8oz bottle. It doesn't bother me because I LOVE the smell but I could definitely tell the difference in fragrance strength and even consistency between the two sizes.
I think you may be on to something. I usually order a liter but missed the last sale. I ended up just getting a couple of 8ozs from Sally to tide me over. The smell is MUCH more powerful and the lotion is a tad bit thicker in the 8oz bottle. It doesn't bother me because I LOVE the smell but I could definitely tell the difference in fragrance strength and even consistency between the two sizes.
I'll keep buying the small because:
1) I love the smell and
2) I don't use it up quick enough for a liter size, although I have contemplated it over the years. It took me forever to use the 16 ounce.
I am glad to say my hair retains moisture for me to only have to moisturize once a week. Sometimes I might midweek just for the heck of it but most times I don't need to.
I think you may be on to something. I usually order a liter but missed the last sale. I ended up just getting a couple of 8ozs from Sally to tide me over. The smell is MUCH more powerful and the lotion is a tad bit thicker in the 8oz bottle. It doesn't bother me because I LOVE the smell but I could definitely tell the difference in fragrance strength and even consistency between the two sizes.
So that's why I never noticed the scent. I've only purchased he 16 oz and liter and never noticed a strong smell. Thought my nose was broken.