Senegalese Twists-Do they tend to look raggedy quicker than braids?


Well-Known Member
I just installed my individual braids for the the first time ever!! It took 3 days :look: But I love them and I saved a ton of money.

I really like the senegalese twists, but I want them to last at least 2 months. I'm a swimmer with natural hair so my hair would be getting wet often. But I don't want to invest the time in putting them in if they start to look like crap in 2 weeks.
Although some people on the board say they dont. I believe they do not last as long as braids especially if you have 4a/b hair like myself.

However I still like the twists/ The longest i have kept mine is is 2 months- where as I kept my braids in for 3 weeks. They really begin to look to ragedy after that point.
I think 6 weeks is ideal, espcially if you swim. It also depends on your preference. Some people are not bother by frizzy braids/twists while other just can not tolerate it.

Hope this helps!
I keep my twist in for 2 months and they look great. I would say it depends on the braider and how well you take care of the twist. Make sure the braider knows how to makes the braids look top notch. When you are swimming on a regular basis, wash the braids correctly so that it doesn't create fuzz. I wash my braids weekly and have no problems.