Sellers Forum

This forum is for advertisements. In order to post in this forum you will need to have the appropriate subscription levels. Please check the rules regarding this forum.

That is the description provided, so posting in that forum probably won't apply to most people anyway.
I could be wrong but I think this may apply to those "members" that join the site just to advertise. (The ones that are usually labeled 'trolls').
I could be wrong but I think this may apply to those "members" that join the site just to advertise. (The ones that are usually labeled 'trolls').

If that's the case, wonder how it would work? Suspend their memberships until they ante up the additional $294 for a year?
Folks have been advertising for FREE for so long so why start charging now?

So that means when i start reporting siggies that are advertising, something will actually be done about it?

Cause i see one every other post.