Self-trimmers: Are You Scissor-happy On Your Own Hair?


Cynic on the outside; Dreamer on the inside
Who here ends up trimming/cutting more they planned for whatever reason, whether for evenness/equality in length, being OCD about cutting off all/enough of the damage, or just a mistake in gauging how much you cut off (if you cut while curly, in twists, braids, etc.)? Ironically, when I used to visit stylists, I hated when they trimmed my hair because I'd lose as much or more than I retained. That said, whenever I do this to my own hair, I'm still not happy, but at the same time I'm not as upset because I know I made that choice and have to live with any mistakes I make.
I'm scissor happy. I trim/dust probably more than anybody on this board! lol I have OCD tendencies as well. It's not about just the look, but I don't wait to encounter split ends. And I can't hold on withered ends for the sake of length. i will watch a length check video, and I the vlogger will have 2-3 inches of splits ends, but will say she isn't gonna cut them, or she is gonna wait. It kills me inside! lol
I don't like stylists trimming my hair, due to them not really being able to gauge what I want to be cut. I don't always want it to be even all around. That's only if I'm trying to maintain a haircut. I trim each small section I flat iron. I don't trim big sections. Nobody is going to go through my hair like that. That's how I'm able to trim my whole head.
I have been but that's only because the hair desperately needed it.

Now I trim on a schedule rather than trim when I desperately need to. Like most of us I like having a bit of length but I've realised that I need to put my aspirations for length as a secondary importance because for me the good old trim enables a) immediate thickness of hair (or the appearance of it) b) hair looks more healthy and lush and c) curls hold better.

I only take a small amount off anyway so it doesn't disrupt things too much.

ETA: I prefer to be scissor happy than someone else being scissor happy in my head. Psychologically it's easier to deal with and get over.
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I have had to implement a schedule because I trim whenever my ends look uneven in twists - and we all know the ends of twists can look uneven when your ends are fine. I do however still snip broken ends whenever I see them. I figure that's fair, since all they can do is split more.
I can be. I typically inspect my ends every time I wash/style it. I always have shears on hand when doing my hair. I've trimmed/dusted a lot this year mainly due to fairy demons (ssk's).
yup i like thick ends when straight but I am trying to stop because my hair looks thicker when its longer. I may need to steal a page from @NaturalShe94 and stop straightening so often. it might be easier now since its hot and a press wont last me 5 minutes with this humidity anyway.
I'm not scissor happy at all. I trim twice a year, and only as much as I need. My ends care has been on point, so I usually end up trimming 1/2 to 1 inch.
I used to be but I've finally stopped because I got sick of my hair being shorter than it needed to be. Or it may be because I'm being kinder to my ends and don't feel the need. Either way I haven't trimmed in months. I stopped flat ironing my ends at high heat and that has helped a lot.

I trimmed too much in late 2015 and subsequently damaged my hair :mad: so I had much shorter hair in front than I wanted for most of 2016. The front of my hair grows at a crawl for some reason. My hair grows in layers.
The risk with cutting too much is if you have a setback you're really out of luck.
Not anymore. In the past two years I trimmed about 1/2 total. My ends always look good like I just trimmed. I protective style 100% of the time. My ends only see the light of day when I wash it lol.