self-relaxing tonight! any tips for short hair?


New Member
I have layered hair from when I was transitioning, short in the back and on the sides and a bit longer at the crown. I texturized my hair two months ago and now I'm going back to full-fledged relaxers (I have very thick resistant 4b hair) and I'm using Revlon Realistic Lye Regular. Since I have different lengths of hair and I have more obvious growth in the back than at the crown and front of my hair, how should I go about relaxing? Should I relax all the way to the ends in the back, since it all looks like new growth to me since it's so short...The sides are also very resistant too but the crown is almost noticeably straighter than the rest, it's the least resistant... how do I work these different textures? (I'm in a serious money crunch here and that's why I've made the commitment to do this at home - also, the comfort of my own home and the ability to control things when the tingles start also led to my decision). Also, should I apply Hot Six Oil to the entire hair in addition to basing my scalp (I have Sensitive Scalp base) as prep? thanks for any tips!
Do a search. Theres a bunch of self relaxing threads in the archives.
Protect the already relaxed hair with Vaseline or other grease. Also protect your ears. Start at the crown because that usually takes longer to process, then work your way down.

When doing home remedies, it's a trial and error. Just try not to overlap or let the relaxer stay on there too long.

Let us know how it works out.
When I self relax my hair I'll apply some conditioner to the parts that are already relaxed to prevent overlapping. You should try it I do it everytime.