Self-Relaxers Shopping List (?)


With Love & Silk
I am getting excited at the prospect of self-relaxing. I am excited about keeping that $70 in MY pocket. I am excited about not spending 5 hours in a salon. I am excited about not being mad because someone else messed up my hair. If it's messed up, at least it'll be my own fault!

Okay, so am I forgetting anything from this list:

*scalp base
*applicator comb
*rattail comb (I know this is bad for smoothing, but in the past stylists who've used these for smoothing are the only ones I didn't end up texlaxed/under processed)
*neutralizing 'poo
*conditioner for after neutralizing
This lists looks good. This is all I use with the exception of one of those little timers that ring when the time is up.
In addition to the timer that Grady Girl mentioned, I use those long plastic roller clips to section my hair. Other than that, your list looks good.

Self relaxing really isn't as hard as it seems. You'll get the hang of it in no time.
I'm going to beat that "Porosity Control" drum. It's really good to pre treat the previously relaxed ends of your hair and to add to the after relaxer conditioner.
Thanks for compiling this list and being generous enough to share! If I find Southern Girl's instructions, i will post it!
I personally don’t use a rattail comb to apply the cream.

Well, I can use it, but I don’t seem to have as much control over the areas I actually want the relaxer on and it takes longer for me to get the relaxer all over.

I use a small/regular size tint/color applicator with the same kind of handle as the rattail comb. I can get done faster with these and I have has less underprocessing and overlapping as a result

I posted this picture earlier in another thread, as well. It is just another option for those that may have the same problem that I do.

Info about this brush