Seeing an X-boyfriend years later

Yes, it was very nerve wrecking but I was running late for work and never got to talk to him. I was driving across a parking lot and he walked across in front of me. It was like a dream. Oh wait we did chat briefly because he emailed my old address that day and I checked it the same day because I figured he would. Never contacted each other since that day.
I had an ex-significant other take me on a date(?) a few years later...then announce they were married nonchalantly. I ran into them another time and they didnt introduce me to their wife, so I started to sense the score. I think we left too much unsaid between us and never disliked one another nor had hard times. They just graduated at the end of one semester (abruptly) and I was gearing up in school so it was like...see ya with no ceremonious ending.

I would prefer not to run into them again for these reasons. I dont want those "we aint done" feelings accidentally bubbling to the surface.