See What Yall Made Me Do! Thats right I bleached again! Pics.


Well-Known Member
Ok definitely too many coloring threads going around. Yall know that is irresistible for a color junkie like me. I played with fire before and melted all my bangs. I swore color off.

Much of my damage was from doing too much. Multiple bleaching and then relaxing in a span of a few weeks. Anyway I got this thing under control .

Now I bleached my hair. I was scared because of what happened last time. I only left the bleach on 15 minutes. It didn't lift as light as I wanted, but oh well. I dyed the root Atomic Turquoise and the length Flamingo pink. I wish I had did more of the green blue color.

I put a semi permanent black rinsed on the black. I wish I had bleached and colored more of the front before I dyed it black. I'm going to go over the green part again with more green color. It's really pretty in the sunlight. The pictures don't capture it. Pics. I'll post more picks when I finish with it.:look:

that is sooooooooooooooooooo pretty! OMG! i LOVE IT!

i love color, but i had a blonde/auburn/pink incident years ago and put the bottle down. i haven't had highlights since i melted some hair myself. an old friend i hadn't seen in a looooong time saw me recently and said "i never saw your real hair color before" hair is just boring brown now. i miss the blonde highlight days.

i can't wait to see more pics of your hair!
My Sister asked me to do her hair and I said no. Its one thing to experiment and risk fall out myself, totally different on someone else.BostonMaria Its not REALLY my fault! I have put away the scissors:grin:. That's one good thing. Although I did cut my bangs last night, lol
LOL some one on my facebook called me out about my green hair and I gave this whole speil about how I don't conform to societal norms, lol, but actually I just like green and pink lol.
I love it... I'm not brave enough for the green but the purple looks amazing!!! I be it looks even better in the sunlight
When dying my hair I found my first white hair in the front. I have a few in the back. It was soo sparkly and white. I'm going to love my white hair when I'm older.
Guys. You're killin me.
Stop with the color threads. Seriously.
I'm soooo TEMPTED to dye my entire head red. o_O
i NEED some... UMPH.

Its SOOOOO pretty tho!