I did it BKT...What do yall think?

MarieB, what do you wash and style your hair with?

Well I was washing with NTM, but that's got sodium chloride. I just bought HairOne Jojoba, but I have to wait a few days to shampoo. And I'm not supposed to use any products until after I shampoo. From what people are saying, we shouldn't need much of whatever we use. My DIL is thrilled because I told her she has first dibs on all my poos, cons, and whatnot with sodium chloride in them :lick:.
I bought new shampoos yesterday and finally washed my hair last night. It was awesome this morning! I put a little leave-in and a dab of Chi Silk Infusion and it came out straight and almost ready to wear! I had to straighten out the ends a little...I am definitely sticking with this for at least a year! I love it! I'm going to post pictures of the washed hair and the products I used in my fotki this afternoon!
Keen I also read some place that if you are applying it to a person who is all natural to let the neutralizing shampoo actually sit in their hair for about 15 minutes to help open the cuticle! HTH
I just saw a youtube BKT treatment where the stylist was using the Elucence clarifying shampoo and said to leave it on virgin hair for 10 - 15 minutes on to get the cuticles open in order to accept the treatment.
I'm 4a and have not relaxed in about 16 months. Last week I had the Lasio One day keratin treatment (one day wash out but lasts 2 - 4 months) and I am happy with the results.

I still have lots of curl but my hair is more manageable. I presume that the more I use Keratin, the more straight my hair will be after each treatment. Results are supposedly cummulative.

I washed Thursday and was able to airdry with no afro. I flat ironed and got great results....even through a rain storm yesterday. I have ZERO frizz and my hair is super soft with nothing added but HE LTR leave-in (before the flat iron) and a dab of coconut oil each morning.

I paid $75 at a salon in Brooklyn and it took 90 minutes total. Lasio Studios wanted $375for the one day treatment.

I have been taking photos: http://public.fotki.com/RegsWife/lasio-brazilian-hai/
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Wow ladies. I'm so interested in BKT. Seems like everyone here has had great things to say about BKT.

I definitely plan on doing this but probably not until Jan. I'm wearing a sew in for growth.

Keep the great reviews coming!
Naturaltobe, those three day flat iron pics with swang are :thud: ! I'm drooling, right now! Thank you so much for sharing your results. I had to chuckle when you had your steam rollers in and said you'd wished you'd have roller set your new head of hair because I was wishing the same thing!!! I kept thinking, I bet she'd have a FIERCE roller set!

Thanks again for such a detailed account of your experience. I can hardly wait.

Still white knuckling it... lol Trying to make it til June/July before I do it. :spinning:
I wonder can you continue using all your regular products and can you still get rollersets or do you have to flat iron? Do you have to use a heat protectant with all that flat ironing?
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