See thats why I only talk to LHCF about hair......


New Member
I am going to the ladies room just minding my own business. I wear my hair back in a butterfly clip.I wash my hands and readjust it. My hair is thick and I purposely don't wear too many ponytails or overly smooth my 6 week past relaxer edges because I realize fighting it breaks it. She asked me if I had a press and curl. I told her no its just relaxer and my super thick hair. Most people think I have a press because my hair is thick and in good condition. I guess they are only use to relaxers giving you stringy broken hair. She then begins to tell me not to wear my hair in ponytails because of damage to the hair. She had a short mushroom that barely met her ears. SINCE SHE STARTED, I told her I take excellent care of my hair. The reply was, "It still can break". She says, "Our hair is dry". I said, "Thats why you have to wash it. I wash mine every couple of days. If something is dry you give is moisture." She said, "No, No it needs oil. Thats why white people have long hair because of the oil." She was pleasent enough but wasn't trying to listen. I told her,"That is why my hair is as long as white peoples, because I take care of it". She said she did too but it was obvious we have different versions of that.
What I really am venting about is that I HATE, HATE comments about my hair, ESPECIALLY when the other person doesn't want to hear an opposing argument.
I agree the hair needs oil, if she only new the gallons I go through but when you can't even consider the idea that if something is dry it needs the number one moisterizer, WATER, then I can't even talk.
Yeah, I know, its long......
I would have just said "who asked you?", but I can be rude sometimes. I just can't stand unsolicited advice.
I remember recently talking to my mom about hair and she was like "It is really sad that black people can't grow hair.Every other race can.I guess God knew what he was doing when he gave us slow growing hair"
So I was like"Mom,if that were the case we would never need a touchup.Our hair is just more prone to breakage so we tend not to see the growth"
She then starts to tell me "Let's call a spade a spade.That is God's plan for black people.Don't question God"

I became exasperated at this point and just let her keep talking about

And that is why I only talk to LHCF about hair also....too many misinformed people out there.
Yea, I try not to talk to anyone else about hair because people who try to tell me how to take care of it are bald. I got more hair than them on the sides than they do on their entire head. This is why i only talk to you guys when I am discouraged about my length and regimen.
Thanks ladies for listening.

Why did someone tell me that our texture is a punishment from God????? You just need to know what to do with it!!!!
Why do people with 5 inches of hair tell you what to do when your hair is twice as long???? Imagining what they would do if they had some to play with!!!!

I appreciate that even if we all don't agree on everything, we can at least listen to the other persons opinion.
CrownnGlori said:
I appreciate that even if we all don't agree on everything, we can at least listen to the other persons opinion.

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Amen to that!!!
It sad that the industry makes so much money off of our peoples ignorance. I'm glad you stood up for yourself and defended your hair!
That's just amazing the whole thing about God punishing us!!! I think God gave US and EXTRA SPECIAL blessing!!! He made us unique!! Our hair is the most versatile hair on the planet!!! Let's remember that when it comes to hair and beauty we throughout the diaspora are 400 years behind everyone else. What I mean by that is that when our African Ancestors arrived here they didn't have their own styling tools, AND they encountered this little skinny European comb! Now what's a super thick head of Afro hair supposed to do with that but break it???!!! So we've really come a long way with hair! Heck, it's only been a good 35 years that we've even had cosmetics formulated to meet the wide variety of skin colours we come in - Fashion Fair and Flori Roberts were the first and it's only been in the last 10 years that all the major cosmetics brands have either made a line for women of colour or expanded their foundation colours! So really we're playing catch up when it comes to hair and beauty. We're really lucky when you think about it. Those of us here are changing a lot of those plantation attitudes we used to have regarding our hair. Also, alphahydroxy products are WONDERFUL for our skin! This is another thing that's just been made available over the last 10 or so years! Anyhoo, sorry to bore anyone with my long dissertation. But I guess I see why many of us say we'll only talk to eachother on LHCF about hair because there's so much ignorance out there. But then again, we're probably the ones who NEED to educate the masses!! But it is hard to deal with people who don't want to listen to advice that can only help them!
OOh u reminded me. i need to vent. Ok my roommate has 3b curls and she is growing out a relaxer. She has split end galore and she flat irons it daily to keep it straight. Then she puts grease and gel on the front part and calls it a day. Her hair is shoulder length and it is breaking. She thinks that because she has what she calls "good hair" it will grow back. Its' been a year since her stylist went scissor happy and it is the same length except frizzy on the ends. I tried to give her advice but she is so stuck in her ways. She said she inherited her split ends because her mom has them too.
I gave up on her.

Ok so the next girl lives next door to me. She washes her hair once a month (the hairdresser does and relaxes it) and oil sheens it everyday. It is falling out BAD. All over her bed and clothes. I told her that her hair is dry and she was like "no it isn't! i have a big oil stain on my pillow. my hair isn't dry!" i just let her be. I tried to give her advice but nooooooooo she doesn't want to listen. I'm thru wit them. I'm only talking to LHCF about hair!
I'm still a newbie to both LHCF (and my own natural hair), but I've learned so much in the past month or two, so I'm always eager to share. But I only talk to people about hair if they bring it up first and seem genuinely interested. Otherwise it's wasted time and energy.
I agree with that Kerplunky! If they bring it up and sound really genuinely interested, I'll be happy to share with them any and everything I've learned! If they have a close-minded attitude and wish to think of themselves as punished by God..............well, I have little to say other than "Have a nice day" to someone who thinks something like that! Hey, I rhymed!! I didn't even mean to. I'm a poet and didn't know it! Tee Hee!!
Just stop, She knows so much let her hair fall out and when she is bald as a q-ball then ask her if her hair is dry.
I hate when people with no hair try and tell you what you need to do with your hair. But,I really don't tell too many people about my hair because I could talk all day long about. I have told the people closes to me but when they are uninterested I let it rest. If they want that ugly broke hair fine with me. I don't have to go around being you!
CocoaCure said:
That's just amazing the whole thing about God punishing us!!! I think God gave US and EXTRA SPECIAL blessing!!! He made us unique!! Our hair is the most versatile hair on the planet!!! Let's remember that when it comes to hair and beauty we throughout the diaspora are 400 years behind everyone else. What I mean by that is that when our African Ancestors arrived here they didn't have their own styling tools, AND they encountered this little skinny European comb! Now what's a super thick head of Afro hair supposed to do with that but break it???!!! So we've really come a long way with hair! Heck, it's only been a good 35 years that we've even had cosmetics formulated to meet the wide variety of skin colours we come in - Fashion Fair and Flori Roberts were the first and it's only been in the last 10 years that all the major cosmetics brands have either made a line for women of colour or expanded their foundation colours! So really we're playing catch up when it comes to hair and beauty. We're really lucky when you think about it. Those of us here are changing a lot of those plantation attitudes we used to have regarding our hair. Also, alphahydroxy products are WONDERFUL for our skin! This is another thing that's just been made available over the last 10 or so years! Anyhoo, sorry to bore anyone with my long dissertation. But I guess I see why many of us say we'll only talk to eachother on LHCF about hair because there's so much ignorance out there. But then again, we're probably the ones who NEED to educate the masses!! But it is hard to deal with people who don't want to listen to advice that can only help them!

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My mom didn't mean we are punished by God.She meant that she thinks that is just God's will and we should let it be since He should know best what is for us.Nothing I say can make her think differently.The only way I can get her to change her mind is when I grow brastrap hair
Re: See thats why I only talk to LHCF about hair..

CocoaCure said:
That's just amazing the whole thing about God punishing us!!! I think God gave US and EXTRA SPECIAL blessing!!! He made us unique!! Our hair is the most versatile hair on the planet!!! Let's remember that when it comes to hair and beauty we throughout the diaspora are 400 years behind everyone else. What I mean by that is that when our African Ancestors arrived here they didn't have their own styling tools, AND they encountered this little skinny European comb! Now what's a super thick head of Afro hair supposed to do with that but break it???!!! So we've really come a long way with hair! Heck, it's only been a good 35 years that we've even had cosmetics formulated to meet the wide variety of skin colours we come in - Fashion Fair and Flori Roberts were the first and it's only been in the last 10 years that all the major cosmetics brands have either made a line for women of colour or expanded their foundation colours! So really we're playing catch up when it comes to hair and beauty. We're really lucky when you think about it. Those of us here are changing a lot of those plantation attitudes we used to have regarding our hair. Also, alphahydroxy products are WONDERFUL for our skin! This is another thing that's just been made available over the last 10 or so years! Anyhoo, sorry to bore anyone with my long dissertation. But I guess I see why many of us say we'll only talk to eachother on LHCF about hair because there's so much ignorance out there. But then again, we're probably the ones who NEED to educate the masses!! But it is hard to deal with people who don't want to listen to advice that can only help them!

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Well said........... I have a question/comment..... I believe ( no research but just thought I had heard this) that Cleopatra and her "crew" were very into beauty treatments and methods that are still used today, I find it hard to believe they didn't have styling tools
( maybe they were different tools but they were tools suited for their type of hair)....just a thought

and I didn't know Alpha hydroxy were good for our skin I though Betas were better.......

(could you comment either here or a PM)

PS...I've always thought our hair was a's delicate and precious...requires alot of attention!!!! AND is Extremely versatile...... beautiful whichever way you rock it!
Re: See thats why I only talk to LHCF about hair..

yeah i heard that cleopatra used to have milk facials and milk baths to soften her skin...ahhhhh sounds soothing....
Re: See thats why I only talk to LHCF about hair..

I think she meant the slaves. We didn't have anything over here and had to start from the beginning
karezone said:
I don't even bother. If they like sweeping their hair up out of the floor then so be it.

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Karezone is funny!!!
CCD said: PS...I've always thought our hair was a's delicate and precious...requires alot of attention!!!! AND is Extremely versatile...... beautiful whichever way you rock it!

Amen to that. I think everything about Black people is stunning. Our hair, our music, our athletic ability, our intellect, our faith, our ability to overcome and survive, our dignity, our food, our lips, our hips, our skin . . . how many aunties do you have who are over 50 years old but have the skin of a 30-something woman. There are two Black men at my job who look about 35-40. They both are in their mid-60s. Not one single, solitary wrinkle. We are a blessed people, from head to toe!!!!

perfect peace
Girl! *picking myself up off the floor*

A MUSHROOM! WHOA! I haven't seen that style since the mid 80's!

@ are too much!
Re: See thats why I only talk to LHCF about hair..

perfectpeace said:
CCD said: PS...I've always thought our hair was a's delicate and precious...requires alot of attention!!!! AND is Extremely versatile...... beautiful whichever way you rock it!

Amen to that. I think everything about Black people is stunning. Our hair, our music, our athletic ability, our intellect, our faith, our ability to overcome and survive, our dignity, our food, our lips, our hips, our skin . . . how many aunties do you have who are over 50 years old but have the skin of a 30-something woman. There are two Black men at my job who look about 35-40. They both are in their mid-60s. Not one single, solitary wrinkle. We are a blessed people, from head to toe!!!!

perfect peace

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Re: See thats why I only talk to LHCF about hair..

oh wee, i would have been like why are you talkin to me, look who has the short hair, and look who has the long hair, and walk away.
Re: See thats why I only talk to LHCF about hair..

beta is better for oily/acne prone skin because they penitrate and clean out the pores. alphas only clean the top layer of the skin and cannot penitrate rhe pores.